Q&A: Patrice Lamothe of Pearltrees on personal organisation of t Believe me when I say you've never used a web application quite like pearltrees. With this application, you can literally map your personal web. Take all of the bookmarks scattered across your web browser, assign them a category and you've got a pearltree. It's a new way of seeing the web. Pearltrees was the darling of the 2009 LeWeb conference, which included a keynote and product demonstration by pearltrees CEO Patrice Lamothe (no relation). I met Patrice while in Paris at the LeWeb conference. Web entrepreneurs create products or applications that they feel fills a hole in the web experience. Pearltrees let you manipulate Web content to create something different: a personal organization of those contents. Why would you do this? Eventually, you want to use other's human organization of the Web to discover new contents you are interested in or just to let yourself be guided through a human curated Web. We want to create a new type of activity on the Web and to make it mainstream.
Pearltrees: A Unique Way to Discover & Organize « Zorap Creates Traveling Geeks Virtual Geek Pad for France Blogging Tour | Main | Orange Highlights at LeWeb #leweb » December 07, 2009 Pearltrees: A Unique Way to Discover & Organize on the Web Pearltrees CEO Patrice Lamothe meets us at the door of their offices on rue de charonne in a funky, artsy area of Paris that houses other early stage companies and ad agencies, not unlike San Francisco's SOMA in many ways. Coffee waiting? You betcha and hot chocolate too. He's not an unknown personality in Silicon Valley so some of us had heard of, tried, tested and demoed Pearltrees before. "Building an organization on the web touches on how you organize your stuff in the real world. Pause....a nearby church bell rings on the half hour. Pearltrees allows you to get in touch with others who share mutual interests around the way you 'organize yourself on the web.' Visually it looks a bit like the brain......not unlike a mind map, but that's not the point of the app, which is all done in flex btw.
Pearltrees Offers A Different View On Bookmarking. | Small Busin A few weeks ago, I met Patrice Lamothe who showed me his newest product, called Pearltrees which I found had a pretty interesting and different interface. Just what is Pearltrees? According to the company’s website, it lets you organize the web in a way that you want. Once you start, you’re going to be able to discover some new things that you may not have been aware of. If you imagined there being a social bookmarking tool that followed the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” methodology, then Pearltrees is probably the closest thing to it. To accomplish this, Pearltrees allows you to first have Pearls and Pearltrees. As you can see in this image, the interface of Pearltrees is somewhat unique. What makes Pearltrees even more remarkable, beyond its non-conforming design, is that it focuses on the content, NOT the people you know. Pearltrees is currently free to use and open to anyone who wants to set up their own account. Here’s a demo video from Pearltrees explaining how it works: Google+
Pearltrees Pearltrees.com is a great place to organize, share, and store websites for current, future, or collaborative use. More than a standard social bookmarking website, Pearltrees allows you to create trees of sites to show relationships or even the order in which to browse websites. It is extremely simple to sign up, free, and easy to use once you have joined. To use it, you can install an add-on to your browser, use a bookmarklet, or just use your home spot to paste in websites that you want to add to your own pearl tree. tag(s): bookmarks (59), DAT device agnostic tool (191), webquests (29) In the Classroom In the simplest form, Pearltrees could be used to store links for classes that you are teaching or taking.
point music Researchers at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam have discovered a universal property of musical scales. Until now it was assumed that the only thing scales throughout the world have in common is the octave. The many hundreds of scales, however, seem to possess a deeper commonality: if their tones are compared in a two- or three-dimensional way by means of a coordinate system, they form convex or star-convex structures. Convex structures are patterns without indentations or holes, such as a circle, square or oval. Almost all music in the world is based on an underlying scale from which compositions are built. In Western music, the major scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do) is the best known scale. 1000 scales By placing scales in a coordinate system (an 'Euler lattice') they can be studied as multidimensional objects. The research results were recently published in the scientific Journal of New Music Research.
Foresight Publishing» Blog Archive » Why Pearltrees glistens lik Early last year I was chatting to Le Laissez Faire, my go-to-guy for all things networked, about his vision for the web. He painted an alluring mental picture of a way to better track and store my web browsing, using network theory. A more visually appealing version of del.ici.ous is the simplest way to describe it. Sadly his entrepreneurial vision was held back by an energy sapping corporate restructure, and a heavy load of volunteer work already taking up his night hours. But as with all ideas, there are no monopolies, and late last year along came Pearltrees, turning LeLaissezFaire’s vision into reality. Pearltrees is a new way to organise and store the content you consume online. But Pearltrees goes beyond bookmarking to incorporate some interesting social elements and integration with other social media sites, including Twitter. Some of the most valuable tools offered by Pearltrees allow you to: Tag content as you browse, to be stored in a dropzone for later categorisation
[Curation] : Pearltrees, Scoop.it, Storify, Paper.li,... à la recherche de l'information ultime. Cet article a été publié il y a 6 ans 7 mois 20 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. On le sait maintenant, en plus du terme de community manager, celui de curation ou content curator (définition selon Vincent Berthelot : « Le curator est celui qui transforme l’information qu’il a recueilli pour en faire une agrégation concise et porteuse de sens soit pour information soit pour décision. ») fait une entrée fracassante dans le domaine du marketing social. Heureusement, afin de toujours retrouver le nord, il existe des boussoles très efficaces. Pearltrees, des perles très sociales : Dans les outils de curation précédemment cités, Pearltrees se distingue de ces derniers par son interface et son ergonomie particulière. Comme vous l’aurez compris, le principe est donc de transformer le contenu web qui vous intéresse en perles. Scoop.it : l’outil ultime du content curator ? Storify, l’art d’écrire des histoires sociales.
Pearltrees : la bibliothèque aux 100 milles curateurs Lorsqu’on lui demande quel est son parcours, il pousse un soupir “j’ai fait pas mal de choses” : ingénieur, chercheur en sociologie, consultant en stratégie dans les médias…. L’idée de Pearltrees lui serait venue alors qu’il publiait un papier dans la revue française de sciences politiques en 2006 sur la théorie des réseaux mais qui “n’avait rien à voir avec le web”. A l’époque, on se demandait si des initiatives comme Wikipedia et Youtube allaient fonctionner. Une bibliothèque augmentée Tout d’abord Pearltrees permet d’organiser le contenu que vous visitez sur le Web. Le pearltrees de TedX Paris Rajoutez y une pointe de curation et l’on obtient cette nouveauté qui fait mouche. « Organiser le contenu comme une bibliothèque, mais ouverte .» Comme le rappelle Patrice Lamothe, si le terme Curation fait couler beaucoup d’encre, ce n’es pas l’effet de mode sur un mot qu’il faut retenir mais bien une pratique des utilisateurs. L’évolution du web au service d’un business plan efficace.
Content Curation: Pearltrees, SmallRivers — Climb to the Stars [fr] Tentative d'utilisation de Pearltrees et SmallRivers. Ça semble intéressant mais pour le moment j'ai l'impression que soit quelque chose m'échappe, soit qu'ils sont en train de réinventer la roue. If you’re at LeWeb’09, you’ve heard of Pearltrees. They’re offering an interface/platform to help people curate web content by collecting it (bookmarking it?) in the shape of “pearls”. I’m trying both, unfortunately with not exactly enough energy and time to do it properly. In a way, this kind of content curation is already possible. The question I always want to ask is the following: what exactly does this new shiny service do that I cannot already do (or almost do) with my existing tools, and which will justify the overhead of investing in a new space or service? For the moment, I am “not getting” either Pearltrees or SmallRivers, but as I said, I have just given them an initial “does it click?” Similar Posts: Like this: Like Loading...
Review: pearltrees and Evernote | Kip McGrath Professional Tutoring Leeds Here are recommendations for two online services or cloud services I am using at the moment. Under review for about 6 weeks, pearltrees is new to me but I’ve been using Evernote for a couple of years. Both are great for everyday use but there are particular ways they are good for teachers and tutors and for students. pearltrees (Free or Premium is $44 a year) Well Done! Pearltrees showed up on StumbleUpon quite a few times over the last year or so. As a tutor, there are several things I love about pearltrees. Pearltrees is essentially an online bookmarks bar. Collaboration is great too. One last great thing about Pearltrees is that it can show similar subject areas. See me! Premium is $44 a year but that does enable privacy. Evernote (Free or $35 a year/$4 a month) Well done! I think I also found Evernote on StumbleUpon but it has become so embedded in what I do I can’t quite remember! Evernote does do some of what pearltrees does but collects all your personal notes as well. See Me!
Pearltrees Pearltrees permet d’organiser tout naturellement. Ajoutez des pages web, des photos, des vidéos, des fichiers, des documents ou des notes, et organisez le tout dans de superbes collections. Découvrez des millions de contenus sur vos sujets préférés et partagez-les comme vous le souhaitez. Avec Pearltrees, organisez tout naturellement ! Des versions dédiées de Pearltrees existent pour les établissements scolaires et les entreprises. A propos de Pearltrees :"La façon la plus élégante et visuelle de collecter et partager des contenus" the Next Web"Pearltrees met une bibliothèque dans votre poche" Digital Trends"Cette nouvelle application tire le meilleur des capacités de l'iPhone" Techcrunch Télécharger et utiliser Pearltrees est gratuit. Nos conditions d’utilisation : politique de confidentialité :
Pearltrees: A Design Interface for Remapping the Web - ReadWrite It's rare to look at a bookmarking tool and feel convinced that it's going to win a design award. Pearltrees is such a product. The French site offers us a new way to explore and contextualize the web. Said Lamothe, "We wanted a type of game play that was playful to use and map the web...and the fact that you can group and ungroup content easily means that you can re-catalogue it and keep it current." Rather than looking at the web as a series of linear pages, this service lets us build tree graphs of connecting arguments, share them and then break them at any time. Naturally, as a newly anointed God of information, other great thinkers will gravitate towards you. The Future of Touch Interfaces Given the unique user interface of Pearltrees, Lamothe expects that the company will roll out feature releases and enhancements on an ongoing basis. At this point, I almost fell out of my chair thinking about the possibilities.