Mooc et compétences : une carte "conceptuelle" ? | Pédagogie & Technologie The Plusses and Pitfalls of Teaching Online Dan Ariely is not just a great and funny teacher, but he’s dedicated his life to making the world a somewhat better place. To that end, he’s produced an online course on behavioral economics that already has attracted 140,000 students. Ilustration of Dan Ariely by Coursera. A Note from Paul Solman: Behavioral psychologist and good friend of Making Sense Dan Ariely has written today’s post, introducing his new free online course on behavioral economics. Dan was featured on The Business Desk most recently when he explained “Why Our Brains Might Not Be Able to Resist Black Friday” — that is, why some of us can’t stop shopping. Dan also appeared on PBS NewsHour during harder times. Dan used Valentine’s Day in 2011 to reassure viewers that it’s okay to spend money on gifts, despite what economists call “the deadweight loss of Christmas.” Dan has been working for the past year to craft a course for free, online consumption. Here is my invitation video for the class: Related Content:
5 Potential Ways MOOCs Will Evolve In order to understand where MOOCs are heading (at least taking a stab at guessing their future), it’s important to know what the stated goals are. In case you’re still new to MOOCs, here’s a helpful rundown of the guiding principles behind MOOCs : Aggregation. An earlier list (2005) of Connectivist principles from Siemens also informs the pedagogy behind MOOCs: Learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinions. Now that you’re a MOOCs expert, let’s examine where they could lead. 1) Most Likely: More Startups, More Schools Offer MOOCs If we continue along at the current rate of adoption and usage, it won’t be surprising to see a slew of startups jumping into the MOOCs space. 2) Sorta Likely: Many Schools Join edX & Similar Alliances, Large Companies Try To Make Money Off MOOCs 3) Less Likely: Schools Big & Small Offer MOOCs Exclusively, MOOCs Lose Momentum Due To Fractured Offerings 4) Not Likely: Companies Run All MOOCs, Schools Pay Them To Do So
Les Mooc, une révolution pé service d'une cause plus grande ? - APCE, agence pour la création d'entreprises, création d'entreprise, créer sa société,l'auto-entrepreneur, autoentrepreneur, auto-entrepreneur, auto entrepreneur, lautoentreprene Les Mooc, une révolution pé service d'une cause plus grande ? - 16/10/2013 Parmi les enjeux de ce millénaire figure celui du droit au savoir pour tous. Le numérique sera-t-il le levier de cette démocratisation ? Quelles initiatives sont à l'œuvre ? La montée en puissance du numérique éducatif en France Si l'on en croit les récentes annonces de l'Union européenne et du ministère français de l'Education, la place du numérique au sein de l'école est amenée à grandir. En France, des expérimentations en milieu éducatif sont à l'œuvre sous l'impulsion du ministre de l'Éducation nationale, Vincent Peillon, qui a lancé le plan « Faire entrer l'école dans l'ère du numérique » fin 2012. Autre lancement majeur début octobre 2013 : celui de la plate-forme de cours en ligne (Mooc, voir dernier paragraphe) du programme France Université Numérique (FUN) annoncé par Geneviève Fioraso, ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche. Les Mooc, outil pédagogique d'avenir
Le premier "Salon techno-pédago" de l'UQAC Lorsque l'on m'a contacté à ce sujet en décembre dernier, j'avais proposé de mettre mes étudiants de l'hiver à contribution. À titre de rappel, une dizaine d'équipes d'étudiants ont exploré un sujet en lien avec les technologies et l'enseignement ou l'apprentissage. Malheureusement, la date finale du salon a été fixée après le début des stages et ne convenait donc pas pour mes étudiants. C'est franchement dommage. Le salon s'est bien déroulé. Au final, j'ai fait deux interventions dans le cadre du salon: la conférence d'ouverture et un kiosque sur les blogues et les wikis. Ma conférence d'ouverture était intitulée "L'importance des TIC pour la communauté étudiante". Mon kiosque portait ensuite sur les blogues et les wikis.
A Graphical View of Student Patterns in MOOCs Last week Phil Hill wrote a blog post about four types of students in MOOCs. He identified four types: Lurkers – This is the majority of students within xMOOCs, where people enroll but just observe or sample a few items at the most. Many of these students do not even get beyond registering for the MOOC or maybe watching part of a video.Passive Participants – These are students who most closely align with traditional education students, viewing a course as content to consume. Personnally I recognise these types and I think it is useful to keep these types in mind when you are developing a MOOC. An important point is that some students change between patterns – such as a passive participant deciding to fully jump in and become an active participant, or even an active participant becoming frustrated and becoming a lurker. This week Phil also created a nice graphical view of the pattern of these types:
Day 1: Your First Web Page Reactive programming is a way of coding with asynchronous data streams that makes a lot of problems easier to solve. RxJS is a popular library for reactive...Once in a while, it's important for us as developers to go back to what made us excited about computers in the first place. For Derek Jensen, that is gaming....React is a flexible framework that makes it easy to build single-page web applications. One of its tools is a set of lifecycle methods which you can add to...The PixelSquid plugin for Photoshop is an exciting new technology that provides the benefits of 3D elements without having to understand a 3D program or the...How your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element...jQuery UI is an extension of jQuery that makes it easy to create clean user interface elements for your websites.
Reinventing higher education – MOOCs, SPOCs and hubs Massive open online courses, SPOCs – self-paced open courses that may become MOOCs – and university hubs generated most interest at the fourth annual international conference on “Reinventing Higher Education”, which took place in Spain from 7-8 October. The conference, which had the theme “Time for New Frontiers and Cross-collaboration in Higher Education”, was organised by Madrid-based IE University, a private non-profit institution owned by the Instituto de Empresa SL. Jean-Claude Burgelman, head of unit in the European Commission’s directorate-general for research and innovation, kicked off a panel discussion on “The Production of Learning Experiences: Hubs, technologies and new players” with provocative questions about the future of research. “Which professor would you hire if you had to choose between one who had published two articles in Nature and another who ran a blog that was read by the top 500 people in their field?” he asked. MOOCs and SPOCs Transformation and hubs
Usages pédagogiques des réseaux sociaux Le Mercredi 12 Décembre, nous avons eu l’honneur de proposer une présentation de notre veille sur le thème "usages pédagogiques des réseaux sociaux" lors de La 3ème Rencontre « Au doigt & à l’œil » organisée par l’An@é. A travers ce post, nous vous proposons de lire notre travail ; Le diaporama présenté lors de cet évènement est aussi en ligne sur Slideshare, il comprend notamment la webographie utilisée. Les médias sociaux sociaux sont des outils qui désignent "un ensemble de services permettant de développer des conversations et des interactions sociales sur Internet ou en situation de mobilité, alors que les réseaux sociaux reflètent une communauté d’individus qui interagissent". Genèse de l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux à des fins pédagogiques (@GarraManuel, @DaphneMathelier) L’utilisation des réseaux sociaux s’est généralisée depuis l’année 2007. Quels réseaux sociaux utilise-t-on à l’école primaire ? Quels réseaux sociaux utilise-t-on dans le secondaire ?
Infographic: How Has the Internet Changed Education? Email Share December 23, 2011 - by Sarah Cargill 0 Email Share At Getting Smart, we discuss often how the Internet, personal digital learning, social media and other technology tools are changing the face of education. Today, students have access to an abundance of information, knowledge and resources over the Web. Faculty and students in higher education are using social media, online videos, blogs and more to instruct students in classes. For more, view the infographic below: