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Earthbag House Plans - Small, Affordable, Sustainable

Related:  Earthbag Building

Earthbag Building Index L'alternative immobilière! Design*Sponge ? Blog Archive ? made with love: found terrariums There are lots of tutorials for terrariums floating around these days, but this one the terrarium turned on it’s head. Inspired by a pickle jar terrarium concocted by the warymeyers team, there are no fancy glass domes to buy and no scouring your local nursery for plants small enough to fit under them. In fact, there’s no buying at all. CLICK HERE for the full project after the jump! What you’ll need: - Empty clear glass jar with screw on lid - A handful of scavenged moss with some extra soil attached - A plastic bag 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PopUp House: une maison passive et 100% recyclable montée en 4 jours Une start-up d’Aix-en-Provence a créé la « maison passive » : Pop-Up House n’est pas chère et recyclable, et se construit en quatre jours seulement. Deux prototypes de cette maison préfabriquée ont été réalisés avec succès et attendent leur commercialisation, prévue début 2015. Vous voyez ce qu’est une tente 2 Seconds de la marque Quechua ? Et bien la Pop-Up House se base quasiment sur le même concept à une différente échelle : réaliser l’ensemble d’un bâtiment (sol, murs, plafond) par assemblage de blocs isolants séparés par des lames de bois. Il vous suffit pour cela de vos bras et d’une perceuse : la maison se monte comme du Lego. Cette maison est passive : elle repose sur un concept de construction très basse consommation, basé sur l’utilisation de l’apport de chaleur « passive » du soleil, sur une très forte isolation, sur l’absence de ponts thermiques, sur une grande étanchéité à l’air ainsi que sur le contrôle de la ventilation. Voici la vidéo du concept :

Natural Building Blog Earth Hands & Houses - Strawbale, earthbag and natural building courses How to Build a Hardwood Floor This Weekend Believe it or not, I installed a beautiful hardwood floor by myself in just one weekend. How? I chose a DIY-friendly floating floor. Unlike typical hardwood flooring that must be nailed or glued down, floating floors are simply laid down over a thin foam-rubber pad. They aren't fastened to the subfloor at all. For this project, I chose the very latest in floating-floor material: Lyptus flooring manufactured by Weyerhaeuser. Floating floor planks typically range from about 3 to 8 in. wide, and usually require the installer to apply glue along the edge of each piece. Plan the Layout Work from left to right when laying the floor planks across the room, with the tongue edges facing out. If the last row ends up being less than 2 in. wide, you'll have to rip down the planks in the first row.

Dream Green Home Plans Inicio - Superadobe Cal-Earth Yourtes LIBERTENTE, habitat alternatif et artisanal - yourtes et Voyage d'aventure sur mesure, randonnée en haute montagne et ascensions, séjour et vacances insolites... Boutique en ligne spécialiste des sites autonomes et isolés ou raccordés au réseau. Zéro Déforestation est un élan de solidarité pour la restitution des terres autochtones par voie légale et pour la conservation des forêts primaires en danger immédiat de déforestation. Le camping Mandala est un petit établissement à taille humaine qui propose des séjours en yourte au coeur d'une charmante petite vallée des Alpes du Sud, à la limite de la Provence. Vous pratiquerez de nombreuses activités sportives et le yoga avec un professeur diplômé. Un couple de pratiquants présentent leurs ateliers et leurs fabrications d'objets précieux et de qualité, et invitent artistes, artisans et méditants à l'interactivité.

garagestoragetluweyen *Garage Storage Solution*By: Tluweyen2 February 2010 If you are like my family, we are constantly short on space in our house. Rather than buy a huge McMansion, we bought what we could afford and ended up with a ranch house with about 2000 square feet. While this is big compared to previous generations, it seems ours has more “stuff”. We have been working at cleaning out junk and freeing up space but we are still coming up short and everything seems cluttered. This seems even more so with our acquisition of more and more preparedness materials. After searching around at various stores, including WalMart and Target, I found exactly what I was looking for at Lowes. These totes are just under 30 inches long with allows me to place two rows in the trailer and hang them in rows of two on the ceiling. Lowes did not have 1x4x10 but they had 1x4x8. The first step is to cut the 1x4s and 2x4s in half. *In my first attempt I left the boards uncut in their 10’ lengths. tluweyen

Eco-Dome: Moon Cocoon - Cal-Earth Building Designs The Eco-Dome is a small home design of approximately 400 square feet (40 sq. meters) interior space. It consists of a large central dome, surrounded by four smaller niches and a wind-scoop, in a clover leaf pattern. Learning and building an Eco-Dome is the next stage after building a small emergency shelter and provides hands-on learning experience in the essential aspects of Superadobe construction. The finished "very small house" is self-contained and can become a small guest house, studio apartment, or be the first step in a clustered design for community use in an Eco-Village of vaults and domes. Built from local earth-filled Superadobe coils (earth stabilized with cement or lime).Tree free.Maximum use of space through alternative options. The Blueprints for this design are approved and built in Hesperia City and San Bernardino County, California, as well as other regions nationally and internationally. Note:

Earth house | Natural Building 19 Ways to Slash Your Utility Bill Where George Scott sees red, his clients are bleeding green. Scanning the outside of a ranch home in Longmont, Colo., recently, the energy auditor's infrared camera registered blue and aqua in spots where heated air stayed put. That's what the homeowner expected. "He thought he'd done everything right," Scott says, because he had tackled obvious stuff like adding insulation. "But he was baffled by his high gas bills." When the camera scanned the attic, the viewfinder found orange and red blobs where air gushed by the chimney, 20 recessed lights and two uninsulated hatches. But you don't need an infrared camera to reveal utility-bill busters that are left after the obvious stuff is done. That old clunker of a refrigerator in the basement could be costing the equivalent of 10 cases of Bud in wasted energy each year. + Plug the Power Drain As much as 75 percent of electricity use by electronics occurs while the devices are off. + Seal HVAC Ducts Put away the duct tape. + Block the Stairs
