Voila Popwings POPWings What is POPWings? POPWings is a solution that replaces traditional business cards. It’s a NFC-enabled card – a chip-embedded plastic card similar to bank ones – that can communicate with the newest NFC-endowed mobile phone generations. Instead of carrying around a deck of paper cards, you only need to get one POPCard. Upon meeting a new contact, you merely have to wave – POP – your card nearby the person’s NFC device to automatically transfer your details. What’s unique about it? With POPWings, your business cards are always up-to-date within your mobile phone for they’re automatically updated whenever one of your contacts updates its information. What does the product name POPWings means? POPWings is made out of two ideas. What’s a POP? A POP is a gesture the user makes to get a NFC smartphone to communicate with another NFC-enabled device in order to exchange data such as contacts, url, documents, pictures, music... How do I get the POPWings mobile application? Yes. Social Networks
Place de la toile Internet, convergence des médias, téléphonie : quelles conséquences sur l’information, la communication, les liens sociaux, et, finalement, l’organisation de notre vie ? Les écrans nous sont désormais familiers, mais nous ne connaissons encore que les prémices des effets liés à leur domination. Place de la toile est une émission qui aborde les différents aspects de la "révolution" numérique, du côté des conséquences qu’elle induit sur l’information, les médias, la communication, les liens sociaux entre les individus, et finalement, l’organisation de notre vie. Elle fait un tour hebdomadaire des connaissances, s’attarde sur les principaux concepts liés à cette métamorphose, rencontre les acteurs, raconte les principaux événements, discute de l’économie, de la politique, et de la philosophie de cette révolution. Chaque semaine vous retrouverez : - La « Lecture de la semaine », un point de vue provenant en général du monde anglo-saxon, prolixe en analyse numérique. Génériques et
OpenVAS - OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System MediasSociaux.fr - Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales (blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, microblog…) et du Social Business (marketing + CRM + commerce) MediasSociaux.fr inxi - A newer, better system information script for irc, administration, and system troubleshooters. Installation Check the installation information link, which includes a link to a deb package. The Debian only smxi script installs inxi with all dependencies and recommends. More Information About inxi. FAQs on issues related to using inxi. Dependencies inxi requires. Recommends needed for each extra feature. Sources to check inxi's latest version number. Video to see a fan's video running inxi in Ubuntu. guanxi is an alpha (work in progress, slowly) gui front end to inxi. Help/Support Help! But please read the information here on the wiki first, almost everything you need to know should be available on this site. About Inxi Inxi is developed to work on most GNU/Linux distributions. Inxi works on Konversation, Xchat, irssi, Quassel, as well as on most other IRC clients. See inxi options here for list of options. Script Feedback and Bug Reports If you would like to give some feedback, use the script developer forum or the script main forum. The Origins of inxi Have you hugged a penguin today?
Techn0polis | Journalisme au futur extérieur Gartner Magic Quadrant Business Intelligence Platform 2013 Gartner: Magic Quadrantfor Business Intelligenceand Analytics Platforms Source: Gartner (February 2014)* This report presents a snapshot of how vendors perform in a market segment with the goal of helping end users make better-informed decisions about companies they may be looking to partner with, or whose services or products they may want to purchase. According to the report, “By 2015, the shifting tide of BI platform requirements, moving from reporting-centric to analysis-centric will mean the majority of BI vendors will make governed data discovery capabilities an expansion of, and the prime competitive capability for, their BI platform offerings.” Get your complimentary copy of Gartner’s report for in-depth analysis of where BI is headed, who the major vendors are, and why Qlik® is positioned in the Leaders quadrant once again. Get Your Complimentary Copy of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms Tous les champs sont requis
Debian -- Le système d'exploitation universel Manuel d'installation pour la distribution Debian GNU/Linux Résumé Ce document contient les instructions d'installation du système Debian GNU/Linux (nommé « wheezy »), sur l'architecture PC 64 bits (« amd64 »). Des pointeurs vers d'autres sources d'informations vous permettront de tirer le meilleur parti de votre nouveau système Debian. Note Ce guide d'installation pour amd64 est, pour l'essentiel, à jour. Toutes les remarques sur cette traduction sont à envoyer à l'adresse <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>.
Accueil: MCX-APC How to sync your iPad with Linux This article originally appeared in issue 94 of Linux User & Developer magazine. Subscribe and save more than 30% and receive our exclusive money back guarantee – click here to find out more. Even if you are not a technology buff, it’s hard not to notice how the iPad has taken over the world of gadgets. Before its launch, the iPhone and the iPod touch had a similar impact and they are visible just about everywhere you go. All of Apple’s portable devices use iTunes to synchronise their information with a computer, and iTunes is only available on Windows and Mac systems. You’ll have to forgive the obligitory disclaimer however – all the software and syncing solutions discussed in this article are not built or approved by Apple, and therefore cannot be guaranteed to work as intended. Installation 1. 2. 3. 4. Continue to page 2 – working with your music Linux User & Developer is the magazine for the GNU Generation Click here to try 3 issues for £1
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