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10 Easy Steps to a Complete Understanding of SQL Too many programmers think SQL is a bit of a beast. It is one of the few declarative languages out there, and as such, behaves in an entirely different way from imperative, object-oriented, or even functional languages (although, some say that SQL is also somewhat functional). I'm writing SQL every day and embracing SQL with my Open Source Software jOOQ. I thus feel compelled to bring the beauty of SQL a bit closer to those of you still struggling with it. readers who have already worked with SQL but never completely understood itreaders who know SQL well but have never really thought about its syntaxreaders who want to teach SQL to others This tutorial will focus on SELECT statements only. 1. Get this into your head first. SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE salary > 100000 Easy to understand. What do we learn from this? So if this is so simple, what's the problem? Forget about all that. 2. For simplicity, not all SQL clauses are listed. There are three things to note: 3. 4.

PythonBooks - Learn Python the easy way ! Which Custom Web Fonts Solution Should You Use? Over the past few years the number of fonts available for use in web design has dramatically increased. It wasn’t long ago that we all knew not to stray further than the basic Arial, Helvetica, Times, Georgia mix, but now there’s a range of services that allow the use of almost any font imaginable in your website design. This post rounds up the various custom web font solutions and looks at the pros and cons of each. The most basic solution out of the lot is the CSS3 @font-face property. I’m sure we’re all familiar with @font-face by now, it allows you to load a font file from your CSS and apply that font to the styling of your HTML text. Pros: Powered by CSS. Cons: Limited to open source fonts Links: Since Google launched its Google Web Fonts API the service has grown to include hundreds of freely available fonts for use in your designs. Powered by CSS. Choice is limited to a range of free fonts Premium service with a yearly fee

st - A place for geeks to share what they've done, who they did it with and connect with great companies Game Programming Patterns The Nature of Code Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! How to Pick the Right Programming Language Adron Hall is the lead developer of cloud solutions at New Relic. During the course of every coding project, a software developer must make dozens of decisions. Sometimes this involves solving a problem unique to a particular domain space or a particular architectural issue. Too often, languages are applied to a problem space where another language would be better. Financial Sector The financial sector benefits from a number of languages. Another key need in the financial sector is languages that benefit from object-oriented paradigms with strong architectural patterns backed by a lot of guidance from the organizations around the languages. Top Languages: Scala, Java, and C# Agency, Media, Advertising, and Design With the overall design processes needed in creative work, languages that can prototype fast are in high demand. In recent years, with mobile technology becoming the prominent computing medium, a larger focus has been put on developing for these platforms.

Getting started Bootstrap (currently v3.3.6) has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case. Read through to see what suits your particular needs. Bootstrap Compiled and minified CSS, JavaScript, and fonts. No docs or original source files are included. Download Bootstrap Source code Source Less, JavaScript, and font files, along with our docs. Download source Bootstrap CDN The folks over at MaxCDN graciously provide CDN support for Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript. Install with Bower You can also install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts using Bower: $ bower install bootstrap Install with npm You can also install Bootstrap using npm: $ npm install bootstrap require('bootstrap') will load all of Bootstrap's jQuery plugins onto the jQuery object. Bootstrap's package.json contains some additional metadata under the following keys: Install with Composer You can also install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts using Composer:

The Nature of Code Hello! By browsing the table of contents on your left, you can read the entire text of this book online for free, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Start reading the introduction now! If you like this book, please consider supporting it via the links below: Please submit corrections to the book on my Nature of Code GitHub repo. Thanks everyone! Copyright © 2012 by Daniel Shiffman This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. All of the book’s source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This book was generated by the Magic Book Project. Editor Shannon Fry Illustrations Zannah Marsh Cover Design David Wilson Interior Design Web Site Design Steve Klise Editorial and Design Assistant Evan Emolo Magic Book Lead Developers Rune Madsen, Steve Klise Magic Book Researchers

Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular Today we will be creating a very simple Todo application using the MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack. We will be creating: Single page application to create and finish todosStoring todos in a MongoDB using MongooseUsing the Express frameworkCreating a RESTful Node APIUsing Angular for the frontend and to access the API While the application is simple and beginner to intermediate level in its own right, the concepts here can apply to much more advanced apps. What We’ll Be Building Base Setup File Structure We are going to keep the file structure very simple and put most of the code for our Node application into the server.js file. - public ----- core.js ----- index.html - package.json - server.js Installing Modules In Node, the package.json file holds the configuration for our app. Now if we run npm install, npm will look at this file and install Express and Mongoose. Node Configuration In our package.json file, we told it that our main file would be server.js. Database Setup Todo Model

Learn Code The Hard Way -- Books And Courses To Learn To Code Grunt Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2014 Updated on May 5, 2014 Having spent more than 5 years in software development and the computer programming arena, one of the most common questions I am asked is: This is a question that is asked by beginners, as well as experts. Technology evolves in matter of weeks and by the time you become expert in a particular software technology, it can already be considered obsolete. In addition to that, another interesting aspect of programming that I noticed is that not only programmers and software engineers are interested in learning new programming languages, but people from totally different walks of life are also into it. Now back to the top 10. 1. I vividly remember that the first programming language course that I had in my university was of C language. A bit of history: C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972, at Bell labs. 2. Though C language was performing extremely well, it lacked object orientation. 3. Java was developed by James Gosling, in 1990 at Sun Microsystems. 5.
