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8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education

8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education
8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education Posted by Ashley Wainwright on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 @ 09:26 AM Since their release in April of 2010, Apple’s iPads have taken the US by storm. iPads have swept through almost every industry, especially education. Apple is pushing for iPad use in education, and several schools across the US have taken up the charge. The proliferation of iPads in the classroom will only keep accelerating. With these powerful mobile devices come a lot of possible benefits for educators and students alike. There have been many interesting studies done about iPads in the classroom and the effects on both students and teachers. A research study, conducted in Auburn, Maine showed that Kindergartner students using iPads scored much higher on literacy tests than students that didn’t use the device. iPad technology in the classroom can be a powerful tool for learning and comprehension.

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) Over the last few years K-12 schools and districts across the country have been investing heavily in iPads for classroom use. EdTechTeacher has been leading iPad professional development at many of these schools and we’ve seen firsthand how they approach iPad integration. While we’ve witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we’re struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We’re sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn’t have to make them. 1) Focusing on content apps The most common mistake teachers make with iPads is focusing on subject-specific apps. It simply didn’t occur to him use the VoiceThread app to record his students speaking Latin, or perhaps create a collaborative discussion of Cicero. And we don’t introduce a single subject app. 2) Lack of Teacher Preparation in Classroom Management of iPads It doesn’t.

Pour le collège Par Didier Missenard et Laure Étevez De l’usage des tablettes en mathématiques : une grande interview d’une utilisatrice pionnière. Et des nouvelles de MathFLE, toujours actif. Des tablettes en mathématiques : un outil pour travailler en coopération Depuis la rentrée, le collège Leonard de Vinci de Saint-Brieuc expérimente l'utilisation de tablettes en classe, notamment en français, en mathématiques, en technologie et en SEGPA. Qu'est-ce que ce nouvel outil apporte aux mathématiques ? Agnès GIANNANTONI expérimente les tablettes dans ses cours depuis la rentrée de septembre. Avec sa classe européenne, elle a travaillé en extérieur sur la notion de lieu : les élèves devaient s'assoir à la même distance d'un cône ou des deux côtés d'un angle formé par une corde. En Troisième, elle a mené des travaux de groupe (par exemple autour des statistiques). En sixième, l'activité choisie porte sur les figures téléphonées. (Interview : Laure Etevez) Math FLE

A Visual Intro To Teaching With Tablets Tablets–iPads, Nexus 7s, Kindles, and even Intel’s Studybook–can be powerful learning tools, offering: 1. Alternative to print books 2. Mobile learning actuators 3. 4. And perhaps the most powerful argument? Times they are a’ changin’. Below is an excellent, visual introduction to the practice of teaching with tablets. Infographic provided by content partners at The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study In the first two terms of implementing an iPad programme, Longfield Academy in Kent have noticed a great impact on teaching and learning. Research carried out on behalf of Naace and supported by 9ine consulting is published here. It’s really exciting to be able to announce our research into the use of iPads. After a successful implementation at Longfield Academy in Kent and two terms of embedded use, the research shows some incredibly positive impacts on teaching and learning. Please note: the tablet implementation surveys here include the questions used in this research. Any further queries can be directed via The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study

Tablettes tactiles en classe par Nicolas, enseignant en collège à Pont Saint Esprit 2 Shares Share Tweet Email Cela débute le 27 Novembre 2012, 17h30, une demi-heure avant un conseil de classe qui terminera vers 19h… Moi, au téléphone: “En fait, j’ai un projet, j’aimerais enseigner avec des tablettes tactiles. Voilà comment je me retrouve, un an plus tard, avec 29 tablettes tactiles en classe au Collège G.Ville à Pont-Saint-Esprit (Gard). Et si je dois forcément refonder mes cours pour les adapter, je savoure mes heures en me remémorant les blocages des années précédentes (quantité et qualité limitée de photocopies, nombre limité de documents disponibles dans le manuel, impossibilité de projeter à l’ensemble de la classe des productions d’élèves etc). Génèse du projet Voici le projet tel qu’il fut présenté à ma direction et au conseil général : projet enseignement avec tablettes. Contrairement aux autres années, la subvention TICE du Conseil Général du Gard a été votée tardivement (environ mi-juin), ce qui a posé de nombreux soucis d’organisation. J’ai donc du me passer de:

Animating Your Classroom The art of animation - a series of related images that depict movement - is arguably several thousand years old. The use of equipment that could display animated images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion is a more modern phenomenon that gained wide popularity with the development of motion pictures. Cartoons and animated movies from the studios of companies such as Disney, Warner Brothers, Nickelodeon and others have had a tremendous impact on modern culture. Production of any form of animated movie required skilled artists, expensive equipment and an investment of countless hours of labor. No longer. Mobile devices with built-in cameras such as the iPad enable budding animators to use a variety of easy to use animation apps to capture and stitch together photos of characters and objects into seamless, fluent animated movies. The group quickly came up with a scheme to divide up the work. Note that Animate It only records the visual images that make up an animation.

The iPad Toolkit for Learning? | It is interesting to reflect how this simplification of iPad key tools has changed in a relatively short space of time. iWork suite aside, you could purchase the above apps for less than the cost of a textbook and have a model that could enhance learning with the right application. For those educators who are using iPads in the classroom, the suggestions above will be nothing new. The hope is that other educators will not feel overwhelmed by the diagram and actually view a number of core apps as manageable for their own learning curve. It must be said that there are a number of applications that I could happily add to the diagram that would be useful for the toolkit. You will notice that Google Drive and Explain Everything are an integral part of the learning process. Explain Everything serves as a platform to enhance and demonstrate learning. The rest of the tools have creation and collaboration at their core alongside the assessment for learning with feedback mechanisms. Like this:

La tablette iPad faciliterait l'apprentissage de la science MONTRÉAL – L’utilisation d’une tablette électronique iPad semble faciliter l’apprentissage des jeunes, du moins dans le domaine des sciences, affirme une nouvelle étude américaine. L’étude réalisée par les chercheurs de l’institut Smithsonian du Centre d’astrophysique Harvard-Smithsonian démontre ainsi que les jeunes ont saisi plus rapidement l’étendue de l’univers grâce à des simulations en trois dimensions présentées sur le iPad, comparativement à une explication traditionnelle offerte en classe. L’auteur de l’étude, Matthew H. Schneps, a expliqué que le iPad et d’autres tablettes électroniques permettent aux étudiants d’accomplir des tâches qui seraient autrement impossibles. Cette étude est publiée au moment où les éducateurs se demandent quelle place on doit faire aux tablettes électroniques en classe. M. La compréhension des étudiants a aussi semblé s’améliorer après seulement 20 minutes d’utilisation du iPad. L’étude est publiée dans la revue Computers and Education.

The Teacher's Guide To The One iPad Classroom Today, I’m going to tell you a fairy tale: Once upon a time, my mother in law (a third grade teacher) was in her classroom at school when her principal walked in and gave her an iPad for her class to use. Well, technically it was supposed to be for the entire third grade to share, but that’s almost beside the point. After some initial excitement, she discussed how the entire third grade was supposed to share a single iPad with her fellow third grade teachers, and the iPad was promptly banished into a drawer, never to see the light of day again. The end. Wait, should I have warned you that the fairy tale didn’t have a happy ending? Unfortunately, it isn’t an isolated incident. Use apps for….. ….And more!
