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Book Creator
Since I discovered Red Jumper’s Book Creator I have been singing it’s praises from the rooftops! It has proven itself time and time again in the classroom, and when teachers have been shown the potential they have always thought of lots of different ways it could be used. Put simply it allows you to create your own iBook. An iBook with pictures, video, sound and text. An iBook which can be shared through dropbox (as an or opened in iBooks. The possibilities of this app are endless! The app uses a similar place text and object interface to pages, allowing ‘blocks’ of text to be placed and objects freely placed around them. There is also an excellent tutorial in PDF, which can be printed out and shared with staff if they are feeling overwhelmed, however in my experience, most staff will quickly pick up how to use this app. Perfect For: Year 2 – Key Stage 2 Groups/Clubs – schools which are introducing the iPads as well as 1:1 Lesson Examples: Rebecca Related Suggestions:
Apps for Guided Reading
We have carried out various projects in schools looking at using the iPads to encourage reading. Guided Reading time, or group reading time, is especially popular. Ideally the teacher and the iPads would be in different groups – the iPads are encouraging independent reading, and activities which allow the children to explore books, character, plot and so on by themselves. Producing at the end of the 20min / 30min session something which can be saved either to a webdav or to dropbox or which can be shared to the rest of the class. It is important that texts chosen and activities selected are appropriate to the level of the children, and often the teachers introduces a text to the children first. For this reason the iPads and activities were often on a two week rotation. So, what are the apps that work really well in these sessions? A summary of the apps teachers have found popular during guided reading. Groups that are left to read independently: Bobo & Light – by Game Collage Book Creation
iPods and iPads in Primary School
teacher apps