Binary marble adding machine Way back when I built my Marble Machine one , I incorporated a few logic-like elements in it, including several divide by two mechanisms, as well as a complicated and slightly unreliable divide by 6 mechanism. It had occurred to me that perhaps with an insane amount of perseverance, it might be possible to build a whole computer that runs on marbles. But my second marble machine was much less based on logic - it was more about just making lots of cool noises. But then I had an idea as to how the divide by two mechanisms from my first marble machine could be cascaded together to function as a sort of adder register or counter. The core of the invention is a modification of the divide by two flipflop to retain the marble that falls off the right side and keep it until the flipflop is flipped to the left by the next marble. The top flipflop in this picture is rocked to the right, with a retained marble (stores a '1'), and the lower flipflop is rocked to the left, storing a '0'.
How to make Crumble Toppings plus lots of Crumble Topping Recipes How to make crumble toppings plus a collection of alternative sweet and savoury crumble topping recipes Jump to :- How to make a basic Crumble Topping | Alternative Crumble Toppings | Sweet Crumble Topping Recipes | Savoury Crumble Topping Recipes | Complete Crumble Recipes Monkey Business - See also: Crumbles There have been many adaptations and additions made to the traditional apple crumble recipe over the years including the use of different fillings, baking it in a tart form, making individual portion crumbles and making savoury crumbles. How to make a basic Crumble Topping The basic crumble mix is half fat to flour and the same amount of sugar as fat (or a little more if you want it sweeter). 100g/4oz Flour 50g/2oz Butter or Margarine 50g/2oz Sugar The above portions give a relatively shallow crumble topping. 175g/6oz Flour 75g/3oz Butter or margarine 75g/3oz Sugar
Toolkits – Shelter 2.0 The original Shelter 2.0 files are licensed with a Creative Commons license and they will continue with that license, but we've had enough interesting requests that we thought it would be easier with the newer versions to just put down our expectations when you use the Shelter 2.0 files and designs. 1) You can use these files for your own personal use, free of charge. 2) You can use these files to make a Shelter to give away, free of charge 3) You CAN NOT use these files commercially for a Shelter that you will sell or charge for, with these exceptions: *** You can charge enough for a Shelter to cover direct material and fabrication costs. We know how hard fund raising is and encourage projects to be sustainable. *** You can sell or rent finished shelters IF any money collected is used for a "good cause". You can figure out what that means...donating the money to support a local homeless shelter is a "good cause", but paying for your trip to Vegas isn't. the project is doing. us know.
Manual de accesibilidad e inclusión en museos y lugares del patrimonio cultural y natural — InfoENPUNTO Periódico de Arte y Cultura Entre las recientes novedades de Ediciones TREA figura la obra titulada “Manual de accesibilidad e inclusión en museos y lugares del patrimonio cultural y natural”, firmado por Antonio Espinosa Ruiz y Carmina Bonmatí Lledó (eds. científicos). Este manual está dedicado a la accesibilidad e inclusión en sus múltiples facetas (física, orgánica, sensorial, mental, social, cultural, etcétera) al patrimonio cultural y natural, y en especial a los museos y exposiciones en su más amplia acepción, tanto por lo que respecta a la museología (arquitectura, personal, política de la institución, formación, atención al público, etcétera) como a la museografía. Para ello, han participado en su redacción algunos de los más prestigiosos expertos de España en cada una de las materias que abordan los diferentes capítulos.
4x8 CNC Machine - Makers Local 256 This cnc has been replaced by the ACCTECH 4'x8' CNC See Also: Project Log Overview This is the project page of a CNC capable of milling 4' x 8' plywood sheets. Future Improvements: increase cut stability with a more rigid gantry that maintains at least 3 and preferably 4 points of contact on the X and Y rails. CNC Control Software I'm using Mach3 to feed GCode to the controller, it seems to work well. LazyCam(we have a license) - does ok for most dxf features but can't handle curves. has good tool diameter compensation. Other Resources Feed Rate Calculator Status 10or11 May 12: Ordered CNC Kit from 16 May 12: Kit arrived in 3 boxes (145#, 145#, 95#) - I like to call them Huey, Duey, and Louie 17 May 12: Uncrated the contents. Links to Cuttable Pattern Resources Links to CNC Machine Resources Assembly Pics Crate Contents Concerns Assembly Day More to follow once I've resized them. Bill of Materials This may be put on hold...
CNC Panel Joinery Notebook - Make: I’ve been collecting clever ways of slotting flat stock together since I first read Nomadic Furniture back in 1999, well before the advent of the accessible hobby-class CNC tools that today make manufacturing parts like these pretty easy. Now, the world is full of people designing models, project enclosures, sculpture, furniture, and all kinds of other cool stuff to be assembled from parts made on laser cutters and CNC routers. I keep expecting a definitive book or website to emerge that covers the “bag of tricks” in an organized way, but so far, I haven’t found it. In presenting this material, I want to first acknowledge my respect for the world’s established and ancient traditions of joinery. I may abuse some terms, without meaning to, and I am glad to be corrected by those who are in the know about traditional joinery. To simplify things, at first, I’m only considering joints between two panels. Laser vs. The router-cut version, however, doesn’t work. Biasing Cross (“X”) Joints
Layouts, vectors, 2D models and drawings download for free for laser cutting and CNC Free holidays, amulets 2D models for laser cutting and cnc .cdr. dfx. dwg. dxf General conceptsWe use cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies on our website. Cookies are small data files that are served by our platform and stored on your device. Our website uses cookies that have been reset by us or third parties for various purposes, including the operation and personalization of the website. Third countriesOur website uses the use of various third-party services.