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Flipped Learning Network / Homepage

Flipped Learning Network / Homepage

Teacher Lesson Plans, Printables & Worksheets by Grade or Subject - IdentAKid - Keeping Kids Safe Center for 21st Century Skills — Redesigning education for the 21st Century through the convergence of art, business, creativity, innovation, engineering, and science. Ressources audio en anglais Cette sélection de sites vous propose des ressources audio, en ligne et/ou téléchargeables, à exploiter en classe pour travailler la compréhension orale et la prononciation en langue anglaise : sites institutionnels, portails médias, livres à écouter, exercices d'entraînement... Sites institutionnels Audio-LinguaCette banque sonore collaborative propose des enregistrements mp3 en plusieurs langues. L'Internaute peut les sélectionner en fonction de critères très différents (langue, niveau du cadre, thème, âge du locuteur, durée...) Portail EducnetLe site Educnet propose à partir d’entrées thématiques (actualités, société, vie quotidienne) des ressources sonores pour les élèves classées en fonction des niveaux de compétence du cadre. 1000 images sur le bout de la langue Le site canadien "1000 images sur le bout de la langue" invite à découvrir et à apprendre des expressions imagées en anglais et en espagnol sur un mode interactif et ludique. Livres audio en ligne LoudLit

Interactive Achievement: Home Goodbye, Google Reader. Here are 5 alternatives On Monday, fans of Google's popular Reader application will bid farewell. Google shuts down Reader on July 1, citing a drop in usage and a shift toward a smaller selection of Google services. If you're a Google Reader user, now's the time to export your subscriptions. Since Google announced Reader's demise in March, several other options have emerged to potentially fulfill your RSS needs. Feedly. The Old Reader. Flipboard. AOL Reader. Digg Reader. Readers, have you made the switch from Google Reader?

Login Learning Management System | LMS Teacher Resources The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog Subscribe to the blog via e-mail or RSS. Using Primary Sources Discover quick and easy ways to begin using primary sources in your classroom, with teachers' guides, information on citing sources and copyright, and the Library's primary source analysis tool. TPS Partners The Teaching with Primary Sources Program builds partnerships with educational organizations to support effective instruction using primary sources. The Teaching with Primary Sources Journal

Hapara  ■  Making Learning Visible PlascoTrac / Student pass automation / student pass management / tardy tracking / Plasco Trac Trak
