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ClojureDocs - Community powered Clojure Documentation and Examples

ClojureDocs - Community powered Clojure Documentation and Examples
Related:  Programming, Coding & Scripting

home An invitation to FP for Clojure noobs I’ve heard newcomers to Clojure ask how to get started with functional programming. I believe that learning to program in the functional style is mostly a matter of practice. The newcomer needs to become familiar with a handful of higher order functions, and how they are used in common idioms. Here is what I propose. I have packaged the problems as a Leiningen project. What I recommend is deceptively simple. Here’s the important point: once you understand the solution, delete it and then reconstruct it. Here are a few things to avoid. Do not attempt to learn Clojure and new tooling, say Emacs+slime, at the same time. Don’t worry about parts of Clojure not immediately related to functional programming. The Project Euler problems do require a bit of math. Don’t worry about lambda calculus, type theory, category theory, monads, morphisms, or any such abstract concerns. When I first started learning Clojure, I did so by working Project Euler problems.

Clojure and Emacs without Cider I've been hacking Clojure for many years now, and I've been happy to rekindle my love for Emacs. The Clojure/Emacs tool-chain has come a long way during this time, swank-clojure, nREPL, nrepl.el and now Cider. The feature list is ever growing, and every-time you look there are some new awesome shortcut that will 'make your day'. However, the last couple of months have been rough for the Cider project. In this post I'll describe a simpler Emacs/Clojure setup that I've been using for the last couple of weeks. It's based on Emacs standard way to talk to Lisp REPLs, inferior-lisp-mode. The setup consists of the following emacs modes (all available on Melpa); init.el Here's some relevant snippets from my init.el, the full file can be found here; A repl session with this setup I typically start with loading the project.clj file of the project I want to work on. I also have a growing number of snippets for REPL convenience, see here. Running tests are done manually in the REPL buffer.

Object Computing, Inc. - Java News Brief - March 2009 by R. Mark Volkmann, Partner Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) last updated on 6/2/13 Contents Introduction The goal of this article is to provide a fairly comprehensive introduction to the Clojure programming language. Please send feedback on errors and ways to improve explanations to, or fork the repository and send a pull-request. You said X, but the correct thing to say is Y. Updates to this article that indicate the "last updated" date and provide a dated list of changes will be provided at Code examples in this article often show the return value of a function call or its output in a line comment (begins with a semicolon) followed by "->" and the result. (+ 1 2) ; showing return value -> 3 (println "Hello") ; return value is nil, showing output -> Hello Functional Programming Functional programming is a style of programming that emphasizes "first-class" functions that are "pure". In practice, applications need to have some side effects.

Clojure Scripting - ImageJ Check out clojure web site and particularly the chapter on Java interoperability. Clojure is not a scripting language: Clojure compiles directly to JVM bytecode, and thus runs at native speed. Thus one must think of Clojure as a true alternative to Java the language, but much more expressive, flexible and powerful. See also: Clojure Cookbook. Using Clojure inside Fiji Go to "Plugins - Scripting - Clojure Interpreter". See Scripting Help for details on keybindings and how to use the interpreter. ^ Ctrl+) will add all necessary ending parenthesis. A minimal, complete clojure example: To create scripts, just save them as .clj text files (with an underscore in the name) in any folder or subfolder of Fiji's plugins folder, and run "Plugins - Scripting - Refresh Clojure Scripts" to update the menus (it's done automatically at start up as well). To edit a script, just edit and save it with your favorite text editor. To execute a script, do any of: Select it from the plugins menus. The simplest is: 1.

Clojure: All grown up | I want to convince you of one thing: You should adopt Clojure. It will simplify your coding life, speed up product development. It will clarify how you think about structure and complexity. And–if you like avoiding unnecessary frustration and boilerplate–it will make you happy. So throw away the plans you had to use Rails or Django or Play to build your next business. I’m serious. Clojure is the most pleasant language I’ve ever worked with, and that’s after 8 years of Ruby. What is Clojure, and why should I use it? Clojure is one of the newer kids on the block, and I like to think it’s shaking things up. At a high level, Clojure makes life simpler and clearer – whether you’re building a Web API, a machine learning algorithm, or the ultimate music synthesizer. Functional programming is standard. Clojure has a lot more going for it too. Why now? So the question is, why is now the right time to build your product using Clojure? These are fair questions. What you’re thinking One more thing

7 Rules for Writing Clojure Programs « Two Guys Arguing Over the past 5 months, I’ve had the incredible opportunity at Revelytix to write Clojure every day and get paid for it. 5 months is an incredibly short time to pretend to have learned anything, but I can feel the beginnings of a style emerge in my programming and while writing a small program some ideas congealed into actual words that I thought I’d capture here. Update: Ugh. I really messed up. As it has been noted in the comments below, on Hacker News and even Twitter, my final solution is much (much) slower thanks to it’s not one, but two sorts. In the end, the whole thing is doubly redundant as clojure.contrib.seq-utils implemented a function ‘frequencies’ which will be in 1.2′s clojure.core. #1 – Your brain will think in steps. The program that brought these ideas to life was a small utility I needed to read a file and print out the set of characters contained within along with the number of occurrences of each character. Rule #1 – Your brain will think in steps. "abcdaabccc"

relevance/labrepl danielsz/system · GitHub Learn Clojure functional-koans/clojure-koans Replacing shell scripts with Clojure+JamVM - Max Gonzih We all hate shell scripting. Scripts are annoyingly hard to debug, test and verify. Would be lovely, to use some kind of lisp for scripting, right? To do interactive development with repl in your favorite editor. To write it in a nice predictable language that you also enjoy. But sometimes it’s impossible to add some external dependencies to the system. First what we will need is to get clojure jar file: Next lets create executable that will live in /usr/bin (or /opt/bin or /home/youruser/bin): And now it’s time for our hello world script: Make it executable: And run it: Yay! 2 seconds startup time, not really suitable for scripting, right? “But… but you told us that there is only JVM available on production system without ability to add external dependencies.” I lied, sorry. Compiling JamVM with OpenJDK support: JamVM will be installed as separate vm in openjdk, so it will not mess with existing installation. Let’s update our clojure executable: Let’s try it out: Better, right?

SICP in Clojure Mark Volkmann's Clojure Page Mark Volkmann's Page This page contains resources related to the Clojure programming language. Article Change History Sounds Even Jennifer Aniston has quit using other programming languages and now prefers Clojure. Sound Clip #1 Sound Clip #2
