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SURICATE - La Vie Sexuelle des Jeux Vidéo

SURICATE - La Vie Sexuelle des Jeux Vidéo
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9GAG: So many lies 12 'No Nose' GIFs That Will Delight and Horrify You Remember when Grandpa would steal your nose as a kid? For the children who didn't get their honkers back, there's a place for them on Internet. The subreddit r/nonose/ features hilariously horrifying photos and GIFs that, as the name suggests, have no noses. We sniffed out 12 of the funniest (and most frightening) no nose GIFs for your eyeballs' pleasure. Image courtesy of Imgur, tymiechew Image courtesy of Reddit, nodnodwinkwink Image courtesy of Tumblr Image courtesy of Imgur Image courtesy of Tumblr, delannyy Image courtesy of gurupop Image courtesy of Reddit, neightdog Image courtesy of Reddit, prim3y Image courtesy of tumblr Image courtesy of tumblr Image courtesy of Reddit, csquaredisrippn BONUS: Different type of no nose. Image courtesy of Tumblr, kentalee27 Don't worry, GIF-making amateurs — it also works with photos: Image courtesy of pierpont123 Homepage image courtesy of Reddit, pierpont123

Différence de point de vue! ;) Jokes: What are some good math jokes The Nerd Code - Google+ - #schrödinger   #catcontent Seems legit Fuck Off As A Service (FOAAS) 40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School By the time we graduate high school, we learn that they never taught us the most interesting things in there. Sure, you might be able to name the European countries or point New York on the map, but does that give a you real understanding of how the world functions? To fill this gap, we have gathered a great and informative selection of infographical maps that they should’ve shown us at school: every single one of these maps reveals different fun and interesting facts, which can actually help you draw some pretty interesting conclusions. Show Full Text What makes infographical maps so engaging is how easy it becomes to conceive graphically presented information. Without further ado, we invite you to learn things like most popular sports in different countries, who has the largest breasts, red hair map of Europe, world’s most consumed alcoholic beverages, or which brands dominate in different states of the USA. Trust us, these are way better than the ones they taught you at school!

Eau potable JOUE-LA COMME LA NSA – Le smiley du document secret de la NSA fait des émules Document confidentiel de la NSA révélé par "The Washington Post" C'était le smiley de trop. Le quotidien américain The Washington Post a publié, mercredi 30 septembre, un post-it de l'Agence de sécurité nationale américaine (NSA) révélé par Edward Snowden. Sur cette note en apparence anodine est expliquée, en un dessin, la manière dont la NSA récolte des données privées des utilisateurs de Google et Yahoo!, en copiant des flux de données qui passent à travers les câbles en fibre optique reliant les serveurs de Google entre eux. Sous ce petit dessin, un smiley vient appuyer la démonstration. Le décalage entre la gravité des révélations qu'apporte ce document sur les pratiques de surveillance généralisée de la NSA et son aspect anodin – voire ironique – a débridé l'inventivité des internautes, qui ont commencé à imiter le schéma explicatif. Ici Ryan Budish explique l'espionnage que la NSA aurait exercé sur le pape selon l'hebdomadaire italien Panorama. New NSA doc explains Papal spying!

You Can't Do Binary Under Pressure Click your answer, or use the Q or P keys on your keyboard. You can also type Q or P to continue. Answer by clicking, or with Q and P.
