What is a MOOC? What are the different types of MOOC? xMOOCs and cMOOCs | Reflections The acronym “MOOC” has been in vogue recently, with lots of discussion about organisations like udacity, coursera and edX. The acronym stands for “Massive Open Online Course.” These organisations provide one interpretation of the MOOC model. They focus on concise, targeted video content – with short videos rather than full-length lectures to wade through – and use automated testing to check students’ understanding as they work through the content. These MOOCS have been dubbed “xMOOCs”. I’ve taken and completed a couple of xMOOCS so far. I’ve found the video lectures to be an improvement on the traditional lecture format. But, of course, the one-on-one interaction and easy back-and-forth questioning that can happen at the end of a formal lecture cannot take place in an xMOOC. Coursera recently implemented a system for crowd-sourcing peer assessment. So what is the other type of MOOC, and how is it different? The other type of MOOC is based on connectivism. Like this: Like Loading...
MOOCs, Courseware, and the Course as an Artifact As Phil mentioned in his last post, he and I had the privilege of participating in a two-day ELI webinar on MOOCs. A majority of the speakers had been involved in implementing MOOCs at their institutions in one way or another. And an interesting thing happened. Over the course of the two days, almost none of the presenters—with the exception of the ACE representative, who has a vested interest—expressed the belief that MOOCs provide equivalent learning experiences to traditional college courses. Keep in mind, these folks were believers. They were enthusiastic about MOOCs in general. On the other hand, there was widespread enthusiasm for using MOOCs as essentially substitutions for textbooks in classes that included instructors from the local campus. The obvious conclusion is that MOOCs are more of a threat to textbook companies than they are to universities. The Course as an Artifact: A Brief History Course artifacts, in and of themselves, are hardly new. Enter the MOOC Google+ Comments
constructivism | All MOOCs, All The Time One of the purposes of research is to establish a foundation of prior knowledge for future experiments to engage and extrapolate before proposing a new design that will further the field. This is important; without an understanding of what came before, research runs the risk of reinventing the wheel, or even (worse yet) coming up with something more rudimentary than the wheel. In my days of teaching creative writing, it used to be quite the stressor to get smart, motivated teenagers to take notes of their plots and characters. These were students used to doing everything right and being able to beat the system just with what was stored in their heads. I think about this as I read more literature on the history of MOOCs as described by the MOOC creators. Children must grow up in an environment that stresses self-motivation and self-assessment. “There won’t be schools in the future…. My response: Continue reading The due course of education in America is linked to public policy.
On-Campus or Online?: Two Generations Compare MOOC Experiences Hello everyone. This is Robert McGuire with MOOC News and Reviews, and today we have a very interesting interview. We’re going to hear from two students who were learning the same online material from different perspectives and for different reasons and at very different points in their careers. [Enjoy this interview with two generations of Duke University students who compare MOOC experiences. Before I introduce them, let me explain what class in common they had. Most recently, Professor Noor taught that MOOC and at the same time adapted his on-campus class into a flipped version where the Duke University undergraduates followed along while the masses of people around the world were in the MOOC, and the Duke students were doing that as their homework, and then they would come to the lecture hall for small group work. We have with us today two students who were in the two different versions of the class. Wu Yep, that’s right. McGuire Welcome James. Wu Thank you. Welcome Ben. Somberg Yeah. No.
What is a Constructivist MOOC? Lisa Lane describes three kinds of MOOCs here. OSSEMOOC is a Constructivist MOOC (what Lisa would call a network-based MOOC). It is a way of exploring and sharing resources, and constructing new knowledge through connections. Please check out the video: “What is a MOOC?” on the “About” page. It is not a “course” in the true sense of the word, but more of a “community” of learners, constructing learning together. You opt in when you can and when you want to learn. The topics, the calendar, the resources are here, as an entry point, and we share in social media where we feel most comfortable or where it best suits our needs. Welcome to online learning where you are directing your own learning! Like this: Like Loading... The MOOC Moment and the End of Reform A shortened version of this paper was given at UC Irvine last week, with the great Tressie McMillan Cottom talking about MOOCs and for-profit education. You can see video of both of us and the respondents here. Much thanks to Catherine Liu, Michael Meranze, and Peter Krapp for organizing and participating. The MOOC phenomenon has happened very quickly, to put it mildly. Last November, the New York Times declared 2012 to be “the Year of the MOOC,” and while it feels (at least to me) like we’ve been talking about MOOCs for years now, the speed by which the MOOC has become the future of higher education is worth thinking carefully about, both because it’s an important way to frame what is happening, and because that speed warps the narrative we are able to tell about what is happening. The MOOC phenomenon is also a shift in discourse, a shift that’s happened so quickly and so recently, that it fills up our mental rear-view mirror. For example. I mean that in two different ways.
Apprendre à lire dans un MOOC de langues Hey, si vous en avez pas marre de mon projet d’applications pour l’apprentissage des langues (dans le cadre de MOOC dédiés), voici un nouveau billet sur le sujet. Cette fois-ci, on s’intéresse à l’apprentissage du script d’une langue étrangère. On a parlé récemment de vocabulaire, de grammaire, mais on a oublié l’apprentissage de la lecture. Fichtre, sacré oubli. Du coup, voici quelques idées et réflexions au débotté … L’apprentissage de la lecture sur une plateforme d’apprentissage peut se faire dans deux contextes différents. Les exercices correspondants seront donc axés sur des correspondances son/script (ou phonème/morphème pour les intimes). Le second cas est celui l’apprentissage d’un script inconnu, alors qu’on est déjà soi-même alphabétisé. Une attention toute particulière doit être donnée à la reconnaissance des sons et à la prononciation lors de l’apprentissage d’une langue. Le chinois représente l’exemple-type d’une écriture basée sur les logogrammes.
What It's Like to Teach a MOOC (and What the Heck's a MOOC?) - Robinson Meyer They may be the future of higher education. But what do people who've, um, educated with them think? The chair of the University of California-Berkeley Computer Science Department called MOOCs a "cheating-rich environment." (Shutterstock / Rido) Yesterday, the start-up Coursera announced a collaboration with some of the nation's best research universities: It would offer their classes, for free, online. It would offer them in something called a MOOC: a Massive Open Online Course, made up of chunked quizzes, assignments and lecture videos. And accordingly, the New York Times gave the story the full biblical imagery treatment. But because MOOCs are so new, and so limited before yesterday's news, first-hand discussion of what it's like to teach one has been limited. Now we have some evidence.
Le MOOC, nouvel outil d'information clients Informer ses clients et les former au domaine d’expertise, aux outils et au savoir faire de l’entreprise. Former ses clients à son domaine d’expertise : Dans certains secteurs, il est important de pouvoir former ses clients pour s’assurer de leur bonne compréhension de l’environnement et des enjeux de votre entreprise. Exemple : BNP Paribas a créé un MOOC sur le prélèvement SEPA pour former ses clients sur cette nouvelle régulation financière européenne qui est devenue obligatoire en 2014. Former ses clients à ses outils : La formation client est d’une importance cruciale avec la complexité croissante des produits et services proposés. Exemple : Une entreprise commercialisant des logiciels peut avoir intérêt à développer un cours en ligne pour les rendre accessible à ses clients. Former ses clients à son savoir-faire : À travers un MOOC, une entreprise peut partager son savoir-faire et son expérience. Un MOOC pour être à l’écoute des clients UN MOOC pour remplacer les FAQ
The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC - Parade@Portsmouth Mackness, J., Mak, S. and Williams, Roy (2010) The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC. In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., De Laat, M., McConnell, D. and Ryberg, T., eds. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010:. University of Lancaster, Lancaster, pp. 266-275. ISBN 9781862202252 Abstract 'CCK08' was a unique event on Connectivism and Connective Knowledge within a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in 2008.