Writing Challenge - Creative Prompts and Ideas To Spark Your Inspiration and Beat Writer's Block for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Roasting Pad for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Des affichages de classe 2.0 avec les QR codes
Ca fait un moment que je vois des idées d’usages de QR codes en classe passer sur Twitter alors j’ai décidé de me lancer également. Petit rappel, le QR code (pour Quick Response Code) est un genre de code barre de forme carrée. A l’aide d’un terminal mobile (smartphone ou tablette) il est possible de scanner très rapidement ce code. L’idée donc, c’est d’agrémenter mes affichages traditionnels de ces petits codes qui redirigeront (dans un premier temps) vers les vidéos « Explique-moi encore… » pour de l’étayage dans les moments de travail personnel ou pour de la révision. Je vise 2 objectifs dans cette démarche : 1. 2. Dans un second temps, j’envisage de proposer des liens vers des fiches exercices (et j’ai une tonne d’autres idées donc il risque d’y avoir quelques articles sur le sujet), mais ça, c’est une autre histoire. Je vous laisse avec un petit tuto pour réaliser vos propres QR codes.
The 10 Most Popular Teacher Tools Being Used This Year
This image shows absolutely no teacher tools. Aside from that pencil maybe. But seriously, that says a lot about how far we’ve come! The school year is upon us. ‘Battle-tested’ might be a more appropriate term. In any case, these teacher tools are useful for a variety of reasons. 1.Google Apps Okay, this one is more than a single tool. 2. The king of PLNing (is that a word?) 3. I’ve been using Skype in education for years now and it’s proven to be an effective way to collaborate and communicate with others around the world. 4. What can’t you find on YouTube ? 5. Evernote is valued to be worth more than the New York Times. 6. Like Evernote, Dropbox lets you keep your digital life in sync. 7. Edmodo is the go-to way for teachers to have an online classroom worth using. 8. The folks at Class Dojo know how to keep your class in line. 9. Coming out of nowhere, there has been a big push to get principals, teachers, parents, and even students to blog. 10.
Instant Poetry HD for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store
The Brainstormer for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Les 15 meilleurs outils en ligne pour les enseignants
Bien évidemment au delà du titre quelque peu accrocheur ( faute avouée à moitié…), il s’agit ici surtout de lister les outils en ligne que je juge indispensables et remarquables pour un enseignant. N’hésitez pas à completer la liste à partir de vos propres outils et de votre expérience. Les applications et services tice utiles pour un enseignant sont inombrables et Les Outils Tices’efforce de vous en faire découvrir de nouveaux chaque jour. Tous ne sont pas des indispensables loin de là. Cette première liste que je vous propose fait partie elle des incontournables selon moi. Google Drive: Google continue de s’imposer comme un acteur majeur des outils en ligne simples et efficaces. Dropbox: La compagnie vient d’annoncer plus de 100 millions d’utilisateurs. Evernote: C’est votre mémoire et votre outil d’organisation. Prezi: C’est le système de création de slides qui a donné un sacré coup de vieux à l’indecrottable Powerpoint. Voilà pour cette première liste de 15 outils. Sur le même thème
Teachers who just got iPads
I had the privilege of holding a Google Hangout with Holly Clark (@HollyEdTEchDiva) and Tanya Avrith (@EdTechSchools). It was a great chat, where we compared US, NZ and Canadian school systems. Afterwards I was checking out Holly’s stuff and came across her great introduction to iPads in Classrooms. I checked with Holly and she was keen I do one of my visual representations of the ideas. Holly ClarkEdTechTeacher.org 9 Starter Tips for Teachers Who Just Got iPadsPNG (No links – 1mb) PDF (Links – 2mb) Like this: Like Loading... Related 2 Teachers have 9 thoughts as iPad turns 5 I am very excited to be collaborating with the great Steve Lai again (@sly111). In "21C Learning" Analyzing iPad Myths in Education Are you still trying to fight for iPads in your school? iPads in schools! 20th Century pedagogy + iPads = Gaming So, you're in your classroom and annoyed that the kids are playing games on the iPads.
A Letter
Steps Method 1 Writing a Formal Letter <img alt="Image titled Write a Letter Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Know when to write a formal letter. <img alt="Image titled Write a Letter Step 9" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">9Write your return address on the envelope (optional). Method 2 Writing an Informal Letter <img alt="Image titled Write a Letter Step 10" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Decide how formal your letter needs to be. Community Q&A Add New Question My English is not very good. Ask a Question Tips Warnings Article Info Categories: Letters
20 Amazing iPad Apps for Educators
When one looks at how technology has changed education over the past decade, one can’t help but be blown away by the sheer number of iPad apps for educators that have absolutely flooded the electronic marketplace. There are so many iPad apps for teachers released every month that even the most plugged-in educator would have a difficult time processing and utilizing them all. Luckily, when teachers are looking to learn how to use iPads in the classroom, they need to look no further than TeachHUB magazine and TeachHUB.com -- an educator’s primary go-to resource when researching iPad apps for teachers and iPads in the classroom. Read on to learn about TeachHUB magazine and TeachHUB.com’s updated list of the hottest iPad apps for teachers and iPad apps for education, destined to forever alter your curriculum landscape, organized here by subject. Scroll down for an index of many of TeachHUB's helpful iPads in the classroom app reviews and more of the best usage of iPads in the classroom. Trello