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Pain Relief Lotion Bars Recipe

Pain Relief Lotion Bars Recipe
Lotion bars are one of my favorite natural beauty recipes to make. They are a simple way to moisturize and nourish the skin and they can be easily customized for a variety of uses. This variation is one of my favorites, especially for after athletic training or on sore muscles. These natural pain relief lotion bars smell excellent and work wonders on sore or tired muscles! Pain Relief Lotion Bars Pain relief lotion bars help soothe the pain of achy muscles naturally with herbs and natural remedies. Author: Wellness Mama Recipe type: Remedy Ingredients ⅓ cup coconut oil⅓ cup shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter⅓ cup beeswax (can add an extra ounce or two if you want a thicker consistency, which leaves less lotion on the skin when used)1 tablespoon of Menthol Crystals10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil½ tsp Arnica Oil (optional)This recipe can be adjusted to make any quantity that you’d like. Instructions How to Use: To apply to skin: hold bar in hand and carefully rub on dry skin. Related:  nullnull142Homemadeherbology and diet

Zero Guilt Snacks The Cambridge English Dictionary illustrates the term "guilt-free" as follows: "...allowing you to enjoy something without feeling unhappy that you are doing something bad: a guilt-free chocolate cake made without fat....." In short, guilt-free means to indulge without limitations. It has been implied over the years that snacks have had an almost nefarious reputation of being decadent, indulgent and just flat out unhealthy. The Snack Shell Game "Healthy snacks" have been mass produced for years by the same companies that are STILL selling the decadent, unhealthy stuff to the masses. But, what if you could have snacks that are tasty and healthy at the same time? Yes, you could go to the grocery store or local convenience store to pick up some "healthy snacks" for a ridiculous price OR you could make them at home for mere pennies per portion.... Homemade and Healthy Remember sneaking into the kitchen when you were young to steal a snack when mom was not looking? The reason? Frankensnacks?

Baume réparateur pour le corps adapté aux enfants Voici un article invité rédigé par Nathalie du blog Passion huiles essentielles. Je suis très heureuse de publier cet article écrit pour les visiteurs de mon blog. Il s’agit d’une recette d’un baume réparateur pour le corps à l’huile de nigelle et à la camomille. Cette recette est adaptée aux enfants et adultes qui ont la peau rugueuse et très sèche. Je suis très contente que Sandrine me reçoive sur son blog et c’est avec grand plaisir que j’ai écrit cet article sur l’un de mes derniers essais en matière de cosmétiques maison. Je réfléchissais déjà depuis un moment à une recette de baume réparateur que je voulais faire pour mon fils qui a la peau très sèche et rugueuse à certains endroits, surtout sur les bras au niveau des zones de frottements des vêtements. Je vous présente donc la recette que j’ai retenue pour mon baume réparateur maison. La recette du baume réparateur Contenant : pot 30 ml Ingrédients : La préparation : Le baume va rapidement commencer à blanchir et à se solidifier.

22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain A sore throat can be a royal pain in the uh…throat. Like blinking, we never notice how much we swallow until we start paying attention to it, and when it hurts like nobody’s business, it’s kind of difficult not to pay attention. But before you go getting down about how long you’re going to have to suffer with it, consider taking some action-relief may be close than you think. Below are 22 simple at home sore throat remedies that will help you get started on naturally soothing the ache. Save Note: Do not give honey on its own or otherwise to children under the age of 1 year. 1. When your Grandmother told you to gargle with salt water, she knew what she was talking about. When our throats hurt, regardless of what causes it, it’s because the cells in the mucous membranes have become swollen and inflamed. You will need… -1 cup of warm water (8 oz.) -½ teaspoon of table salt Directions Heat water until it’s warm, but not hot. 2. Directions If you’re using it, pour the alcohol into a large mug.

Make Your Own Natural Salve for Pain Relief - NaturalON If you haven’t already heard, the health benefits of cayenne are truly amazing. Used as an herbal pain reliever, cayenne has compounds that improve the immune system, stop the bleeding from a cut, and can relieve pain like nothing else! Cayenne is found in many chilies, bell peppers, and paprika. These plants have been cultivated for at least 7,000 years. Early European explorers brought seeds from their visits to South America back to their homelands, and from there they spread quickly throughout the world. Photo credit: The active ingredient in cayenne is called capsaicin, and it’s this ingredient that works so well at reducing pain. If you go to your local drugstore you will find many different types of creams and lotions, all of which contain cayenne to one degree or another. You can use this salve on just about anything from sore muscles to stiff joints to nerve pain and bruises. Take a look at just how easy it is to make your own cayenne salve. Ingredients: Instructions:

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Fabriquer un Baume capillaire à base d'huile d'argan et agrumes | Blog Centifolia cosmétiques bio Par L'équipe Centifolia, le juillet 12th, 2011 Ce baume capillaire est un véritable fortifiant pour vos cheveux. Il est à base d’huile d’argan bio, reconnue pour ses vertus nourrissantes et protectrices. Recette de baume capillaire Liste des ingrédients pour fabriquer votre Baume capillaire argan et agrumes : 42ml d’huile végétale d’argan bio54g de beurre de karité bio15 gouttes d’huile essentielle de citron bio15 gouttes d’huile essentielle d’orange douce bio2g de cire d’abeille bio7 gouttes de vitamine E naturelle Matériel nécessaire : Un bolUn mini-fouetUne balance numériqueUne éprouvette ou un bol doseur Flaconnage recommandé : un pot de 100ml Recette pour fabriquer votre Baume capillaire : Dans un bol, mettre le beurre de karité, la cire d’abeille et l’huile végétale d’argan.Faire chauffer au bain-marie.Une fois les ingrédients fondus, retirer du feu, puis ajouter les gouttes d’huiles essentielles, la vitamine E et remuer au mini- fouet.Verser dans le pot puis laisser refroidir.

Which Medical Miracle is Sitting Right in Your Own Bathroom? - NaturalON Photo credit: One of the best household remedies around is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This is truly a miraculous substance. It’s available everywhere, super inexpensive, completely safe, and perhaps best of all, it works…well, miracles! Hydrogen peroxide has been used at least as far back as the early part of the 19th century, when many bacterial diseases were killed by H2O2, including syphilis, asthma, ulcers, cholera, and whooping cough. In your body’s immune system, hydrogen peroxide is released by T-cells to kill off fungi, viruses, and bacteria. An important factor to remember is that the normal hydrogen peroxide you get at your local drug store, which is normally marked 3% hydrogen peroxide, should never be taken internally. Hydrogen peroxide has hundreds of uses, but take a look at the top 20 ways you can use this little miracle in a brown bottle all over your house. 1. 2. 3. NOTE: Don’t ever swallow peroxide. 4. 5. Continue to Page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Continue to Page 3

How to Clean Your Liver with 5 Natural Liver-Cleansing Tips Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it, and therefore keeping all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime. For this reason, it’s important to know how to clean your liver thoroughly and effectively – oh, and naturally. Your liver works to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances that we’ve eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on our bodies. When it is overworked—as it is in many modern adults—or when you are under a significant amount of physical or even mental stress, your liver can struggle to keep up. “The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver,” explains Dr. How to Clean Your Liver – No Products Required So, what can you do about it? 1. Source: Natural Society Related:

KurtMIND: Easy To Digest The major holiday season is over. If you're like millions of others out there, you may have unintentionally (or in some cases intentionally) overindulged in traditional meals. For this reason alone I highly recommend colon cleansing as part of your essential path to improved health. A Problem Of Modern TimesApproximately two million people in this country have colon problems such as colitis, ileitis (Crohn's), and diverticulitis. Colon irrigation treatment or "colonic" (as it is commonly known) is therapeutic cleansing of the colon using a gentle warm water flush that usually takes an hour or less per session. Your colon becomes impacted due to dried mucus & fecal matter (sorry to be so descriptive) which forms an inner layer that has the consistency of hard tire rubber inside of your colon walls. Our over-busy lifestyles and meager diets contribute greatly to the accumulation of unwanted waste materials in the colon. Love what you're looking at?

L'herbe de blé permet aux cheveux gris de retrouver leur couleur naturelle! Les cheveux gris sont le signe ultime du processus de vieillissement, et environ la moitié des gens de 50 ans ont au moins 50% de cheveux gris. Les gens ont essayé de couvrir leurs cheveux gris en utilisant des colorants capillaires coûteux, mais ce n’est pas la bataille la plus facile, car les cheveux gris sont un adversaire assez coriace. Exact? La consommation régulière d’herbe de blé fraiche a prouvé sa capacité à faire revenir la couleur naturelle des cheveux, il est donc bon de savoir que vous pouvez profiter d’une couleur brillante et naturelle même durant votre vieillesse. Et ce n’est pas le seul avantage fourni par la consommation de cette herbe miraculeuse. La médecine traditionnelle chinoise (MTC) associe la pigmentation des cheveux à la qualité du sang et la force de vos reins. L’herbe de blé (du Triticum aestivum) est composée de 70% de chlorophylle, ce qui la rend efficace dans le rétablissement de la santé des reins et du sang. La détoxification est la première étape.
