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Whitening Tooth Powder - A Homemade and Natural Brushing Option

Whitening Tooth Powder - A Homemade and Natural Brushing Option
Finding a good toothpaste can be difficult. Detergents, artificial colors, and chemical sweeteners have been added to most of the commercial toothpaste on store shelves. Allow me to make this simple for you – some of those chemicals and additives that reside in store-bought toothpaste can be toxic to your health. Powder on your teeth? We are currently learning more about the subject of our oral health, and have found Ramiel Nagel’s book, Cure Tooth Decay, to be an invaluable resource. In his book, Nagel recommends a simple tooth powder to use for brushing, consisting of only baking soda, sea salt, and a bit of essential oil. As I researched other herbs that may be beneficial for teeth, I found that sage has been used for years by other cultures as a natural tooth whitener. Our tooth powder contains only a few ingredients that can all contribute to a healthy smile and promote fresh breath. Peppermint Sage Tooth Powder (Makes ½ cup of tooth powder) Ingredients: Directions: Last words Related: