Warm Gun: How to Win Users & Influence Behavior In his How to Win Users & Influence Behavior presentation at the Warm Gun Design conference in San Francisco, CA BJ Fogg walked through how behavior can be systematically understood and used for design. Here’s my notes from his talk. Behavior is systematic. It’s only complicated if you don’t understand how behavior works.Behavior can be designed for: pick the right behaviors to target, design specifically for them, and test your solutions quickly.The behavior equation: b= mat. Behavior happens when motivation, ability, and triggers come together at the same time. Know the Behavior You Want Get clear on the behavior you are trying to target. Think in Terms of the Behavior Model What will motivate people to do what you want?
Introduction au design basé sur le comportement — Officielle France Jusque-là, c’est évident. La vraie question est de savoir pourquoi ils ont échoué à s’adapter aux comportements de leurs utilisateurs. En général, lorsqu’un comportement n’a pas lieu, c’est parce qu’il manque un de ces trois éléments (ou qu’il n’est pas suffisant). MotivationCapacitéDéclencheur Pour qu’un comportement donné se produise, une personne doit être motivée et capable de l’effectuer. Ce modèle simple est appelé le Fogg Behavior Model. Il est possible de séparer chacun des éléments ci-dessus en sous-éléments pour obtenir une plus grande clarté, mais pour l'instant, nous allons simplement nous en tenir à ce niveau “macro” en utilisant un comportement d’exemple : la course à pied. Disons que vous vouliez aller courir cet après-midi, mais ne l'avez pas fait. Il se peut que vous ayez totalement oublié d'aller courir parce que vous étiez pris dans une autre activité. Déclencheur InterneExterne Voici quelques exemples de déclencheurs externes : Besoin de quelque chose ? Capacité Motivation
bjfogg: I sketched how motivation works... Le passage à l’action mis en équation. Quels impacts sur la formation ? - Ancrage Mémoriel® De nombreuses formations restent inefficaces car les apprenants ne sont pas motivés. Il est bien connu que la motivation est une clef fondamentale pour une formation réussie. Le modèle comportemental du chercheur B.J. Fogg tente de nous démontrer qu’il est nécessaire qu’un formateur motive ses apprenants pour optimiser une formation. B.J. En utilisant le modèle comportemental de Fogg, on peut constater ce qu’il a manqué à un individu qui n’est pas passé à l’action. la motivation ;la capacité ;le déclencheur. Spécifiquement, le FBM décrit trois types de motivation : plaisir / douleur ;espoir / crainte ;acceptation sociale / rejet. Les facteurs de capacité sont : le temps ;l’argent ;l’effort physique ;les cycles cérébraux ;la déviance sociale ;la non-routine. Les trois types de déclencheur sont : le signal pour un déclencheur pur ;le facilitateur pour un déclencheur qui augmente la capacité ;le motivateur pour un déclencheur qui augmente la motivation.
Wireframes are dead, long live rapid prototyping Wireframes, your time is up. You’ve served your purpose. You’ve brought order where there was once chaos and provided gainful employment for thousands of UX designers, but I’m afraid now it’s time for you to go to the big recycling bin in the sky. You’re just no longer cut out for the cut and thrust of UX design and have been replaced by that young upstart called rapid prototyping. In this article I argue why you too should ditch wireframes and embrace rapid prototyping. What are wireframes? In the same way that architectural drawings might outline what goes where for buildings, wireframes outline what goes where for a set of UI screens. An example wireframe with footnotes Wireframes are usually put together by a UX designer (or designers) prior to any visual design work and are typically constructed using diagramming tools such as Visio and Omnigraffle, or design and drawing tools such as InDesign and Fireworks. Why ditch wireframes? So what’s so wrong with wireframes?
Self-determination theory Macro theory of human motivation and personality Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people's innate growth tendencies and innate psychological needs. It pertains to the motivation behind people's choices in the absence of external influences and distractions. Self-determination theory[edit] Humanistic psychology has been influential in the creation of SDT.[12] Humanistic psychology is interested in looking at a person's psyche and personal achievement for self-efficacy and self-actualization. To this day, it may be difficult for a parent, coach, mentor, and teacher to motivate and help others complete specific tasks and goals. Summary of the SDT mini-theories[edit] Cognitive evaluation theory (CET): explains the relationship between internal motivation and external rewards. Organismic dialectical perspective[edit] The organismic dialectical perspective sees all humans as active organisms interacting with their environment.
UX deliverables are dead, long live code - fantasticlife's posterous This post is a possibly ranty reaction to the recent Wireframes are dead, long live rapid prototyping post on UX for the masses. If you’ve not read it, it’s definitely worth a click. And also worth working your way through the comments it generated. But I disagree with the post on two counts. the alternative is to bypass wireframes altogether and either go straight from sketch / outline designs to developing working code (in an Agile fashion), or as is more use common use [sic] a rapid prototyping tool to create a prototype which loses me at the comma. If wireframes aren’t dead I’d be more than happy to take them outside and put a bullet through their head It’s probably best to consider this list a personal addendum to the six reasons to ditch wireframes list in the original post. ‘UX professionals’ seem to be obsessed with defining optimum user experience. If wireframes are dead, rapid prototyping tools should die in their arms So I don’t really like wireframes.
Dieter Rams: Apple has achieved something I never did When Ive talks about Rams designing “surfaces that were without apology, bold, pure, perfectly-proportioned, coherent and effortless”, he could equally be talking about the iPod. “No part appeared to be either hidden or celebrated, just perfectly considered and completely appropriate in the hierarchy of the product’s details and features. At a glance, you knew exactly what it was and exactly how to use it.” Today Rams is best known for his range of minimalist shelves, made by Vitsoe, and for his influence on Ive. For his part, writing on Apple for the first time, Rams is muted. He argues that Apple are one of the very few brands, almost unique in the modern world, who are not devaluing the word “designer”. Dieter Rams on Apple I have always regarded Apple products – and the kind words Jony Ive has said about me and my work – as a compliment. I have always observed that good design can normally only emerge if there is a strong relationship between an entrepreneur and the head of design.
Gestalt Theory: Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) - Welcome The Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) is an international scientific association established for the purpose of promoting the Gestalt theoretical perspective in research and practice. In May 2015 the GTA will organize the 19th international Gestalt theory conference in Parma, Italy, hosted by the Dipartimento di Antichistica, Lingue, Educazione, Filosofia (ALEF) of the University of Parma. The conference theme will be: Body, Mind, ExpressionContact: gta2015@gestalttheory.net In April 2013 the GTA invited to the 18th international Gestalt theory conference, hosted by the University of Education in Karlsruhe (Germany). Creative Processes – Gestalt theory in the context of learning and education and other fields of human life (18th GTA Convention April 11-14, 2013) 100 Years Gestalt Psychology - an international GTA Symposium took place in Helsinki, Finland, in September 2012 in cooperation with the Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy (LFS). Click he