Twinity – Powered by Real Life
Twinity: cracks in the mirror
One fascinating aspect of Twinity has always been it's mirror philosophy: "Twinity is a 3D mirror world based on real cities and real people." Second Life used to have the tag line "Your world, your imagination"; Twinity has "Powered by Real Life", which nicely captures the difference between the two. There are, however, small cracks in the mirror, situations where the real world and the virtual mirror do not match. For instance, most people do not use their real identity in Twinity; they own places they don't have in the real world. These differences do not matter that much to me: the cities and buildings that make up the real world are mirrored, the inhabitants not necessarily. But this becomes more of an issue with Twinity's latest addition: the idyllical island of Palmadora which has opened recently. I have mixed feelings about Palmador. But - there should not be a Palmador: the mirror is conjuring up a picture that doesn't exist in reality.
La crédibilité de l'avatar tient à son regard
Doter les personnages virtuels de mouvements oculaires similaires à ceux d'un être humain renforce le sentiment de confiance. Un sentiment primordial dans les univers dédiés à la collaboration. La collaboration dans les mondes virtuels suppose une relation de confiance entre les interlocuteurs. Celle-ci est renforcée si les avatars reproduisent des comportements non-verbaux proprement humains, explique une équipe des universités de UCL et de Roehampton. Dans une étude, les chercheurs démontrent ainsi qu’en dotant les avatars d’un regard humain, la confiance entre les interlocuteurs s’en trouve accrue.
Metaverse Roadmap: Pathways to the 3D Web
Virtual Worlds Timeline: Origins & Evolution of Social Virtual W
RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017. About | Development | Community | RepRap Machines | Resources | Policy
CityScape: 3D urban terrains modeling tool
CityScape is an urban modeling tool that allows users to build both custom and real-world environments quickly and easily. The focus of the modeler is on allowing developers to focus on design rather than the labor involved in creation. CityScape's focus allows it to product environments 10x faster than traditional object modeling tools or scene editors. CityScape Benefits:Rapid Urban Development Roads: Instantly create complex road networks with freeways, interchanges, bridges, overpasses, on/off-ramps, and cul-de-sacs.Props: Manually populate cities with buildings, trees, power lines, and custom imported props, or automatically in a single click. Active Adjustment: Making modifications after construction is complete is as simple as drag-and-drop. Supports Popular File Formats: 3ds Max, Maya, COLLADA, GameBryo, OpenFlight, and Elevation Data. Links
How to Read 1,000,000 Manga Pages: Visualizing Patterns in Games, Comics, Art, Cinema, Animation, TV, and Print Media | MIT World