3D Scanner: FabScan Pi There are several way to build an affordable 3D scanner for your home. One way is to make photos (maybe even automatisied) from all sides of an object and let Autodesk 123D Catch do its magic. Another option is to use a depth camera like the Kinect and place your object on a rotating table and get depth images of all sides - great especially for a person scanner. A cheap option is using a line laser which enlights on line on a object, get a camera image of that line and then rotate the object a bit and repeat - until you get the 3D form out of this slices when you have rotated the obect by 360 degree. Francis Engelman build such a system as bachelor thesis at the media computing group of the RWTH Aachen - the so-called FabScan. It uses a basic webcam, an arduino for controlling a line laser and a stepper motor for a turntable. One disadvantage was that it relies on a external computer for processing, which gives a hassle with different operating systems and so on.
Micmac - LOGICIELS Pour chaque problème de mise en correspondance rencontré à l’IGN, il existe une solution opérationnelle ad hoc en œuvre mais, compte tenu de la diversité apparente des problèmes, il n’existe pas d’approche unique. Dans le contexte de soutien à la recherche en traitement d’images à l’IGN, a émergé le besoin d’un outil fournissant une solution générale aux principales applications cartographiques de mise en correspondance. L’objectif du logiciel MicMac est donc de fournir une solution unifiée permettant de répondre à la majorité de ces problèmes. La stratégie générale utilisée par MicMac est la suivante : approche multi-résolution et, à une résolution donnée, approche par minimisation d’une fonction d’énergie combinant attache aux données et connaissances a priori sur la régularité. Au-delà de ces caractéristiques générales, un système de paramétrage par fichier xml permet d’offrir à l’utilisateur un contrôle fin de l’ensemble du processus de mise en correspondance.
Fabscan Pi project - 3D scanning for all - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine The full article can be found in The MagPi 38 Few things in modern life are more fun than 3D-scanning an object, then using a 3D printer to create a copy. But 3D scanners are still very expensive to buy. FabScan is an open-source, DIY 3D laser scanner being developed by René Bohne and Mario Lukas. Initially, FabScan was connected to an external computer, but Mario and René have recently created a Raspberry Pi version that houses all the components required inside a single box. The FabScan project has a long history. The wooden case contains a motorized turntable that rotates the object being scanned. “The FabScan without the Raspberry Pi is an open-source, do-it-yourself 3D laser scanner,” says Mario. “The FabScan uses a laser cut plywood case,” continues Mario. You place an object on the turntable so the laser runs across its surface. “Since I introduced the Raspberry Pi to the FabScan project, the webcam [has been] replaced by the Pi Camera Module,” Mario tells us.
GeoTracker – Mobile Mapping | Stereo Images, 360° Panorama Images, Point Cloud, Field Inventory, GPR … FabScan CUBE Back to FabScan The FabScan CUBE is a 3D-Scanner. It is an improved version of the original fabscan 3D-scanner. The new FabScan Pi works as a standalone device controlled with a web browser. Files for the lasercutter The files can be cut on any laser cutter. BOM - Bill of Materials Arduino Sketch Upload the latest version of the Arduino sketch to your Arduino UNO: Assembly Instruction there is no full assembly manual available yet. Renderings Some renderings of the housing: Datumate | Geomatics Expert Systems Assembly: FabScan by Wetterott (my personal instruction guide!) | A girl with a 3D printer One of the things we found at Makerfaire Rome and were eager to try is the FabScan 3d scanner by Wetterott. It comes in a kit, and is really cheap (126€). So we bought the kit and assembled it a couple of days ago. As always, here comes the review. As soon as you open the box you realize that the construction is really really simple. There are the arduino and the shield, the laser module and the webcam, a motor with its driver. But let's start building it! I was building it with Carlo this time, and he just started with the arduino shield that was the most difficult (and less described) part. So part 1: the shield. Then just place it on the Arduino board provided. Part 2: the Pololu stepper motor driver carrier. Now on to step 3: dismembering the poor webcam. Step 4: the laser nothing to assemble here, you just open the box and solder the 2 wires to the shield. Step 5: assembling the wooden enclosure and adding the components. Here you can see the colors of the wires, without squinting
autômatoBr: Controle PID de Potência em Corrente Alternada - Arduino e TRIAC - Parte III IMPORTANTE: como o segundo circuito abaixo taca gerando muita confusão, troquei-o para um desenho mais simples. No primeiro post a respeito desse assunto, escrevi sobre a teoria por trás do controle de potência em corrente alternada. No segundo post, mostrei o circuito e o programa responsáveis pela indicação de zero na onda senóide de CA. Agora vamos ver o circuito para controle de uma carga 110 ou 220V. Acima, fritzing dos dois circuitos, o de zero (esquerda) e o de controle (direita). Lista de componentes: CI MOC3020 TRIAC BTA12-600 CI H11AA1 Resistores de 180, 2,4k, 10k, 33k. ATUALIZAÇÃO: esse CI, o H11AA1, funciona como um "sensor de zero de onda completa". Acontece que esse CI não é muito fácil de se achar. Nesse circuito, a saída que informa a passagem por zero é a Zerocrossing signal output, que deve ser conectada ao pino 2 digital do Arduino. Na figura: Agora, o código:
FabScanPi About the Project FabScan is an open source 3D laser scanner. The project started in 2010 at Germany's first FabLab in Aachen. The FabScan PI is the next generation of the FabScan 3D Laser Scanner. A Raspberry Pi 2 and a Raspberry Pi camera module are used to turn the FabScan PI into a stand-alone and web-enabled 3D Laser Scanner. Quick Start The fastest way to use the FabScanPi is to use the FabScanPi Raspbian ISO image. Latest Release A list of all released images can be found here.Since release v2016-05-15-14-05 the image files are zipped. You have to unzip the file to get the .img file. ip-address-of-your-raspberry-pi ] It is also possible to join the web-enabled FabScanPi user interface by pointing your browser to NOTE: fabscanpi.local requires zeroconf. Purchase a Kit You can purchase the FabScanPi as a kit or in parts at Watterott Electronics
PANACHI Parque Nacional del Chicamocha ¡Frescas del horno! - Page 4 Observación especial tendrá la contratación del teleférico de Panachi Ana María Valencia S. Los ‘ojos’ de la Fiscalía y la Procuraduría, estarán encima de la contratación del teleférico para Panachi, pues es una orden de la Oficina del Zar Anticorrupción que le pidió además al Comité de Seguimiento al Pacto de Transparencia, que le preste sumo cuidado a dicho proceso. La determinación del Zar llegó justo en el momento en que la Asamblea comenzará a estudiar la adición de $31 mil 969 millones al presupuesto del Departamento, que el Gobierno Nacional le otorgará a Santander para contratar la obra que cuesta unos $34 mil millones. A la observación especial que harán los organismos de control, se suman las peticiones del Comité de Seguimiento al Pacto, que le exigirá al Gerente de la Corporación Panachi, una exposición pública de los prepliegos que todavía no se conocen. La adición para el teleférico
Laser Scanner 3D SkanDal — Centre de Ressources Numériques - Labomedia Les lasers sont dangereux: Laser Scanner 3D SkanDal Sécurité. Le premier Scanner 3D totalement documenté, à 2 Lasers piloté par des scripts en Python, sous Licence GPL V2. Copyright Labomedia. 3D Scanner, with 2 Laser and python scripts, made with only 3D Printing pieces. skandal sur GitHub et la page d'installation. Pour lancer, double clic sur scan, lancer dans un terminal. Des commentaires peuvent être déposé sur la page de discussion. 2 laser ligne génèrent des plans verticaux à 45° par rapport à l'axe vertical de la caméra, coupe la pièce suivant 2 lignes. L'objet est fixe sur un plateau fixé en direct sur un moteur pas à pas de 200 pas par tour. Le scanner est dans une chambre noire pour ne voir que la ligne laser. laser gauche on moteur fixe, shot avance d'un pas attente une seconde pour qu'il n'y ai plus de vibration enregistrement de l'image caméra avance d'un pas etc ... jusqu'à 200 pas avance d'un pas laser gauche off, laser droit on enregistrement de l'image caméra etc ... Principe