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The Psychedelic Library

The Psychedelic Library
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San Pedro: One Of Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Psychedelics Alanna Ketler, Collective-EvolutionWaking Times Trichocereus Pachanoi, aka San Pedro, is a columnar cactus native to the Andean mountains of Peru, and Ecuador. Some of the indigenous names for San Pedro are: huachuma, chuma, and wachuma. It is one of the four most sacred plants of Peru, along with Tobacco, Ayahuasca and Coca. San Pedro has hallucinogenic properties and is often compared to the more popular cactus known as Peyote; both are members of the mescaline family. Mescaline is a psychoactive alkali that occurs naturally in the aforementioned cacti and also other species of Cacti. The natives and Shamans typically prepare the San Pedro by slicing and then boiling pieces of the stem for a few hours; afterwards the liquid that is left is taken orally. The effects that are felt from the ‘high’ of this cactus are quite spiritual. To learn more about this sacred plant please check out the sources below. About the Author Hi, I’m Alanna! Sources used and further readings: About the Author

The Psychedelic Experience 2 - Das Marsh Chapel Experiment & Psychedelic Forum - Psilocybin als Entheogen - 11. April 2009 - 13. April 2009 - Kulturfabrik Wetzikon - Zürich Self-Experimenters: Psychedelic Chemist Explores the Surreality of Inner Space, One Drug at a Time This is the final story the series of eight stories in our feature on self-experimenters. Alexander Shulgin is the world's foremost "psychonaut." The 82-year-old chemist has not only created more of the 300 known consciousness-altering (or psychoactive) compounds than anyone living or dead, he has, by his own account, sampled somewhere between 200 and 250 of them himself—most of them cooked up in the musty lab behind his home in the hills east of Berkeley, Calif., where he has shared many a chemical voyage with his wife of 26 years, Ann. "I take them myself because I am interested in their activity in the human mind. He has paid the price for his avocation. As a student at the University of California, Berkeley, in the 1950s, Shulgin's gateway drug was mescaline, a naturally occurring psychedelic found in peyote and other groovy cacti. In the 1960s, while working as a biochemist at The Dow Chemical Co. in San Francisco, he couldn't resist tinkering with the potent mescaline molecule.

Psychonautics Psychonautics (from the Greek ψυχή (psychē "soul/spirit/mind") and ναύτης (naútēs "sailor/navigator")—a sailor of the mind/soul)[1] refers both to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, including those induced by meditation or mind-altering substances, and to a research paradigm in which the researcher voluntarily immerses himself or herself into an altered mental state in order to explore the accompanying experiences.[2] The term has been applied diversely, to cover all activities by which altered states are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition,[3] sensory deprivation,[1] and archaic/modern drug users who use entheogenic substances in order to gain deeper insights and spiritual experiences.[4] A person who uses altered states for such exploration is known as a psychonaut. Etymology and categorization[edit] Peter J.

Salvia Divinorum: Key to the Multiverse? One of the most commonly occurring phenomena that I experience while in Salvia Space, is variations on multiple images of reality, of the room I am meditating in. (I have become able to experience eyes-open visions that interact with actual reality after a lot of practice resisting the very powerful "pull" of the drug as it is taking effect.) I've seen multiple images of the room "displayed" as a giant rolling "rolodex" of images. Imagine a very thick book, each page showing a view of the room as seen from my eyes, with the ends (first and last pages) bent around to touch each other, forming a wheel of multiple views, turning slowly on it's horizontal axis or "spine."

Darwin's Pharmacy: Plants as Superpower The following is excerpted from Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noösphere, available from University of Washington Press (2011). If we recognize the plant as an autonomous power which enters in order to put roots and flowers in us, then we distance ourselves by several degrees from the skewed perspective which imagines that spirit (Geist) is the monopoly of human beings and doesn't exist outside of them. A new world-picture has to follow the planetary leveling; that is the task which the next century will take up. --Ernst Jünger, "The Plant as Autonomous Power." Crawling with transactions, the contemporary Earth whirls and whorls, uncannily bereft of human agency. The apparent inability of humans to perceive the densely interconnected nature of their habitat threatens not only said ecosystem but the very self-definition of humanity itself as homo faber, an organism actively creating, rather than created by, her environment. It has to do with Gaia.

Psychedelic Medicine News - reliable information on psychedelics improving human health Nitrous Oxide FAQ 5 Things That will Happen when MDMA Becomes Legal Scientists are fascinated by MDMA. Profound feelings of love, empathy, and compassion for one’s self and others are the markers of a peak MDMA experience. And while it’s best known for being an ubiquitous party drug, MDMA has also contributed significantly to psychotherapy. But MDMA is illegal, classified as a Schedule 1 substance, and the resulting dangers get in the way of truly understanding the full range of its benefits. Emanuel Sferios, founder of DanceSafe and long-time harm reduction activist and drug educator, seeks to raise awareness about the importance of legalization in his documentary “MDMA: The Movie.” Here are 5 things that will happen when MDMA becomes legal: 1. The drug alters brain activity so users can approach their problems in a very different way. The combined effects make it useful for therapy, which is why, despite its illegality, there have been a number of FDA-approved studies for the treatment of severe PTSD. 5.

List of psychedelic drugs The following is a list of psychedelic drugs of various classes. Serotonergic psychedelics are usually considered to be the classical psychedelics, whereby the other classes are often only considered to have secondary psychedelic properties. Some of these compounds may be classified differently or under several categories, due to unique structural classification, multiple mechanisms of action, or to the fact that the precise pharmacodynamic actions of psychedelic drugs are not yet completely understood. Also, due to the vast amount of possible substitutions and analogs of psychedelic compounds, their total number is quite large and is not fully reflected within this list, leaving room for many that have not yet been sufficiently investigated and even others that have not yet been discovered. Entries marked with a '#' are naturally occurring compounds. Serotonergic psychedelics (serotonin 5-HT2A receptor agonists)[edit] Empathogens/entactogens (serotonin (5-HT) releasing agents)[edit]

Confessions From The The Golden Flower This site is dedicated to the Goddess and the erotic experiences and fantasies her many plant teachers inspire. Here, you will find the rare opportunity to read the plant induced sexual fantasies of other people and to share your own experiences and fantasies with the world. If you would like to confess your fantasy to the Golden Flower, please email your stories to NONA: If you wish to remain anonymous, you may use an anonymous remailer or, if you prefer, I can remove your name from the story. The Confessions: Confession 1 Confession 2 Confession 3 Pass through the Magic Portal to discover links to new and wonderous places!. Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) - Encyclopedia You can order Morning Glory seeds in our online smartshop What is Morning Glory? The seeds of several varieties of Morning glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring tryptamine called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally, and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted. Like LSD, LSA acts as a "psychedelic" or "hallucinogen" which can have strong mental effects. History The Zapotecs used Ipomoea violacea by grinding the seeds up and wrapping them in a meal cloth. Botanical Morning glory is a member of the Convolvulaceae family which also includes the Baby Hawaiian woodrose. It is a vine with stems of 4-10 feet long, with flowers in pink, purple, blue or white (or combinations). Chemistry Active constituent: d-lysergic acid amide. Effects of Morning Glory LSD like experience that lasts about 6 hours, but with less hallucinogenic effects. Because use is oral, onset is affected by the last food that was ingested. Varieties

DMT ~ Water Spirit In my descriptions of psychedelic experiences thus far, I have attempted to describe the range of effects that most users encounter. However, in some cases psychedelic experiences can become quite unique and personal. I've had a most unusual relationship with N,N-DMT, which has led to my discovering a magical alliance between N,N-DMT and the spirit of water. When I first encountered N,N-DMT I quickly became an aficionado, and began smoking either 5-MeO or N,N-DMT two or three times each week. My natural curiosity has led me to take psychedelics in as many different settings as possible. When I began smoking N,N-DMT my experiences over the first few months were bright, positive, enjoyable, and ever touching new dimensions. After about four months of use I began to lose some of the rapport I had experienced with DMT, accompanied by a reduction in the frequency of my use. From Mt. The third stop of my journey was in Sedona where I hiked into the red rock cliffs. 1.

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