Web Style Sheets A CSS file can be created and edited “by hand,” i.e., with a text editor, but you can also write a program in ECMAscript, Java or some other language, that manipulates a style sheet. This is in fact so common, that there are software libraries of useful functions available. To help in porting such program & libraries to different computer platforms, W3C has developed a specification called CSS-DOM, that defines a set of functions that all such libraries must provide. The CSS Document Object Model is an API (Abstract Programming Interface) for manipulating CSS (and to a certain extent also other style languages) from within a program. An API is the specification of a software library. You can see it as a manual: it describes the functions and their parameters, but doesn't contain the actual code. There are several CSS-DOM libraries available, for different platforms. SAC (Simple API for CSS) is a complement to the CSS-DOM. The CSS-DOM is a W3C Recommendation.
GNU Assembler the beginning bissel älter das ganze gerade aufm backup wieder gefunden vllt. bringts dem ein oder anderem was So willkommen zu meinem ersten kleinen Assembler tutorial. Zuerst einmal ein paar kurze Informationen über den GNU Assembler und über die Funktionsweiße des Assemblers und der Register. Was ihr hier lernen werdet sind absolute grundlagen in Assembler also den aufbau eines Programmes Sprungadressen den umgang mit variablen die benutzung von macros und abfragen. Was ist der GNU Assembler? Code: The GNU Assembler, commonly known as Gas, is the assembler used by the GNU Project. So los geht’s jungx! Reigster: Register sind das wichtigste in Assembler. Was sind denn Überhaupt reigster? Besondere Register eax – extended accumulator register ebx – extended base register ecx – extended counter register edx – extended data register ebp – extended base pointer esp – extended stack pointer Die ersten 4 allgeminen Register(eax,ebx,ecx,edx) sind in weitere kleinere Register unterteilt. First programm JUMP!!
HTML 5 <link> Tag The HTML <link> tag is used for defining a link to an external document. It is placed in in the <head> section of the document. The <link> tag is commonly used for linking to an external style sheet. Despite its name ("link"), the link tag is not used for creating a hyperlink to another HTML document. Example This example references styles an external style sheet. Attributes HTML tags can contain one or more attributes. There are 3 kinds of attributes that you can add to your HTML tags: Element-specific, global, and event handler content attributes. The attributes that you can add to this tag are listed below. Element-Specific Attributes The following table shows the attributes that are specific to this tag/element. Global Attributes The following attributes are standard across all HTML 5 tags. accesskeyclasscontenteditablecontextmenudirdraggabledropzonehiddenidinertitemiditempropitemrefitemscopeitemtypelangspellcheckstyletabindextitletranslate Event Handler Content Attributes Enjoy this page?
Team Collaboration With GitHub GitHub has become the corner stone for all things open source software. Developers love it, collaborate on it and are constantly building awesome projects through it. Apart from hosting our code, GitHub's main attraction is using it as a collaborative tool. In this tutorial, let's explore some of the most useful GitHub features, especially for working in teams, making it all the more efficient, productive and, most importantly, fun! One thing that I find very useful is integrating the Github Wiki into the main source code project. This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with Git, the open source distributed version control system, created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. In the world of software projects, it is inevitable that we will find ourselves working in a team to deliver a project. If you prefer a screencast for a visual walk-through, hop just below to view it and refer to this tutorial as side notes: There are generally two ways of setting up Github for team collaboration:
.NET Framework and Architecture This article will help your in understanding .NET and .NET architecture. The .NET Framework is a new and revolutionary platform created by Microsoft for developing applications. Definition: A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services. You can use a utility of a language in another language (It uses Class Language Integration). .NET Framework includes no restriction on the type of applications that are possible. The .NET Framework has been designed so that it can be used from any language, including C#, C++, Visual Basic, JScript, and even older languages such as COBOL. All websites are example of web application. They are desktop application. Communication through computers through some system. It doesn't use web-based server. .Net Framework provides operating systems with a Global Assembly Cache (GAC). CLS (Common Language Specification)
MikeOS - simple x86 assembly language operating system x86 operating system MikeOS is an operating system for x86 PCs, written in assembly language. It is a learning tool to show how simple 16-bit, real-mode OSes work, with well-commented code and extensive documentation. Features: A text-mode dialog and menu-driven interface Boots from a floppy disk, CD-ROM or USB key Over 60 system calls for use by third-party programs File manager, text editor, image viewer, games... Includes a BASIC interpreter with 46 instructions PC speaker sound and serial terminal connection The code is completely open source (under a BSD-like license), and is written by Mike Saunders and other developers. News 28 Oct 2013: MikeOS mouse library released -- Joshua Beck has implemented his TachyonOS mouse code as a MikeOS library. Downloads The link below contains the source code (see the source and programs directories), along with disk images for floppies/USB keys and CD-Rs in the disk_images folder. MikeOS 4.4 -- zip file (338K) Here are some contributed add-on programs:
Interesting Words Based on the Wiktionary Word of the Day Archive. Some editing of the list to remove ones that would be too easy in question form, and some editing of the descriptions to make them shorter or fit the questions better. Usually made of marble or glass. Should be capitalized for the first inhabitants of Australia Especially as a symptom of mental illness. From Latin-later Shakespeare included it to refer to moderation in sex (Tempest) From the Irish: ícuisle - O pulse (of my heart) As in the lemon of a used car you bought To facilitate its passing through eyelet holes. Especially between the protagonist and antagonist in a literary work Masculine personification of Nemesis. Composed of a silicate of alumina and soda. An early chemical apparatus, consisting of two retorts connected by a tube, used to purify substances by distillation. Especially snow covered mountains To heal or solve a problem Accompanied by excommunication Pertaining to snakes or serpents. The noun form is 'asininity'. E.g. E.g.
Simple animation to explain complex principles 1, aircraft radial engine 2, oval Regulation 3, sewing machines 4, Malta Cross movement - second hand movement used to control the clock 5, auto change file mechanism 6, auto constant velocity universal joint 6.gif 7, gun ammunition loading system 8 rotary engine - an internal combustion engine, the heat rather than the piston movement into rotary movement # Via World Of Technology. 1, inline engine - it's cylinders lined up side by side 2, V-type engine - cylinder arranged at an angle of two plane 3, boxer engine - cylinder engine arranged in two planes relative
Logical Paradoxes - StumbleUpon The Rubik's Cube Solution How to Solve the Rubik's Cube in Seven Steps The world's most famous puzzle, simultaneously beloved and despised for it's beautiful simple complexity, the Rubiks Cube has been frustrating gamers since Erno Rubik invented it back in 1974. Over the years many brave gamers have whole-heartedly taken up the challenge to restore a mixed Rubik's cube to it's colorful and perfect original configuration, only to find the solution lingering just out of their grasp time and time again. After spending hours and days twisting and turning the vaunted cube in vain, many resorted to removing and replacing the multi-colored facelets of the cube in a dastardly attempt to cheat the seemingly infallible logic of the cube, while others simply tossed it to the side and dubbed it impossible. The Rubik's cube, it seemed, had defeated all. Humanity required a solution, so intelligent gamers went to work to take down the so-called "frustration cube". Rubiks Cube Terminology and Move Notation Left Right Dedmore H
Steve Wozniak predicts lots of problems for cloud storage To say that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak isn’t a fan of cloud storage would be a considerable understatement. Following a showing of Mike Daisey’s one-man monologue known as The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs last week, the Woz voiced his opinion with regards to storing personal data off-site and the trouble that lies ahead. In short, Wozniak said he thinks the idea of everything going to the cloud is horrendous and there will be a lot of problems within the next five years. The problem, as he highlights, is that cloud users forfeit ownership of their data – it’s signed away the moment you agree to an EULA. Depending on whom you ask, cloud storage as a backup solution isn’t a terrible idea so long as it isn’t your only means of backup. Within minutes, the hacker had locked him out of his account and remote wiped his iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. The moral of the story is to back up your data often and in more than one location.
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