Engelsk grammatik & English Grammar Engelsk grammatik -English Grammar Vad roligt att äntligen få lära sig hur det skall vara! Never forget the fact that learning a language is just like building a house. In this section you will find a number of language exercises, articles and links to pages and sites covering the various grammar and vocabulary topics most oftenly confusing or difficult to both Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians & Danes) and Anglo-Saxons (Anglo-Saxons= people from the English-speaking countries Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zeeland, the United Kingdom and the U.S.A.). På den här sidan samt underordnade sidor så kommer du att finna ett antal språkövningar, förklarande och beskrivande textstycken, sidor och artiklar [samt länkar till olika sidor och "sajter" som behandlar de olika grammatikregler och aspekter som så ofta skapar problem för både skandinaver och människor från den s.k. The spelling of English words is very inconsistent. hop - hopped, bat - batter, spin - spinning -"He's drinking!" -"He drinks
Sheppard Software: Fun free online learning games and activities for kids. Online Language Arts Games Highlights Free Gift with Newsletter Sign-Up Do you receive our free newsletters? We send out seasonal content tie-ins, topical resources, and daily activities. And now when you sign up for any TeacherVision newsletter, we'll send you a packet of our most popular back-to-school essentials as a free gift! Read for the Record Take part in the world's largest shared reading experience with Jumpstart's Read for the Record this October 22! October Calendar of Events October is full of events that you can incorporate into your standard curriculum. Bullying Prevention Month October is Bullying Prevention Month, and it's a crucial topic for teachers and administrators to address. Halloween Happy Halloween!
Verb | Flashcard Rating: 4.0/5 (11 votes cast) List of Common Verb walk, run, play, sleep, read, write, jump, ride, talk, cry, laugh, climb, cook, wait, watch TV, dance, fight , fly drink, eat, listen, open, close, throw away, turn on, turn off, sing pull, push, think, win, give, wash, sit down, stand up, cut Verb, 4.0 out of 5 based on 11 ratings Creative Ways to Use Your Interactive Whiteboard | NEA Member Benefits Shake up your classroom with fresh ideas for engaging your students. Try these tips for interactive group games and note-taking. After years of interactive whiteboards being touted as the next best thing for engaging students, the unfortunate reality is that while they have become common in many schools, they are often used as glorified projector screens. It doesn’t have to be this way! I use interactive whiteboards (IWB) in my classrooms regularly and conduct best-practice training sessions for my district’s staff. Group note taking Use the board as you would your plain old regular whiteboard, but with one difference. Online interactives It’s tough to find time to learn all the bells and whistles of your IWB’s software, so tap into the thousands of online flash-based activities and interactives that are already available. Starfall.com - A great place for emergent readers to explore letters and words and play with them. Check your vendor’s lesson sharing community
English tests - Learn English - Online grammar tests, dictation tests, vocabulary tests, memory tests, daily test, and reading and comprehension tests Learn English Free Test Your English How To Use This Page Here you will find English tests online to test your listening, memory, vocabulary, reading and comprehension, spelling and grammar skills. Business English | Confusing words | Dictation | Gap Fill | Grammar | Memory Placement | Reading and Comprehension | Sorting and Matching | Spelling Tests | Vocabulary English Quizzes | English Games These tests have been developed to work best using Chrome, Firefox or IE. Business English Business English abbreviations test - How much do you know about abbreviations used in business? Job Titles - Do you know who does what in a company? Which department - Can you name the departments in a company? Confusing words Any vs Some Been vs Gone Borrow vs Lend By vs Until Check vs Control He's vs His Human | Man | People| Person | Persons I / Me / My Say / Tell / Ask There / Their / They're To / Too / Two Where / Were / Wear / We're Who / Whose / Whom Check out the common English mistakes page for explanations. ! Memory
Q&A: How to Teach Your Students About Their Digital Footprint We’ll be at ISTE next month presenting on the importance of starting early with digital citizenship, in elementary school. We’ll be co-presenting with Samuel Walker, a K-5 technology teacher from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, whose leadership has helped make digital citizenship a priority in his school from policy to practice. In preparation, we sat down with Walker, a proponent of problem-based learning and self-proclaimed homework skeptic, to gain some insight into his unique approach to digital literacy education. Now a technology facilitator at Kimmel Farm Elementary, Walker has been in the classroom for the last 17 years. He provides technology professional development for his colleagues and teaches digital literacy and citizenship to students in grades K-5. His school, whose theme is a “problem-based learning academy,” has around 800 students, and a recent poll found that more than 95 percent have access to the internet and other mobile technologies.
Progenitor X The world is overrun with zombies. You, as a member of The Progenitor X Defense Force are a part of a highly trained squad of scientists who can save us. Using highly advanced bio-medical technology, you locate, seek out, and treat infected humans to contain the threat. Progenitor X is a narrative-driven, turn-based, puzzle-solving game where the player will learn about the relationships between cells, tissues, and organs. Progenitor X also takes a leap into the future and explores potential advances in Regenerative Medicine and Medical Device Engineering that will surely be of interest to the broad public.