Des scientifiques créent la pile du futur accidentellement
Deux scientifiques de l’université de Californie à Los Angeles ont créé par hasard une pile super-puissante et biodégradable lors de leurs travaux sur le graphène, rapporte le site Co.Design. Les résultats de leur recherche ont été publiés dans la revue Nature. Le graphène est un matériau révolutionnaire découvert en 2004 qui a permis à ses inventeurs de remporter le Nobel de physique en 2010. C'est en cherchant une manière plus pratique de fabriquer du graphène que Richard Kaner et Maher El-Kady ont mis au point le «super-condensateur»: une nouvelle pile flexible, superpuissante et biodégradable qui pourrait bien être la potentielle alimentation des gadgets ou systèmes électroniques de nouvelle génération. Les scientifiques expliquent leur découverte dans une vidéo de présentation: Ce super-condensateur combine les avantages de la pile classique et du condensateur. Grâce à cette pile, il imagine pouvoir charger un iPhone en trente secondes, ou une voiture électrique en quelques minutes.
Let's Make Robots!
If you have purchased an "Instant Robot" shield, you can find a project using that shield here. If you prefer the instructions in a single PDF, Dominic / Servello has made this nice PDF to download - Thanks :) Welcome :) Everything here is so easy, that after you have gone through it, you can make a robot in a couple of hours. Why can't you do that now? Because there are so many little things you need to know. There are other "How to get started building robots" out there. All images in high-res here. Materials needed It used to be a hassle to buy the materials, because not one single webshop was carrying everything needed, and you had to buy from several shops. Good news is that Solarbotics now have made a kit for these instructions: Solarbotics shop (Webshop, located in Canada) - And if you buy it there, you even support hosting of - because in order to be on the list above, the shops contacted us, and we made a deal :D (The following is all included in the bundle) Yes. main:
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Pegasus Touch Laser SLA 3D Printer: Low cost, High Quality by Full Spectrum Laser
Touchscreen LCD desktop 3D printer starting <$2k using LASER based tech for high speed prints, 7"x7"x9" build area, and detail. As designers and engineers, we have found lasers and 3D printers to be amazing tools. Naturally, we wanted to combine the two and build a 3D Printer with lasers! Thanks to the wide adpotion of Bluray players, low cost near UV laser diodes which can cure liquid resin are now readily available making high quality 3D printers a reality. Using software/electronics technology developed for our laser cutting/engraving products, we’ve perfected an affordable high quality laser based Stereolithography (SLA) 3D Printer that sets a new standard for desktop 3D printing for every maker and maker to be. Come visit us at CES 2014 in Las Vegas Booth #32027 Jan 7-10, 2014 and see the printer first hand! Speed: Controlling lasers properly takes years of experience. Quick Specs: Manufacturing hardware products always has its challenges that all Kickstarter projects face.
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