LibriVox 6 Copyright Page Disclaimers to Copy and Paste Into Your Book Last time I gave examples of long and short copyright pages that you can use in your book. Today I have two types of information you might want to add to your copyright page: disclaimers and credits. Let’s look at disclaimers first. Examples of Disclaimers The copyright page is the place publisher put disclaimers. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. (memoir or recent history) This is a work of fiction. (novels, short stories) I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. (memoir, autobiography) Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. (advice, how-to) (sports, training)
Reflexões Práticas sobre Educação a Distância | Ginux Trabalho há quase 15 anos com Educação a Distância (EaD). Nesse período participei em duas disciplinas de um curso de especialização em Informática na Educação e criei e coordenei o ARL, um curso baseado fortemente em interação online e atividades para serem realizadas à distância e entregues e corrigidas via internet. Nesse interim, pude acompanhar diversos cursos ofertados na modalidade de EaD, avaliando ao menos que superficialmente a metodologia dos mesmos. Também tomei contato com uma série de leituras na área, podendo formar uma visão crítica sobre EaD. Por conta desse histórico, eu não consigo não me sentir incomodado quando me deparo com visões preconceituosas e equivocadas sobre EaD. Para exemplificar melhor, é importante dizer que em várias disciplinas presenciais já se faz e muito o uso de práticas rotineiras da EaD. Notem que essas atitudes não tornam o curso a distância porque a maior parte dele ainda ocorre em salas de aulas físicas.
Art, Craft, and Creativity Links About these links: I've included links here that I think you might enjoy or find valuable. Although in some cases I know the people who do the site, or have done business with them, that is not always true. For the most part I don't know any more about the owners of the sites than anyone else does, so please do not assume that by including links I am endorsing any product or service that they provide. Of course I have no control over the content of most of these sites and any one of them might change without notice. Architecture Week The Great Buildings Collection Digital Imaging Project Busch Stadium Fabulous Ruins of Detroit Chicago Imagebase - Web-based project aimed at enhancing knowledge about the built environment of the Chicago region. Chicago Landmarks The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Ebsworth Park Frank Lloyd Wright House Price Tower Arts Center - Bartlesville, OK Lutheran Redeemer Church - another reason to visit Bartlesville, if the Price Tower is not enough! Bruce Goff, Architect St.
The Most Connected Man Is You, Just A Few Years From Now By looking at his data, he's learned exactly what he needs to be his most productive self, such as setting the lights to a specific shade or programming the air levels in his bedroom so he can sleep soundly. He's even monitored his heart rate while watching porn to become more aware of his sexual preferences: "I thought I was into certain types of people, but learned what I actually like most." He's also lost more than 100 pounds along the way, just by tracking his daily habits and making small changes to be healthier. Even his dogs are tracked; a product called Tagg logs their daily activities. He's been called everything from a cyborg to an alien for his extreme data collection routines, but Dancy is the future tech experts say is coming. Dancy is the ultimate example of two revolutions underway in tech: the Internet of Things (smart thermostats, garage doors, toothbrushes, tennis racquets) and quantified self (what you learn about yourself from trackers).
Wikibooks Neale Sourna | Neale won's Best Erotica Novel award for her first published novel, "Hobble," published through her own company, PIE: Perception Is Everything, and successfully ranked as a finalist for New Century Screenplay's national contest for her script, "FRAMES." Neale has many enjoyable titles available for ebook and print. This author's purpose? Great fiction with great characters, edgy and human characters, whether male or female POV, that gets in deep under your skin and is a benefit in your life, perhaps even a great anchor or a great elevator of spirit, fiction (and nonfiction) you'll read again and again, and share with your friends, family, and special beloved one(s). / Do your friends and family approve or disprove of the content of your books? They approve and think it scandalous fun; but, I'm not certain they actually read them. Name a book that you'd blush to be seen reading on the bus. Ursula K. No. "Write what you know." No.
Anon-proxy (um UltraSurf para Linux) Quem já precisou acessar algo na net e foi bloqueado por seu proxy ou firewall devem conhecer o Ultra-surf. Mas quando se usa Linux há um problema: rodar pelo Wine. Para isso os meus testes não foram muito produtivos. Esses passos foram realizados no Ubuntu 9.04. Primeiro passo: # apt-get install anon-proxy Obs.: atenção na instalação, será perguntado se deseja alterar as variáveis de proxy do sistema. Segundo e último passo: Configurar o proxy no seu navegador e nos programas. No Mozilla Firefox: Editar -> Preferências -> Avançado -> Rede -> Configurar Aí configure manualmente portas e IP de todos os protocolos para: localhost (ou ) e porta 4001. Antes disso, para ter certeza que está funcionando: # nmap localhost A reposta deve ter uma porta assim: 4001/tcp open unknown Feito isso deve funcionar tudo perfeitamente. Abraços.
Services and Stories - why marketing and product innovation need to p… Libros Maravillosos (Yakov Perelman) Self-Publishing Review | Blog | eBook Self-Publishing: A Simple Guideline and Some Tips on Taking Those First Steps Baby Steps First Starting to self-publish your ebook or even thinking about it can be a daunting task. A little help before you start will save you time and help you in publishing your ebook in all the right places. When I published my first book, I had no idea where to go or what to look for. I thought I would walk you through some of the steps you will need to take to get self-published. This is a major topic and could easily fill a large book and there are many good books on this topic already out there. I have compiled a simple outline of links and some tips to help you on your way. My basic assumption for this blog is that you are ‘self-publishing for profit’. Now One Step At A Time The content and its formatting are major tasks for the self-publisher. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Be Prepared to Publish Here is some pre-publishing information you need before you start to publish your ebook to the retailers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amazon Kindle Version – MOBI/AZW Format 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4.