Horseradish Home Page Botanical:Cochlearia Armoracia (LINN.) Family: N.O. Cruciferae ---Synonyms---Mountain Radish. Both the root and leaves of Horseradish were universally used as a medicine during the Middle Ages, and as a condiment in Denmark and Germany. 'the Horse Radish stamped with a little vinegar put thereto, is commonly used among the Germans for sauce to eate fish with and such like meates as we do mustarde,' showing that the custom was unfamiliar to his countrymen, with whom the root had not yet passed from a drug to a condiment. 'Divers thinke that this Horse Radish is an enimie to Vines, and that the hatred between them is so great, that if the rootes heerof be planted neere to the vine, it bendeth backward from it as not willing to have fellowship with it.' The root was included in the Materia Medica of the London Pharmacopoeias of the eighteenth century, under the name of R. rusticanus, the same name Gerard gave it. [Top] Common Name IndexA MODERN HERBAL Home Page
Using egg shells in the garden
We have 3 chickens. We also have 6 people who live in our collective household, so we tend to go through a fair amount of eggs every week. Whole or cracked egg shells generally do not compost well. Here are a few tricks for using egg shells to help improve your garden: -Deter slugs, snails, and cutworms. - Put lightly broken egg shells (roughly half pieces) in the bottom of plant pots instead of rocks for drainage.
The Kultured Karaite
Growing herbs indoors
It has been a surprisingly mild fall this year which was good for extending the gardening season. But sooner or later the winter cold will come and anything left without the protection of a cold frame will be frozen. But don't worry, when that time comes, there are a variety of plants that you can bring indoors to keep your inner gardener happy and keep you supplied with fresh herbs. Ideal conditions If you live in a well-insulated home that is usually kept at a reasonable temperature (ideally above 60 degrees) throughout the winter, then the easiest strategy for growing herbs indoors is to bring in already mature plants and place them on a sun-filled, south-facing windowsill for maximum sun exposure. Don't let your plants touch the cold glass of the window. Don't start from seed Starting plants from seed or seedlings in the late fall is also possible, but you are unlikely to succeed without the aid of grow lights. Use mature herbs Pests Adjustment Watering Fertilizing Good indoor herbs
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Planter DIY Water Resevoir (Dabbletree)
Keep your container garden happy and thriving on long hot days by installing a hidden water reservoir. All you need is an empty plastic bottle around the same height as your planter. It will be easier to start with a new planting than an established container. Cut. Using a craft knife, cut the bottom off a plastic bottle. The cut bottle should be no taller than the distance from the bottom of the pot to the top of the soil line. Place. Plant. Water. As the plants grow, the bottle will become harder and harder to see, but you should still be able to easily fill it up as needed. If you're worried about mosquitos, just be careful not to over-water and you shouldn't have any problems. dwarf morning glories, crystal palace lobelias and yellow marigolds put on a spectacular show in mid summer DIY seed propagation heating mat A simple way to create a warm environment for seeds to sprout. Drying Herbs Turns out "making our own spices!"
Homemade Probiotic Deodorant – That Really Works!
Probiotics. A buzzword within the natural health community. And rightfully so! Most health conscious individuals understand the positive effects on digestion that come from using probiotic foods and supplements. In fact, the benefits of ingesting probiotics have been well researched and the craze is taking over. If you haven’t already heard of fermented foods, kefir, and kombucha you will soon. Likewise, as the known benefits of probiotics are now expanding into mainstream culture, new research is showing remarkable promise for the use of this “good bacteria” in topical remedies. Emerging thoughts include the idea that probiotics can actually help improve the balance of bacteria on your skin, very similar to the way they are known to improve the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. This is part where we transition into what all of this means for our underarms (smile). Homemade Probiotic Deodorant Ingredients Method 1. 2. 3. Notes
Green Cleaning: 10 Simple Habits | ekwetzel
Friendships are defined not by what you buy for the other person, but by how you act towards them. Therefore, it stands to reason that being environmentally friendly has more to do with our attitudes and habits of environmental stewardship than it has to do with the Seventh Generation or Method products we choose to purchase. Here are 10 simple green cleaning habits that have made a difference in my home life: Shoes Off – Take your shoes off at the door. Use a Broom – Looking for the cheapest way to pick that dust and dirt off the floor? Get Essential – Freshen the air each time you go to the bathroom, with this handy trick. Hang it Out to Dry – Overusing your dryer can be one of the biggest culprits of a high energy bill. Re-use Bath Towels – Let your bath towels dry between showers and use them several times, instead of washing them after each use. Use Cloth Napkins – Not only to cloth napkins last longer than paper ones, they look and feel much nicer.