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The origins of abc

The origins of abc
Where does our alphabet come from? We see it every day on signs, billboards, packaging, in books and magazines; in fact, you are looking at it now — the Latin or Roman alphabet, the world’s most prolific, most widespread abc. Typography is a relatively recent invention, but to unearth the origins of alphabets, we will need to travel much farther back in time, to an era contemporaneous with the emergence of (agricultural) civilisation itself. Robert Bringhurst wrote that writing is the solid form of language, the precipitate.[1] But writing is also much more than that, and its origins, its evolution, and the way it is now woven into the fabric of civilisations makes it a truly wonderful story. That story spans some 5,000 years. Cuneiform The Sumerians began to experiment with writing at the close of the fourth millennium BC, in Mesopotamia between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates (roughly modern-day Iraq). 1.1 The pictographic origin of Cuneiform. 1.2 Proto-Cuneiform. The writing of the gods Related:  Escritas e língua egípcias

Ägyptologisches Seminar: Sinuhe-Bibliographie Die hier vorgelegte Sinuhe-Bibliographie geht auf ein privates Unterfangen von Günther Lapp zurück, der bereits in den 1970er Jahren damit begonnen hatte, die einschlägigen Besprechungen von Sinuhe-Stellen zu verzetteln. 1982 stiess ich dazu und habe die Arbeit seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre alleine weitergeführt. Mit dem Aufkommen der Computer stand dann zuerst vor allem die Umsetzung des alten Zettelkastens in digitale Form im Vordergrund. Aber auch allein das kontinuierliche Sichten der enormen Menge an stets neu hinzukommender Literatur war und ist sehr zeitaufwändig, zumal die Erzählung des Sinuhe eines der meistdiskutierten Literaturwerke in der Ägyptologie darstellt (und einen der meistgelesenen Texte im universitären Unterricht). Die entsprechende Sekundärliteratur ist inzwischen von einer Einzelperson kaum mehr überschaubar. Umso wichtiger scheint es mir, dem Fachkollegen dieses "Werkzeug", so provisorisch es im derzeitigen Zustand noch sein mag, an die Hand zu geben.

‘Dreams’, ‘Stars’ & ‘So Much To Do’ 3 new limited edition prints by Seb Lester I released three new limited edition prints today, ‘Dreams’, ‘Stars’, and ‘So Much To Do’. I’ll show all three prints in this article, but for practical purposes I’ll focus primarily on ‘Dreams’, one of my most ambitious prints to date. What follows is an outline of what I wanted to achieve, the lettering styles I developed, and why I produced it. I guess it’s because of my design background that I always write a brief for myself before I start a print — a distillation of everything I want the print to say and do. I think the high water marks in my previous prints have probably been ‘Blazing’ and ‘Flames’. With ‘Dreams’ I wanted to try something else, to push the boat out somewhat and develop something more showy and complex. I love strong contrast in design and I wanted to create some bold display styles to act as a counterbalance to the scripts. I created ‘Dreams’, ultimately, because I wanted to challenge myself.

Hebrew Language A SANE MAN IN AN INSANE WORLD "..Why can't they stop clucking, and just push the money through his letter-box (if he has one) ? But then there'd be the immediate problem of gangster or government attack..." (the following is adapted from a piece in The Daily Telegraph, London) Dr Perelman's extraordinary life has been one of adversity and extremes. Disillusioned with the world around him, he effectively withdrew from society about five years ago, taking a monk-like vow of silence. Grisha, as he is known to his friends, was born in 1966 in what was then known as Leningrad at a time when the Soviet Union was at the peak of its powers. The young Grisha's talents were noticed before he had reached the age of 11. "In 1981, he became the best of his age-group in the Soviet Union," recalled Sergey Rukshin, the director of the élite maths school where he studied. "It was very important for him to be Number One," he said. "Grigori is pure Jewish and I never minded that - but my bosses did.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs | Egyptian Hieroglyphs The following lessons will familiarize you with some of the basic concepts of Middle Egyptian. They are as much here for you as the are for me. I’m not a linguist, I’m a student. ) as well as a copy of Raymond O. , an invaluable resource for beginners. Gay type The Week in Type Hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close. Autumn is showing its face, and before you know it, we’ll be Christmas shopping. Some inspiring stuff in this week’s The Week in Type. Let’s begin with a gorgeous book cover by Carlo Giovani for the new Brazilian edition of Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth: Lovely use of Phaeton by Randy Jones & Kevin Cornell. Via @ThinkingType. If a rug is too big, then how about something a little smaller: Type-Rings: The Wood Type Revival site of Matt Griffin & Matt Braun has launched. Linotype is one of the last of the big font foundry/distributors to redesign their websites. PBS continues its series of Off Book shorts with one devoted to type: This could well be the world’s largest printing type. And, yes, he printed with them. Created for the Wood Type Evolved exhibition at Columbia College, Chicago. Promotional video for Simon Garfield’s Just my Type: Just My Type from Pentagram on Vimeo. via @klimtypefoundry Bacteria type.

How the Passover Reveals Jesus Christ Introduction The festival of the Passover has been celebrated by Jews for thousands of years. Passover symbolism Much of the symbolism of Jesus' last Passover week is lost to us because we are unaware of the customs of the time. Passover sacrifice The day Jesus was crucified was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. Burial The festival of unleavened bread began Friday evening (at sunset). Resurrection Christian symbolism in the Passover occurs early in the Seder (the Passover dinner). Christian communion It was during a Passover seder30 that Jesus proclaimed that the meal represented Himself and that He was instituting the New Covenant, which was foretold by Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah.31 The celebration of this covenant has become the ordinance of communion in the Christian Church. Conclusion If you are a Christian, I encourage you to celebrate the Passover with your friends and neighbors. Cómo la Pascua Revela a Jesucristo References

Time Zones GlyphStudy Type Camp India Night and Day Modes The day before leaving for India I had a client photo-shoot — pretty simple, no lighting — to show that choosing your bike over your car is good for the world and is also safer. And then I got on a airplane, pretty much setting an entire gas station on fire to study typography at Type Camp in India. The Vancouver airport is safe-looking and Canadian; I shopped with Martha Stewart (it’s true!) 1. A very young man — a boy really — offered to drive us to our hotel in his Ambassador. Sure, the simplest tasks (such as finding good coffee) may seem impossible on arriving in India, but there’s a zone between seeming and being. Just slow down. Accept the practices of your host — which, in this case, was a welcoming Pottu on the forehead at the Ramanathan house. Clean your eyesI’m not a type designer so it may seem unusual that I would fly all the way to India to draw Tamil glyphs for eight hours a day. I do lettering and illustration. And then we became semi-literate! 1. 1.

Khan Academy
