20 collaborative Google Apps activities for schools Google Apps are collaborative, which makes them highly powerful. They offer opportunities for students to engage unlike ever before. Here are 20 ideas. Google Apps is beginning to revolutionize education. With its highly collaborative, online/offline format — and its attractive price tag (free!) — many schools, businesses and other organizations are ditching their expensive, clunky software for this powerful suite of tools. The way that Google Apps is interactive and easy to share is powerful. There’s so much you can do with these apps in class to get students — AND teachers — working together. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. What are other ways to use Google Apps to help students, teachers and others at schools collaborate? (For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links, “like” Ditch That Textbook on Facebook and follow @jmattmiller on Twitter!) Related Google Apps "GAFE Smashing" activities -- Part 1: Dynamic Docs In "Ed Tech"
Hem - Digitala Skollyftet Moodle MOOC 5: Teaching with Technology and Moodle Training Courses: Online Course Course Description Moodle MOOC 5 will start on October 1, 2014 on WizIQ (click here to access the course). The theme of the current MOOC is collaborative learning, reflective practice, connecting online for instruction and learning. The MOOC will focus on connecting online for collaborative learning and teaching through Moodle, Second LIfe, Mahara, Google Drive Docs, and Google Apps, Mobile Devices, Virtual Classes, and other online learning environments for face-to-face, blended, and fully online learning. Moodle MOOC 5 will also include Moodle for Teachers (M4T) courses for beginners and advanced Moodlers. There will be two learning areas: WizIQ course area and Moodle for Teachers (M4T) Moodle website. Unlike the traditional MOOCs that stress content and course delivery, Moodle MOOC will focus on active learning, reflection, sharing, and collaboration. Participants will become acquainted with Moodle as a course and learning management system. Requirements for Certificates
Natsmarta untitled How To Create A Test That Grades Itself Using Google Forms How To Create Self Grading Assessments With Google Forms Google Forms isn’t the first thing you think of when you think of assessment. It’s not especially elegant, it won’t wow students, and the learning curve isn’t as mild as it might be. But with a little bit of work on the front-end, Google Forms can return the favor in spades on the back-end in the form of self-grading assessments. While there isn’t an app (yet) that can uncover the true nuance of understanding, if you’re using multiple-choice assessments–even just as pre and summative assessments–this trick can save you time, allowing the real potential of assessment to shine through in consistently extracting data to revise planned instruction. Mike Reading from Google Apps For Edu gives the following itemized rundown on how to use Google Forms to accomplish exactly that in the video below.
Where Would You Live on This Map of the Internet? If there was a map of the Internet, which country would you call home? This fascinating map was created by Slovakian student and amateur graphic design artist Martin Vargic, who often goes by the pseudonym Jay Simons, and he left no detail untouched. The map is divided into categorized continents, which are then further detailed with countries. The eastern part of the map is comprised mostly of software companies, such as Microsoft and HP, while the western hemisphere which Vargic refers to as the "New World" is made up of websites and social networks like Facebook and Google. Cities are represented with sub-categories and trends; the iPhone 5 on the Apple sector, and OneDirectionVEVO in the YouTube country, while the countries' capitals are portrayed with the CEO or founder's last name. No map of the internet would be complete without all parts being equally represented. The complex map was so large that it had to be drawn in 4 segments, which was later merged into one.
Generate Reports in Moodle You can generate one of a selection of reports for the course. Generate logs In the Settings block, under Course administration, click Reports. From the expanded Reports menu, select which report you want to see (this example shows Logs). Generate course participation reports For some courses, student participation in forums plays a significant role in determining their final mark. Use the Course participation report to send messages to participants who may be falling behind on certain learning material. In the Settings block, under Course administration, click Reports.
Lararmaterial_ViljaVeta.pdf Awesome Chart on " Pedagogy Vs Andragogy " Adult learning is a vast area of educational research and probably one of the most complicated. Adults learn differently and have different strategies in learning. Adults Learning Theory and Principles explain in details these strategies and sheds more light on how adults cultivate knowledge. Talking about adult learning brings us to the concept of Andragogy. According to the article Malcolm Knowles an American practitioner and theorist of adult education, defined andragogy as “the art and science of helping adults learn”. Adults are internally motivated and self-directedAdults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiencesAdults are goal orientedAdults are relevancy orientedAdults are practicalAdult learners like to be respected Tom Whitby wrote this great article " Pedagogy Vs Andragogy " in which he argued for using these same principles of adults learning in kids learning.
80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom 80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff When you think of innovative, edgy, compelling uses of technology, Google Forms isn’t exactly the first thing that leaps to mind. While you’d probably prefer a piece of hardware that’s affordable, easy to use, and mobile that allows students to direct their own mastery of content in peer-to-peer and school-to-school learning environments, for now you just might have to settle for a spreadsheet. No, wait. Spreadsheets are simply a kind of framework, yes? And they have built-in formulas to perform calculations, visualize data, and communicate information in ways we–and students–are not used to seeing, right? So maybe a self-grading assessment? Questionnaires? See, I told you it’s not so bad.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Good Tools to Help You Flip Your Classroom March 22, 2014Making the transition to a flipped classroom can be quite a trial. Not only are you changing your daily routine and lessons, but also the software and hardware you use. If you need a hand (and who doesn't?) Swivl Capture lessons with Swivl to improve teacher effectiveness and student performance by turning class time into content creation time. NowComment Turn any document into a class discussion with a commenting system that appears right next to the text. Math Pickle This free collection of hand-picked K-12 math videos is gathered together and organized by a math teacher. Novation Launchpad Create a soundtrack for your lesson plan with this feature-rich iPad music app for DJs and professionals. AirWeb If you have an Apple TV in your classroom, this iOS app lets you turn it into a gigantic yet readable web browser. TouchCast Transform your videos into interactive lessons by adding websites, polls, maps, etc. right into the videos themselves.
Tips and Tools to Help you Better integrate Technology in Your Instrcution March 30, 2014 Looking for some ideas on how to integrate technology in your instruction? Dr. Kimberly Tyson from Learning Unlimited has these excellent tips to share with you. In this visual she created she outlined 6 practical ideas to help you choose digital tools to support students learning. For each of these ideas she provided a bunch of web tools that you can use to attain them. While the web tools Dr Kimberly suggested serve the purpose pretty well, however, based on my long experience with reviewing education tools, I picked some more titles to add to her visual. Tools to create individualized learning experiences for students: Tools that support classroom instructionTools that facilitate collaborationTools to help students curate content In addition to Paperli, Pinterest, Flipboard and Scoopit I would add:Tools to helps students stay organized:
Doktoritöö: kuidas õpetada arusaamisega lugemist? | Novaator | ERR Üldhariduskoolide riiklikus õppekavas tasuks uuesti läbi vaadata kogu funktsionaalse lugemisoskuse probleemistik, leiab hiljuti Tartu ülikoolis doktoritööd kaitsnud klassiõpetaja Pilve Kängsepp. Kängseppa doktoritööst kirjutab Tartu ülikooli ajakirjas Universitas Tartuensis Mart Zirnask. "Vanal ja hallil ajal kandsid inimesed jutte oma mälus ja jutustasid neid üksteisele. Lõpuks tekkis inimesel tahtmine siiski sõna kinni püüda. Nii maaliski koopainimene oma mõtted kaljudele. Et ta kirjutada ei osanud, siis näiteks sõna "hirv" kirjutamise asemel joonistas ta hirve." Miks on selle loo pealkiri "Sõnade püüdmine"? 568 õpilast seitsme Lõuna-Eesti kooli 4. ja 7. klassist pusisid aastatel 2007–2008 katse- või kontrollisikutena kahe tekstiga: lihtsam "Sõnade püüdmine" ja keerulisem "Putukate elust maal". Katses kasutatud lihtsam tekst oli osa 1998. aasta funktsionaalse lugemisoskuse tasemetööst, keerulisem valiti mitmekümne kandidaadi seast 3. klassi õpikust. Vanus loeb Eesti keele tunde napib