Foodwhirl | Creative, Healthy Cooking for Modern Life New York Cheesecake « Cheesecake I love cheesecake. I know, I know, I love too many things but it just happens to be so… Yogurt, milk-shakes, cheesecakes – that all makes my world go round. A few months ago I prepared this delicious Grated Cheesecake and I received some very positive feedback. New York Cheesecake – I’d never had that one before. After I tasted it, I have this to say: If New York had nothing else to offer but this cheesecake it would be worth visiting for this piece of sweet pleasure alone. And you know what? Let’s prepare it at home – that will be fun! These are our ingredients. (Do you like the recipe card? 1. Yes, that is my food processor you are looking at right now – I’m very much into the prehistorical style of cooking. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. … and combine all the ingredients. 7. 8. 9. … and about 1 inch (2.5 cm) up the sides of the springform pan. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. (There was a storm going on behind the window as I was taking this picture – so I was struggling, struggling with the light.)
The Dog's Breakfast - linguine with clams People are sometimes surprised to find out we’re not big restaurant-goers. You MUST try such-and-such a place, people say all the time, but we’d generally rather spend the money on ingredients to cook at home, and a nice bottle of wine. It’s so disappointing to go out, like we did last Friday, to a ‘famous’ place where you’re served more attitude than anything else. That’s not what we like to eat. So we’re fans of the underdogs in the city that you don’t hear much about, like the little Italian place we went to last Tuesday. The walls are painted a cheesy magenta, and the dog-eared menu is little more than a list of pastas and sauces. But the bread is warm, the wine is perfectly chilled, and when your plate of hot pasta arrives, it’s been prepared with a lot more attention than many dishes you’ll be served in much more famous places. linguine with clams Serves 4 as a main course 1. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.
Almond Cake Recipe - Easy One Bowl Cake Almond Cake Recipe YIELD: 1 Moist Almond Cake Ingredients: * 3/4 cups of butter * 1 1/2 cups of sugar * 2 eggs * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon vanilla * 1 1/2 teaspoon almond extract * 1 1/2 cups of flour Topping: * 1 Tbsp sugar * 3/4 cup of SLICED almonds Procedure * Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. * Melt butter. * Pour melted butter in a bowl and stir in sugar. * Add eggs (see it really is one bowl). * Stir till creamy. * Add all other ingredients (but not the topping ingredients!). * Grease bottom and sides of pan. * Spread the batter in the pan. * Sprinkle the almonds over the top and add sprinkle the sugar. * Bake for . What are some flavoring alternatives? Really there are none if you want an almond cake. Can I use oil or shortening? Let me say - I HATE SHORTENING! Is the batter supposed to be thick? Yes.
lamiacucina | Koch-blog für Geniesser. Rezepte. Gourmandisen. Chemisches und physikalisches Hintergrundwissen für Geniesser Absolutely Amazing DIY Birthday Cakes! has a fabulous birthday cake gallery/tutorial that is nothing short of AMAZING! Each of the 31 cakes in this gallery comes with step-by-step instructions on how you can recreate it at home. There’s some serious creativity & resourcefulness going on here! Pictured at top: Castle cake – featuring ice cream cone turrets…SWEET! Pictured below: Pirate Ship and Soccer Ball cakes. (The use of Oreo Crisps for the soccer ball is GENIUS!) This Lion cake design is adorable too… especially the chow-mein noodle “mane”! More favorites pictured below: Purse Cake with Giant Tootsie Roll handle, Train Birthday Cake – Engine (also check out the entire train cake) ,Ladybug cupcakes, Snake cupcakes, Dump Truck cake, ridiculously clever French Fries cake (toasted pound cake slices with red frosting dip!) Click here for a thumbnail view of all 31 cakes!
Lisa´s Kochfieber Cinnamon Toast Rolls The USDA released its new food pyramid the other day (which is actually a plate now instead of a pyramid), and I am sorely disappointed to report that cinnamon rolls did not appear anywhere on that plate. I think by now most of us know what should be on our dinner plate in terms of healthy, well-rounded nutrient-laden meals, but it is my considered opinion that our breakfast plate should include cinnamon rolls now and then. And not just any cinnamon roll, mind you, but how ‘bout a homemade cinnamon roll hybrid that is a cross between a cinnamon roll and cinnamon toast, is super easy to make and gosh darn delicious. In honor of their ancestry, I call these little gems cinnamon toast rolls, and here’s all you need to make them… Yep. That’s it… some soft white bread, some butter and some cinnamon sugar. Trim the crusts off of the bread Roll the bread really flat Brush both sides of the bread with butter Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar Cinnamon Toast Rolls Click here for a printable recipe
Steinpilz-Risotto mit gebackenem Kohl und Petersiliensoße Ein absolut wunderbares Wintergericht!! Zutaten (2 Personen):Für die Soße: 1 Eigelb 1 Sardelle 50 ml Öl 1/2 Bund Petersilie Pfeffer 1/2 Weißkohl ÖlFür das Risotto: 100 g getrocknete Steinpilze 1 Schalotte 1 El Butter+1 El Öl 200 g Risottoreis 50 ml trockener Weißwein 0,5 dl Gemüsebrühe 50 g Butter 1 handvoll Parmesan Zubereitung: Für die Soße Eigelb und Sardelle miteinander pürieren. Die trockenen Pilze in warmem Wasser 15 Minuten einweichen. Eingeweichte Pilze durch ein Sieb gießen, dabei die Flüssigkeit auffangen und durch einen Teefilter sieben. Vargányás rizottó sült káposztával és petrezselymes szósszal Egy tökéletes téli fogás! Hozzávalók (2 személyre): a szószhoz: friss petrezselyem 1/2 fehér káposzta olaj a rizottóhoz: 100 g szárított vargánya forró víz 1 mogyoróhagyma 1 ek vaj+1 ek olaj 200 g rizottórizs 50 ml száraz fehér bor 0,5 dl zöldséglé 50 g vaj maréknyi reszelt parmezán 100 g friss vargányagomba Elkészítés: A szószhoz a tojássárgát a szardellával simára mixeljük.
Correcting The World's Wrongs With Campfire Bananas - Home - Burgh Baby "What are you doing?" my husband asked. He was staring at me as if I had eighteen heads, each with 20 piercings and Mike Tyson-esque tattoos. "Making Campfire Bananas," I said. "What are those?" ::blink::blink::blink:: ::blinkblinkblinkblinkblink:: "Are you serious?" "Yeah, what are they?" "You are a victim of child abuse," I told him in a bewildered tone. I turned to Twitter to report this crime against humanity. My memories of Campfire Bananas are wrapped in Girl Scout camp and fires by the lake and all sorts of . . . . hell, who really cares? Anyway, let me share with you how joy can be packaged in a banana peel. Campfire Bananas You'll need some bananas, chocolate chips, marshmallows, and I am a fan of throwing some peanut butter into the mix as well. Peel one strip from the banana and then cut a groove in the banana, kind of like how the Sandwich Artists at Subway used to cut the bread "boat style." Stuff that strip full of good stuff. Put the peel back in place. Wrap it in foil.
Vollwerternährung Vollwerternährung bezeichnet ein Ernährungskonzept, bei dem frische und unbehandelte Nahrungsmittel sowie Vollkornprodukte bevorzugt werden. Das Konzept basiert auf der Vollwertkost von Werner Kollath.[1] Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch wird der Begriff häufig synonym zu Vollwertkost benutzt; ebenso zu Vollwertige Ernährung: Vollwertige Ernährung basiert auf den Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung und bezeichnet ein Mischkost-Konzept mit ernährungsmedizinischer Zielsetzung. Moderne Vollwerternährung erfordert zusätzlich eine besondere gesundheitliche Qualität der Nahrungsmittel, sowie eine bessere Umwelt-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsverträglichkeit.[2] Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Ernährungsreformer vor 1933[Bearbeiten] Der Begriff Vollwertkost wurde zwar erst von Werner Kollath 1942 eingeführt, das Prinzip wurde jedoch bereits Ende des 19. Als ein Pionier der Vollwertkost gilt der Schweizer Arzt Maximilian Bircher-Benner (1867–1939), der unter anderem das Müsli erfand.
Pumpkin Fudge 3 cups granulated white sugar 3/4 cup melted salted butter 2/3 cup evaporated milk ½ cup canned pure (unsweetened) pumpkin 2 Tablespoons light corn syrup 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice One 12-ounce package white chocolate morsels (chips) One (7-ounce) jar marshmallow crème 1 cup chopped pecans, toasted (optional) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1. Line a 9-inch square pan with aluminum foil. Spray with nonstick spray. 2. Stir together first 6 ingredients in a 3 1/2- quart saucepan over medium-high heat, and cook, stirring constantly, until a candy thermometer registers 234° (soft ball stage) or for about 12 minutes. 3. 4. Allgemein | Orangenmarmelade "By luck, I stumbled upon your site, and of course I wanted to try it out. I went on to deposit $500 on OneTwoTrade, then opened 5 positions and won 4. Took out the $500 and still have the profit of $288 to trade with. Shelly Green - New York "I began with $200 on OneTwoTrade and I went down to $100 the first day. John Bates - Los Angeles "I didn't know what to think about this system at first, as I have always looked at trading as too complicated and only for professionals... obviously I was wrong. Julia Moore - Chicago "Just started trading binary options a month ago. Scott Parker - Miami