Блоги Гис-Лаб Итак, меня практически заставили сделать это подавляющим числом голосов на встрече, теперь мне очень интересно будет посмотреть, как же это будет использоваться Встречайте Блоги GIS-Lab ака "Песочница" (начало обсуждения). Главная страница, она же агрегатор всех блогов: персонального блога: агрегатора: Идея: Каждый может создать себе блог на GIS-Lab и писать туда что угодно. Нюансы:1. 7. Fundamentals of Mapping Purpose of this site ICSM has designed this site to provide a comprehensive general overview of maps, mapping, cartography and map production. It is not intended to be a definitive reference, but rather to supply a consolidated summary of mapping concepts, principles and practice. Hyperlinks are provided to other sites which offer more detailed information. Contents Overview to the Fundamentals of Mapping This is a brief outline of the core components to mapping the Earth. History of Mapping This is a brief outline of the sequence of the development of the science of map making. Types of Maps There are many different types of maps, which are generally classified according to what they are attempting to show. Earth's Coordinate System The first step in converting the information contained in the real-world onto a ‘piece of paper’ was to devise a system where everything could be uniquely located in that world. Datums 1 – the Basics Datums 2 – Datums Explained in more Detail Surveying for Mapping
Underdark blog Raster data file format lists in GIS - GIS MAP INFO This post will describe you about the Raster data file format lists in GIS. In Geographical information system there are only two methods which are used to store data for both kinds of mapping references i.e Raster and Vector Data GIS files. And in this post we are going to talk about the various Raster data file formats in GIS. Raster data models are useful for storing data that varies continuously, as in an aerial photograph, a satellite image or an elevation surface. Raster data provides a matrix of cells with values representing a coordinate and sometimes linked to an attribute table and it is much simpler for many layers combinations. Now coming to the main question how many file formats does Raster data have? Portable Network Graphics (PNG)Provides a well-compressed, lossless compression for raster files.
Gis-Lab Blog Напоминание: Регулярный семинар #1-14 07.04.2014, bishop Напоминаю, что 12 апреля 2014 года (сб) в 12 часов состоится первый в этом году регулярный семинар #1-14. Центральная тема семинара ОСМ. Семинар будет проходить по адресу: м. На семинаре будут следующие доклады: Евгений Усвицкий с темой »OpenStreeetMap: что это такое и как можно применить»Артем Светлов с темой »Обзор различных аспектов ОСМ»Илья Зверев с темой »Cбор геоданных на автомобиле и их последующая обработка» Подробности о семинаре читаем: Контакты организаторов: 8(916)585-24-52 (Дмитрий) Геодезические системы пространственных координат 06.04.2014, ErnieBoyd В статье рассматриваются различные виды координатных систем: геодезические, геоцентрические и топоцентрические. Читать | Обсудить Регулярный семинар #1-14 04.04.2014, bishop 12 апреля 2014 года (сб) в 12 часов состоится первый в этом году регулярный семинар. Семинар будет проходить по адресу: м. Что будет на семинаре: Подробности о семинаре читаем в специальной теме на форуме.
Convert KML to Shapefile in QGIS - GIS MAP INFO Convert KML to Shapefile in QGIS. KML or Keyhole markup language file which store and models geographic features for displaying in Google earth or Google maps, which is not common in use for Map makers and GIS programmers. ESRI made a standard Vector file i.e Shapefile which is most commonly adopted in the field of GIS (Geographic Information System), and this made me to convert KML to shapefile, created for learning purpose from Google map. QGIS (Qunatum GIS) is an open source GIS tool, which provide you a function to convert the KML file to Shapefile, and Vice versa i.e Shapefile to kml file. You might be looking for converting KML to shapefile when you get the data from third party or from website which download free GIS map data but in different formats which can also be converted to. If you still don’t prefer using QGIS or GDAL utility to convert the file from kml to shp, then you should also look for KML to Shapefile Conversion using Online Tool. Convert KML to Shapefile in QGIS: or
Mapperz blog Download Free Shapefile Maps - Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc - GIS MAP INFO Download Free Shapefile Maps – Shapefile is one of the most common and extensively use vector file format of GIS (Geographical Information System), developed by ESRI as an open Specification, which consist of collection of files viz .shp, .shx and .dbf extension with same prefix name. You might be hunting to Download free shapefile for completing either your small industrial work for POC or for academic project use or for any NGO work. Here you will find the links of best resources to Download Shapefile for free, either its polygon, polyline and point feature shapefile, covering different subjects like Administrative Area Boundaries, Roads, Railways, population etc across the world. You may also look to download Digital Terrain DEM. Note: The Data Shapefile Downloaded from provided below link here, may or may not be authentic, accurate or incomplete. Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc 1.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.)
Free Geography Tools Download Digital Terrain DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and create contours Maps - GIS MAP INFO Digital Elevation Model is a 3D representation of a terrain. It is generated by collecting elevation points of terrain. We don’t have to do hectic work like this as webgis provides us with ready-made digital elevation data. WebGIS is where you can find all the leading information and resources for Geographical Information Systems. Here you will find how to download Digital Terrain Data and create contour map. Download Digital Terrain Data: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Extract DEM and create contour Map: Contour map shows contour lines with relative space indicating the relative slope of the surface. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) You may also be interested in QGIS tutorial. Author: Akshay Upadhyay Owner and Director of a Private Limited company which serves individual to large scale industries in the field of Maps and GIS.