More Than 30 Google+ Tools, Extensions, Tutorials and Other Resources The Google+ honeymoon might be over but many people are still active on the site. As Google+ has some shortcomings, lacking features and usability flaws, there are now numerous tools to deal with these issues. I’ve compiled a list of the most promising ones. I haven’t tested all the tools, just a few, so please report issues in the comments. I have chosen only those that seemed to make sense and have been recommended by other publishers or social media friends of mine. Web Tools and Resources Google+ Statistics – Google+ statistics shows not only who the most popular users and posts on Google+ are; it also discloses the percentage of women on Google+. Firefox and Chrome Extensions There are lots of Chrome and Firefox extensions for Google+ now. G++ for Google Plus (Firefox/Chrome) – this extension adds Facebook and Twitter to your Google+ interface. Tutorials and Solutions Tools Lists Misc. Do you already use these or other Google+ tools? * CC image by Toby Bochan.
How to Collect Student Files with Dropbox | K-5 Computer Lab Collect Student Assignments and Files with Dropbox and FileStork Dropbox is a free online file storage service that students can use to upload assignments and other digital files to the teacher's Dropbox account. Students do not need an email account or a Dropbox account. Teachers can use the basic free Dropbox account to collect and store up to 2GB of data. June 16, 2012 - UPDATE!! Unfortunately, This tutorial will no longer work as one of the companies, "FileStork" has closed their website as of June 15, 2012. How It Works: 1) You place an upload link on your website, blog, wiki, bookmark site, etc.. 2) Students click the link and are presented with a file upload form. 3) Students upload their file. 4) You collect the uploaded files from your Dropbox account. Get Started: You will use these two free services: Dropbox for up 2GB of free file storage. Filestork for you to create upload links and for students to send files to your Dropbox. 1) Go to Dropbox. 2) Go to Filestork.
Noodle in Moodle: Adding free Resources from @LSIS_updates Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! NLN is a collection of learning objectives and resources available on the web which are now maintained by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) and were created with funding from the UK’s Skills Funding Agency. The NLN Materials are small, flexible ‘bite-sized’ episodes of learning. As a bonus, there’s a Moodle resource integration which you can add to make it very easy to add these resources to a Moodle classroom. Grab the module files and read more about NLN at Adding a new nln resource is very simple, once installed, this is the basic process: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hat tip to for first showing this cool resource.
How To Do Everything On Wordpress This is the latest installment of Ultimate Guides from Edudemic. What are Ultimate Guides? They’re detailed looks at particular topics that you may not get anywhere else. From Twitter to Google+ to Bastille Day , the library continues to grow. WordPress powers many of the world’s most popular websites (including Edudemic!). Now for the long-form tutorial version: rather than venture into the world of WordPress alone, Edudemic is here. Introduction So your current or future website runs on WordPress. First, let’s understand what it is. It’s also easy to add functionality: twitter feeds, Facebook integration, slideshows…if you’ve seen it on the web before, chances are it can be integrated into your site. Logging In and the Admin panel Use the credentials provided by WordPress and then go to to log in). There’s a lot going on here, but you won’t have to worry about too much of it. First things first: you’ll probably want to change your password. Posts and Pages
The 21st Century Version So much have been written about Bloom’s taxonomy; one click in a search engine will flood your page with hundreds of articles all of which revolve around this taxonomy. Only few are those who have tried to customize it to fit in the 21st century educational paradigm. As a fan of Bloom’s pedagogy and being a classroom practitioner, I always look for new ways to improve my learning and teaching, and honestly speaking , if you are a teacher/ educator and still do not understand Bloom’s taxonomy then you are missing out on a great educational resource. The following article is a summary and a fruit of my long painstaking research in the field of Bloom’s taxonomy. Bloom’s taxonomy of learning as Wikipedia has put it is “ a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom ”. 1 – The cognitive : The intellectual or knowledge based domain consisted of 6 levels . Let us now go through the different domains stated here.
Crucipresentaciones Ahora estamos en pleno proceso a la espera de los resultados, pero como ya hemos completado la primera parte os presento el documento: crucipresentaciones Desarrollo de la primera sesión: Primero los alumnos han elaborado un perfil de mi persona a partir del crucigrama. Además, he salpicado el crucigrama de conceptos lingüísticos, que he destacado en negrita.
¿Qué es la influencia en las redes sociales? Herramientas para medirla Las redes sociales están desempeñando un papel cada vez más importante en la configuración del comportamiento de los usuarios en la web. Los servicios de redes sociales cada vez cuentan con un mayor tráfico y un uso en constante crecimiento por parte de los usuarios. No cabe duda de que se están convirtiendo en espacios de comunidad, donde los usuarios interactúan con su entorno y acercan distancias. A través de comportamientos individuales podemos comprender el comportamiento del usuario en general. No obstante, cuánto mayor es la cifra de usuarios de una determinada comunidad y menos específica en su orientación temática, de contenido, de servicios, de participación… mayor es la diferencia que encontramos entre unos y otros. Lo verdaderamente importante en la mayor parte de las ocasiones es interpretar la acción de los usuarios en un contexto en línea con las personas a las que están conectadas socialmente y la influencia que entre ellas se produce.
introducción de la web 2.0 Introducción de la web 2.0 1) ¿que es la web 2.0? 2) ¿Características de la web 2.0? 3)Artículos interesantes de Web 2.0 que es la web 2.0 Podemos considerar la web 2.0 como las herramientas participativas de internet. 2) Características de la web 2.0 1) Web 1.0 > Web 2.0 2) Doubleclick –> Google AdSense (Servicios Publicidad) 3) Ofoto –> Flickr (Comunidades fotográficas) 4) Akamai –> BitTorrent (Distribución de contenidos) 5) –> Napster (Descargas de música) 6) Britannica Online –> Wikipedia (Enciclopedias) 7) Sitios personales –> Blogs (Páginas personales) 8) Especulación con dominios –> Optimización en motores de búsqueda SEO 9) Páginas vistas –> Costo por click 10) CMSs –> Wikis (Administradores de contenidos) 11) Categorías/Directorios –> Tag 3) Artículos interesantes de Web 2.0 Web 2.0 ¿Reconfiguración social o tecnológica? Web 3.0, añade significad What is Web 2.0 en O’reilly (inglés) Web 2.0 en la Wikipedia Plataforma Web 2.0 : ¿Que Es? Web 2.0 for designers Are you ready for Web 2.0?
Tecnologia Instruccional The Best iPad Tips and Tricks A mobile device has changed the ways you interact with the computer. It neither needs a mouse nor a giant physical keyboard any more, but you still can find the ways to work around with it. Just like the iPad, it has only one hard button—the Home button—facing you. Shedding some light on this trend, these tips and tricks might be of interest to you and come in handy especially when you've just got an iPad in your hand. Note: The steps described in this article work with the iOS 4, 5 and 6, where applicable. Read this article in Chinese Index: When running an app, you can minimize it by simply clicking the Home button. On the iOS 4, 5 & 6 Double-click your iPad's Home button to reveal the open apps on the multitasking bar at the bottom of the screen. On the iOS 5 & 6 only You can use four or five fingers to swipe left or right to switch between open apps, or swipe up to reveal the open apps on the multitasking bar. The iPad doesn't need you to close a running app for every instance.
Asociación de Sistema de Información | American University Desde el lanzamiento del el año pasado que envuelven a la próxima generación del iPhone, al cual se le ha dado el nombre provisional de por razones obvias. Los rumores sobre este dispositivo van desde los que hasta . El rumor más reciente Continue reading Hay que admitir que la gente de Toshiba realmente se ha lucido con la presentación de este espectacular tablet Android, el nuevo . La compañía telefónica AT&T presentó una aplicación que permite hacer algunas tareas cotidianas a distancia con dispositivos móviles. La presentación se produjo en el Congreso Mundial de la Telefonía Móvil que se celebra esta semana en Barcelona y donde las grandes compañías presentan las novedades del sector. En la primera jornada se conocieron además nuevos modelos inteligentes de celular, con cámaras fotográficas avanzadas, procesadores de cuatro núcleos o modelos sumergibles. La aplicación, en un futuro cercano, podría hacer más fáciles algunas tareas cotidianas.
On Teaching Online