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Eye - Optical illusion

Eye - Optical illusion

Logiciel associé A3 - Comment produire une réponse adaptée ? Nous savons donc que le système nerveux est constitué de centres nerveux reliés aux organes par des nerfs... Mais comment ça marche ? Pour comprendre, étudions le comportement d'une grenouille... Grenouille intacte Observe bien le comportement de la grenouille : - elle voit l'insecte (l'oeil bouge) - elle bondit pour le saisir (mouvement) Tu vas maintenant chercher le rôle des différents organes du système nerveux : le cerveau, le nerf optique qui est un nerf sensitif, la moelle épinière, les nerfs de la cuisses qui sont des nerfs moteurs. ► Clique sur les ciseaux pour détruire un des organes et observer le résultat sur le comportement de la grenouille. Note au fur et à mesure les résultats dans le tableau que tu trouveras ici (garde l'onglet ouvert) : Grenouille avec le cerveau détruit Grenouille avec les nerfs optiques (sensitifs) détruits Grenouille avec la moelle épinière sectionnée Grenouille avec les nerfs des cuisses sectionnés

Gravity-defying video illusion goes with the flow | Games Blog The video you’re about to see by master illusionist Brusspup looks like some kind of expensive CGI footage scraped off the cutting room floor of the Matrix movies. In fact, though, all it takes is a hose, a subwoofer, a video camera, and a little technical know-how: Want to know how it’s done? Brusspup creates the stunning effect by exploiting an aspect of the way video cameras work. The camera records at 24 frames per second; by using the speaker to vibrate the water hose at a corresponding 24Hz (24 vibrations per second), Brusspup exactly matches the framerate. For more of Brusspup’s illusions, check out his Youtube channel.

300 años de la RAE: Limpia, fija y da esplendor Do Not Touch Bilan 1 Group Of Paper Chain People Holding Hands Stock Photo 91046633 All Images Refine Your Search Save to a Lightbox ▼ Please Login... To organize photos in lightboxes you must first register or login. Find Similar Images Share ▼ Group of paper chain people holding hands Stock Photo: Image ID: 91046633 Release Information: N/A Copyright: STILLFX Same Artist | See All Similar Images | See All Keywords alongside, anonymous, beside, blue, bonding, chain, community, companion, companionship, company, concept, conceptual, contacts, cooperate, cooperating, cooperation, couples, doll, friends, friendship, group, hands, holding, human, humanity, idea, males, mankind, meeting, men, paper, paper chain, partner, partnership, people, relationship, simple, society, staff, standing, strength, support, team, teamwork, together, togetherness, united, unity View Images by Category 36,237,215 royalty-free stock images / 262,927 new stock images added this week How do you like this page? Not Registered? Create a Free Browse Account

Baby Sister Givez Zero F**ks That She's Going To Disney Land! ღ (ORIGINAL VIDEO). These Bears Forget To Be Bears! Witness As They Try To Act Like Humans! Bears are pretty dangerous creatures, especially when you’re living near the woods! However, not all bears are contented with just staying in their natural habitat. In fact, there are sightings of them in the yards, in the pool, and even knocking someone’s door like a Jehovah’s Witness. To prove that, here we have a series of pictures and gifs showing bears that forget to be bears. A bear that likes playing hide and seek Kung Fu Bear A bear that’s catching up on the news Bears having family arguments Bears gone ballin’ That bear that’s getting ready for the club Bear in pondering existence The bear that forget what he did when you got too drunk last night The bear that’s cooling off on a hot day A bear that’s been up for some tetherball A panda bear having fun on a slide A bear that’s going on jet skiing “Get in the car dude! This cool bear stretching before a quick run That bear that is relaxing in the hammock “Ok, I’m done with the pool for now.” This bear that’s bringing the kids to the playground

Bilan 2 MSM Accidentally Airs Incriminating 9/11 Evidence ? There's Nothing Like Wiener Dog Races! Letter Scramble - Jugar al Letter Scramble Elimina todas las fichas del puzzle alinéandolas de 3 en 3 en vertical u horizontal. Haz click para cambiar de lugar las piezas. Doyu Gems Adventures La mejor forma de pasar el tiempo con un clásico mahjong. Mahjong Legacy Of Luxor Juego de física y puzzle, tendrás que mover y rotar los objetos para ayudar a Durian a recoger todas las frutas de la pantalla. Durians Revenge Coloca alineados al menos 3 personajes iguales de los Simpsons para conseguir monedas. The Simpsons Bejeweled Tu objetivo es llevar el rayo de luz hasta la nave para que pueda despegar colocando los reflectores en la posición correcta. Refraction 2 Nueva versión del clásico Bubble shooter donde el objetivo será eliminar todas las bolas de la pantalla creando grupos de 3 o más con el ratón. Bubble Dispara las burbujas que contienen a los superhéroes más famosos y elimínalos en grupos de 3 iguales. Avengers Shooting Game Toony Roobix Farm Of Dreams Un juego de buscar objetos que requiere mucha agudeza visual. Mario Miner 1 Absolut
