Six trends that will accelerate the adoption of technology in higher education | Features We take a look at the six “key trends” picked out in the NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition The NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition, officially launched on 3 February 2014, aims to examine emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching and learning within higher education settings. It is the 11th annual higher education report of its kind, and is published by the New Media Consortium, a not-for-profit consortium of more than 250 colleges, universities, museums and companies that conducts research into emerging forms of media and technology. The report, produced in partnership with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, picks out six “key trends” that are accelerating the adoption of technology in higher education. Scroll through to find out more about these trends. 1. Fast trend: driving changes in higher education over the next one to two years 2. 3. Mid-range trend: driving changes in higher education within three to five years 4. 5. 6.
Responsabilidad Ambiental. Modelización y simulación de la calidad de aguas y suelos En la actualidad, la contaminación ambiental y las preocupaciones por su repercusión sobre la vida han ido cobrando cada vez más importancia en las sociedades más desarrolladas. Durante los últimos años se ha ido avanzando en el conocimiento de métodos de trabajo y de técnicas y tecnologías menos contaminantes o preventivas de la contaminación. El saneamiento y depuración de aguas y la descontaminación de suelos son tecnologías hoy en día imprescindibles para preservar estos recursos, lo que ha generado un nuevo campo profesional cuya importancia crece día a día. Destinatarios El curso está dirigido a técnicos exclusivamente de las siguientes zonas geográficas: Castilla-La Mancha Extremadura Ceuta Melilla Islas Canarias Requisitos En caso de estar interesado/a en cualquiera de las acciones formativas, será necesario remitir la documentación que a continuación se detalla. 1. Anexo / Solicitud de participación, debidamente cumplimentada y firmada. 2. 3. STRUCTURALIA, S.A. Objetivos Módulo 3.
99 Best Online College Resources on Open Courseware & MOOCs | With the increasing popularity of online education has come a profusion of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Open Courseware (OCW), Open Educational Resources (OER), and other general educational resources that can be accessed online. MOOCs are usually full courses with actual assignments and a similar structure to a traditional college class, whereas OCW and OER are simply resources, such as textbooks, class rubrics, and other corollary materials that students can use to guide their independent learning. This collection isn’t intended as an ordered ranking comparing the quality of these sites, but a repository of great resources for anyone who wants to learn more about MOOCs and OCW. Many companies have set up platforms that anyone can use to create and promote MOOCs, and as the MOOC format gets more popular, there will doubtlessly be heavy competition to create the best course creation and hosting service.
Is there a business model for MOOCs? Report from #emoocs2014 Panel discussion at #emoocs2014 with MOOCs providers MOOCs have just appeared and the big question has already been raised: are they sustainable? In other words, are they pedagogically adequate, institutionally relevant and financially viable? MOOCs are rupturing the norms of how we have taught and learned until now. One of the questions that comes up again and again refers to the business model. The cost of offering a MOOC I participated in a panel that gathered representatives from edX, Coursera and FutureLearn: three “platforms” delivering MOOCs and creating partnerships with some of the world’s leading universities. Costs of production of MOOCs are largely underestimated; a minimum of 30.000 Euros per MOOC seems to be the lowest acceptable figure. Why MOOCs need a model However, things also have to change on the revenue side. Potential business models We discussed “B2C” and “B2B” models. The bigger picture All in all, the question of MOOCs’ business model is an iceberg.
Cómo y por cuánto crear tu impresora 3D Las impresoras 3D están abriendo una opción de autoabastecimiento de productos manufacturados. Sobre todo porque gran parte de sus precursores se mueve en una corriente de opinión común: que todo el mundo pueda crear la suya en casa para fabricar lo que necesite. El mismo día que el mundo se escandalizó con la primera pistola impresa compartida que funciona, Robohand presentó una prótesis para una mano con dedos mecanizados que devuelve la movilidad a su usuario. Actualmente hay numerosos proyectos de documentación y manuales de software libre para que cualquiera con unos conocimientos básicos de mecánica, electrónica y programación pueda comenzar a crear su impresora 3D y terminarla semanas más tarde. Por mínimas que sean las nociones iniciales, el proceso de aprendizaje es enriquecedor. SF: ¿Cuánto te ha costado y cuánto tiempo has tardado en hacer tu impresora 3D? SF: ¿Qué tipo de impresora es? SF: ¿Por qué elegiste esta combinación?
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Alt-Ed: EMOOCs 2014: European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit > Proceedings > Research Track Table of Contents Source and Links to Full Text Available At: [ Learn to invest and how to buy stocks with our Stock Game | Fantasy Stock Market | How to Invest