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Selenium Documentation — Selenium Documentation

Selenium - Web Browser Automation File Downloads With Selenium — Mission Impossible? | When starting to automate acceptance tests that include a web UI, you probably will hit a wall quite quickly: how to verify a document that is available for download against some criteria? If you tried that one you know: doing file downloads automatically seems to be a mission impossible … or … is it really? Frequent weapon of choice for testing web UIs is Selenium. File download: The download dialog is native in all browsers and cannot be controled with JavaScript. Approaches to solve the download problem The problem of file downloads with Selenium can be tackled in various ways. 1. This might eventually work, but I found it to be techical overkill. 2. Well, that could work. 3. Problem solved? Conclusion: download problem Finally we can conclude, that it is possible to download files, but it’s a piece of work and eventually new tools are necessary. What was the other problem again? Approaches to solve the file transfer problem Well, admitted, that’s not a real problem. Problem solved

Downloads Below is where you can find the latest releases of all the Selenium components. You can also find a list of previous releases, source code, and additional information for Maven users (Maven is a popular Java build tool). Selenium Standalone Server The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium WebDriver. Download version 3.3.1 To run Selenium tests exported from IDE, use the Selenium Html Runner. To use the Selenium Server in a Grid configuration see the wiki page. The Internet Explorer Driver Server This is required if you want to make use of the latest and greatest features of the WebDriver InternetExplorerDriver. Download version 3.3 for (recommended) 32 bit Windows IE or 64 bit Windows IE CHANGELOG Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings In order to create scripts that interact with the Selenium Server (Selenium RC, Selenium Remote WebDriver) or create local Selenium WebDriver scripts, you need to make use of language-specific client drivers. C# NuGet Selenium IDE SeLite

Angling to develop for Google Glass? Google gives some insight If you’re looking for a taste of what it will be like to develop for Google Glass, the company posted a video demonstrating the hardware and a little bit of the API on Thursday. Timothy Jordan, a senior developer advocate at Google, gave a talk at SXSW in early March that lasted just shy of an hour and gave a look into the platform. Google Glass bears more similarity to the Web than the Android mobile operating system, so developing for it is simpler than creating an Android application. During the talk, Jordan goes over some the functionality developers can get out of the Mirror API, which allows apps to pop Timeline Cards into a user’s view, as well as show new items from services the user might be subscribed to (weather, wire services, and so forth). Jordan also shows how users can interact with items that crop up using the API.

Home - Selenium Learning Assembly Language, Part 2: Little Man Computer Last time we discussed the CARDIAC assembly language. We did everything by hand. It was also incredibly limited. This time, we will introduce a more comprehensive assembly language which is also done completely by hand. The architecture is known as the "Little Man Computer", it too is in decimal (base-10). The little man computer is a model designed to assist in the understanding of the fetch/execute cycle, through the visualization of elements of the computer architecture that would normally remain hidden. The story is the suppose we have a "little man" trapped in a room with 100 mailboxes. We also have two mailboxes at the other end labelled INBOX and OUTBOX which are used for receiving and outputting data to the outside world. In the center of the room, there is a work area containing a simple two function (addition and subtraction) calculator known as the Accumulator and a reset-able counter known as the Program Counter. Architecture Specifications Mnemonics Labels We can do more! Exercises

Charles Web Debugging Proxy • HTTP Monitor / HTTP Proxy / HTTPS & SSL Proxy / Reverse Proxy विकिपीडिया Scala (langage) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Scala intègre les paradigmes de programmation orientée objet et de programmation fonctionnelle, avec un typage statique. Il concilie ainsi ces deux paradigmes habituellement opposés (à de rares exceptions près, telle que le langage OCaml) et offre au développeur la possibilité de choisir le paradigme le plus approprié à son problème. Il est prévu pour être compilé en bytecode Java (exécutable sur la JVM), ou .Net. Ces deux plateformes sont supportées officiellement par l'EPFL. Si on souhaite l'utiliser exclusivement avec la JVM, il est alors possible d'utiliser les bibliothèques écrites en Java de façon complètement transparente. Les développeurs habitués à un seul paradigme (par exemple ceux ayant utilisé principalement Java qui, lui, repose sur la programmation orientée objet) peuvent trouver ce langage déroutant et difficile car il nécessite l'apprentissage de concepts différents si on veut pouvoir exploiter tout son potentiel.

Jepp - Java Embedded Python Java Native Interface Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation de JNI : Certaines fonctions du matériel ou du système d'exploitation ne sont pas gérées dans les bibliothèques JavaPouvoir s'interfacer avec des applications écrites dans d'autres langagesPour les applications temps réel, utiliser un langage compilé (c'est-à-dire du code natif) sera plus rapide que de passer par le bytecode de Java. Complexité de la programmation[modifier | modifier le code] Interfacer JNI est moins complexe avec un langage qui utilise déjà des objets (comme le C++), alors qu'à l'opposé des langages comme le C n'ont pas de concept d'objet et rendent la programmation plus ardue. Fonctionnement de JNI[modifier | modifier le code] Voici un exemple type d'appel d'une fonction JNI. JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ClassName_MethodName (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { //Implement Native Method Here } Le pointeur env est une structure qui contient l'interface vers la JVM. Annexes[modifier | modifier le code]

MR3020 Download the firmware update that applies to the type of router that you are using to build your LibraryBox. Pay special attention to the Version # of the hardware, as some of these have a v1 and v2 where the hardware changes and a different firmware is needed. Download the LibraryBox v2.0 Install folder (as zip file) MD5 Hash: 59423526AE160107E60265C212904E1E Unzip the file, so that you are left with an install folder, and copy both the install folder AND the firmware file onto your FAT 32 formatted USB stick. The only things on your USB drive should be a folder called "install" copied from the unzipped file and the firmware. Plug the FAT 32 formatted USB drive into the router's USB port. If the router has a selection switch for mode (like the MR3020) ensure that it's set to WISP. Step I is done.

Hadoop Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Hadoop a été créé par Doug Cutting et fait partie des projets de la fondation logicielle Apache depuis 2009. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] En 2004, Google publie un article présentant son algorithme basé sur des opérations analytiques à grande échelle sur un grand cluster de serveurs, le MapReduce, ainsi que son système de fichier en cluster, le GoogleFS. Architecture[modifier | modifier le code] Hadoop Distributed File System[modifier | modifier le code] Une architecture de machines HDFS (aussi appelée cluster HDFS) repose sur deux types de composants majeurs : Le HDFS n'est pas entièrement conforme aux spécifications POSIX, en effet les exigences relatives à un système de fichiers POSIX diffèrent des objectifs cibles pour une application Hadoop. MapReduce[modifier | modifier le code] Hadoop dispose d'une implémentation complète de l'algorithme de MapReduce. HBase[modifier | modifier le code] Article détaillé : HBase.

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