search+photos Twitter brings the most meaningful information in the world right to your pocket. And, we’re constantly working on ways to make that even better. One good search can take you #anywhere. Today we’re starting to roll out a completely new version of Twitter search. Not only will it deliver more relevant Tweets when you search for something or click on a trending topic, but it will also show you related photos and videos, right there on the results page. It’s never been easier to get a sense of what’s happening right now, wherever your curiosity takes you. Yangtze River in China Mysteriously Turns Bright Red, Leaves Residents Confused A section of China’s Yangtze River turned a bright orange-red color on Sept. 6, leaving residents bewildered and amazed at the water’s strange hue. Chongqing, a city in southwest China, saw its section of the polluted river turn red, triggering an investigation about the color’s cause, reported the International Business Times. MORE: Endangered Animals, Toxins, and Heavy Metals Found in Chinese Medicines The Daily Telegraph reported that the scarlet color may be due to “industrial pollution in silt churned up by recent floods,” according to Chinese officials. The Yangtze River, the longest one in Asia and the third longest in the world, is a significant part of China’s economy—but its waters suffer from industrial pollution. The Yangtze basin contributes nearly half of the country’s crop production and is the major waterway of China.
Calculating Color Contrast for Legible Text In the past on Particletree, we’ve shared some of our favorite resources and guides for helping the color challenged and uninspired get their chromatic deliciousness on. As a designer, getting to choose the colors is often the part of the job I like the best. However, there are times when it’s nice to be able to write some code to help make some of the decisions for you.
10 Realtime and Reliable Photo Search Engines Thanks to services like Twitter and Instagram, and the global ‘smartphone saturation’ phenomenon, live reporting from big events has never been easier. No longer do we have to rely on professionals to deliver content and images from these events, we have our extended social networks doing this for us. And, because so many of these updates get fired into the ‘public’ timeline, virtually any update from anywhere can be found and shared in a matter of seconds. But, with all of this content creation happening, who is making sense of it, giving it some order and structure?
Web viewer for Instagram Browse all of Instagram the way you like : thumbnails, detailed mode or full screen to enjoy photos and videos at their full size! All the different sections you need are there: Photos and videos posted by people you follow Your own feed Photos and videos you‘ve liked Populars Users profile And all regular interactions are available: Like Post comments, with your favorite Emojis Follow / unfollow Top 10 Most Amazing Bridges in The World Here’s a list of most amazing bridges in the world. They’re amazing bridges because They’re beautiful and some of them are old bridge as well. The bridges are also varied in place. From Italy to Korea. Let’s take a look at those most amazing bridges in the world Wikimedia Commons CancelEditDeletePreviewrevert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem). Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version. See our terms of use for more details.
Colour Contrast Analyser Contents Translations Colour Contrast Note: It is highly recommended that WCAG 2.0's luminosity contrast ratio is used instead of this algorithm to test for colour contrast. Guideline 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 requires that foreground and background colour combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having colour deficits, or when viewed on a black and white screen. Top 10 Tools For Uploading, Sharing Pictures On Twitter Twitter does not directly store photos but there are plenty of third party Twitter apps and Twitter tools that can. Whether you need a simple Twitter tool to share quick pics or a feature rich image sharing application there’s many to choose from. We’ve identified some of the top sites to share Twitter images and upload Twitter pictures below. Feel free to leave your comments regarding any of the Twitter related services listed to let us know your opinion and past experiences so we can share them with other users.
Best bridges in Singapore Our favorite Singapore bridges -- from the well-trodden old ones (ok, so not really as old as some in Europe) to futuristic, brand spanking new ones -- and the interesting stories behind them. On CNNGo TV this month, we showed off Henderson Waves, which you can find out more about further below. Earlier this year, we picked 24 of the world's most amazing bridges.