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CSS3 text-shadow effects

CSS3 text-shadow effects

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7 Great CSS based text effects using the text-shadow property - Midwinter Duncan Grant Time for a bit of fun with CSS!The following examples are all created using live text and the CSS text-shadow property. Apart from the Letterpress effect, all of the following examples make use of multiple shadows, and as such will only work on the following browsers. Firefox 3.1+ (Mac/Win/Lin)Safari 4+ (Mac/Win)Chrome (Mac/Win)Opera 9.5+ (Mac/Win/Lin) Unfortunately Internet Explorer (6/7/8) has no support for the text-shadow property. If you're not familiar with the text-shadow property here's a example and explanation: It breaks down like this: create a shadow below the h1 and offset it -2px horizontally, 2px vertically, blur it by 3px, and colour it pink. 1 Classic Letterpress Effect This is a very simple effect to achieve. 2 Cloudy Text Effect This effect relies on multiple text shadows and rgba colours. Basically, that's white in rgb, (255,255,255) at 50% transparency (0.5). 3 Embossed Text Effect To Create the Embossed look, I used 2 diagonally offset shadows. 4 City Lights Text Conclusion

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