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25 Ways Google Can Help You Become A Better Teacher

25 Ways Google Can Help You Become A Better Teacher
While Apple products (*cough* iPad *cough*) are known for their integration in classrooms, Google’s offerings give up little here. In fact, the sheer diversity of Google products might make them a more natural fit in the classroom in lieu of the iPad’s gravity. Below we’ve listed 25 ways teachers can get started using Google in the classroom. Let us know on our Google+ page if we’ve missed anything. Google In The Classroom: 25 Ways Google Can Help You Become A Better Teacher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. UPDATE: Google+ user (and sometimes TeachThought contributor) Kellie Ady offered 5 more, shown below. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. UPDATE: TeachThought Reader Nicole Naditz just sent us 5 more. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Hangout Toolbox This page will show you how to use the Hangout Toolbox. To install this Hangout application/extension you have to load it once via the following link: By clicking this link it will open up a new Hangout and ask for permission to load the application/extension. Once you've granted access the application will load. From there on you can find the app either in the top bar of the Hangout or under "Add App" -> "Recent" When you open up the app/extension you will see an acordion menu on the left. Lower Third The Lower Third app allows you to display a lower third (graphical bar with your name on it) as an overlay on your video. If you want to build a complete custom overlay, create a transparent PNG with the size 640x360 pixel. If you want to save your lower thirds or custom overlays, type in a name under "presets" and hit save while the lower third or custom overlay is active. Volume Control Meme-Face De-Face allows you to show meme, rage or custom faces as an overlay.

40 Ways to Use Google Apps in Education Google provides an abundance of apps that can be used for educational purposes. It has a section called Google Apps for Education where it provides the teaching workforce with a multitude of Google services to use in schools and classrooms. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been continuously reviewing these apps for the last couple of years , click HERE to access this section to . Today, I am sharing with you a GREAT presentation created by Becky Evans on 40 ways to use Google Apps in Education. The tools included in this presentation target increasing teacher's efficiency, student engagement, and school-wide collaboration. Here is the outline of this presentation Google docs : Google Forms How to submit answers in a form and see resultsAdminister assessmentsSurvey your students interestsCollect observation feedbackSubmit reading records onlineKeep track of discipline referralsAutomatically grade forms with Flubarro Google Calendar Gmail Google Groups Google Talk Google Sites

19 handy Google tricks that you weren’t aware of After covering everything that Google Search has to offer, you can easily forge that search only forms one small part of the Google behemoth. With so many different features and clients available, it’s very easy to use the basic features for each and leave it at that. However, if you delve a little deeper, there are many tricks hidden away that will help improve your experience. Gmail Use Filtered Search Gmail’s search bar is very handy for finding that message you got months ago, but most people don’t realise how easy it is to access advanced search. Activate Starring Feature Sometimes you will come across important messages, but the only way you can mark them is with the yellow tab or star icon. Cut Down Text In Email Replies The annoying thing about email threads is that if the messages are long and numerous, it’s very easy for the context to get lost among the many paragraphs of text. Keyboard Shortcuts Sign Out Remotely Emphasise Important Words In Gchat Activate Gmail Remotely Google Maps

Ultimate Guide to Google Plus Are you new to Google Plus and need help getting started with the network? This page was made with you in mind! This intro course is provided FREE to everyone to show the quality of work that has been put into organizing our course material. All links from this course lead to paid course material, please click here to read more about this course and sign up. What is Google+? Google Plus acts as a “social layer” for Google, the world’s largest search engine company, and is integrated into its every product and service, such as Search, Android, YouTube, Chrome, Local and Drive. At its core, Google Plus is an interest-based platform where like-minded individuals communicate, collaborate and create as a community. Table of Contents Note for First Time Users: Use the following links to jump to the sections you need assistance with. On May 21st, 2015, Google+ removed the Google Ripples feature that visually showed post sharing activities. Why is Google Plus Important Don’t Be a Bluehead! People

30 astuces pour Google Chrome Dans la famille des navigateurs web, Google Chrome est vite devenu une référence : pour s’en rendre compte, il suffit de se pencher sur l’évolution des parts de marché des différents browsers. Si les instituts statistiques ne sont pas tous d’accords sur les chiffres, ils reconnaissent tout de même globalement l’envolée du navigateur depuis ses débuts. Selon StatCounter, il serait même le browser le plus utilisé, avec 36% de parts de marché. Sur le blog, Google Chrome est en tout cas largement plébiscité, puisque vous êtes environ 40% à l’utiliser ! Il faut dire que l’outil est très puissant, affichant correctement la plupart des sites en un temps record. Mais ce n’est pas tout : de nombreuses astuces existent pour améliorer le navigateur. Gagner en productivité avec Google Chrome Les raccourcis clavier Comme à peu près tous les services Google, Chrome dispose de ses propres raccourcis clavier. Synchroniser ses données sur Google Chrome Naviguer entre les onglets avec le clavier Angry Birds

Google Hangouts as Edtech: Connecting, Sharing and Learning Since I started in education, I have been trying to find ways to connect students' learning beyond the classroom walls. Initially, the task presented many hurdles. Infrastructure was limited, devices were bulky and slow, and the access was not quite available. In order to connect students with the outside world, a permission slip and a school bus were needed. Today, many of those hurdles have been overcome, and connecting students beyond the classroom is a viable option. Hangouts, the social media feature of the Google+ platform, are online spaces offering teachers and students a great forum to connect with one or many participants and engage in a real-time dialogue. Reasons to Hang Out One of many reasons I like Google Hangouts is for the ability to broadcast a talk live and then archive that broadcast. Possibilities and Opportunities I see many opportunities for students and teachers using Google Hangouts in the classroom.

Gmail+1 = Student Email Addresses to Register for Online Services The Gmail+1"hack" isn't a new trick and I can't remember when I first tried it, but it still works and it still provides a solution to a problem that a lot of teachers run into when they want their students to use a new web tool. Let's say there's a new service that I want my students to use but my students don't have email addresses that they can use to register for that service. In that case I can quickly generate Gmail addresses for my students by using the Gmail+1 hack. Here's how the Gmail+1 hack works: 1. Disclaimers: 1. Un Chrome aux mille facettes Les internautes qui partagent souvent des liens le savent, les adresses de certaines pages peuvent parfois être longues, très longues. Si ces liens peuvent être pratiques dans le cadre d’un partage sur une messagerie instantanée, dans un mail ou sur un réseau social, ils le sont bien moins dans une signature de mail ou pire, sur un document. Dès lors, il peut être pratique, et esthétique, de passer par un raccourcisseur d’URL. Verdict : simple d’utilisation et bien intégrée, l’extension s’avère très pratique. Note : 5/5

Tale Of The Tape: Chromebook Pixel Vs. Surface Pro Vs. MacBook Air Google hasn’t always been known for making breathtaking hardware, but today’s announcement of the Chromebook Pixel — arguably one of the best-looking laptops ever made, if nothing else — means that may no longer be the case. Still, you can’t be blamed for being wary of shelling out a decent chunk of money on Google’s first foray into laptops, let alone a Chromebook of all things, so here’s a preliminary look at how the Chromebook Pixel stacks up against two prominent rivals in the computing space: the stock version of Apple’s 13-inch MacBook Air and Microsoft’s Surface Pro. *Note that we compared the base MBA and the surface Pro with upgraded storage, to establish a better baseline in terms of comparing more similar price points and spec load-outs. Versus the 13-inch MacBook Air Compared to the base 13-inch MacBook Air, Google’s Pixel has a lot of similarities. The Chromebook Pixel is very much aimed at the same market as the MacBook Air, with Google stressing that it’s an upscale device.

How to Open and Edit Word Files in Google Drive This morning I received an email from a friend of mine who needed some help opening a Word (Docx) file in Google Drive. Google recently made a slight change to how this is done. And since it threw off my friend who is a fairly savvy Google Drive user I thought that there are probably others who have or will have the same question. To open a Word (Docx) file in Google Drive after it has been uploaded to your account click the check box next to the file name. After clicking the check box you have two options. Option 1: Option 2: If you don't want to go through the process outlined above for every Word file uploaded to your Google Drive account you can enable automatic conversion of documents. Enabling automatic conversion on upload:

6 Chrome Extensions for Students Google Chrome has quickly become my browser of choice over the last year or so. It’s huge list of features and overall reliability speak for themselves. If you and your students are using Google Apps for Education and its accompanying Google products, you quickly find that everything just works better in Chrome. One of the best features of Chrome is the ability for students to install apps and extensions from the Chrome Web Store. As our team helps teachers this school year with Chromebook implementation, we have come across many apps and extension to share with staff. When I share with teachers about Chrome extensions, I tell teachers to think of them as enhancements to their web browsing. Here are some of my favorite Chrome extensions that are great for students: To Do List To Do List is a simple, yet effective way to have a running to do list right in your browser. Google Dictionary Readability Read & Write for Google Docs Save to Google Drive Shorten Me Like this: Like Loading...

Student Sign in Sheet with Mail Merge One thing I like to do to start class is to have students fill out a Google Form. I use this to take attendance, ask survey questions to see where students are at on a project or how they feel about class policies, warm up questions and I always ask for “comments, questions, concerns” to help me get a pulse for where everyone is at. At the beginning of class I have a roster of who is there (I can use this to randomly call on students). If I asked survey or quiz questions I can go to the spreadsheet and go to the Form menu to show summary of responses. This gives me instant graphs of how students answered so I can use this information to instantly drive my instruction. I install the valmerge script on the spreadsheet so that I can send individualized feedback to students based on their warm up responses and in particular the comments feedback they gave me. With the effort of one and a half emails I am able to send a personalized email to every student in the class. Like this:

Google Earth in Education - A Google+ Hangout Google Earth is a very versatile program that educators often associate only with social studies. Google Earth can actually be used in literature, mathematics, and science lessons too. On November 2, 2012 Jerome Burg and Thomas Petra will host a Google+ Hangout all about using Google Earth in education. Jerome Burg is the creator of the excellent Google Lit Trips site and Thomas Petra is the creator of the fantastic Real World Math site. Applications for Education In many of my presentations I talk about finding your own PD opportunities that are meaningful to you.

5 Must Have Chrome Extensions for Teachers By default, Chrome is just like other browsers, but the extensions makes it more versatile and flexible. A group of extension can completely change the functionality of the browser. It is one of the biggest strengths of Chrome. Previously, we discussed about using chrome for image editing, customizing gmail functionality, distraction free writing and much more. Go Animate For Schools Animations are one of the best ways to make children easily understand and listen to the classes. Presentation Remote Presentation Remote is a very useful tool not only for teachers, also for anyone who conduct presentations. Learn Boost Learn Boost is an all-in-one extension for teachers. Daum Equation Editor The Daum Equation Editor is for both students and teachers who deal with equations everyday. Class Dojo Class Dojo is one of the popular extensions for teachers to monitor the behavior of students in the class. These are the five best chrome extensions for mentors.
