Taivalkosken mobiilioppimishanke 48 Free Educational Apps Rated And Sorted By Grade Level Free educational apps have been a boon to innovation in mobile learning. For free, teachers can try out new approaches to learning with iPads and Android devices. Anything from basic arithmetic and spelling practice all the way to space exploration and historical perspective are available through little bits of software. And for app developers, free apps can be beneficial as well. While they may not directly earn money (unless supported by ads), they can gain valuable market research, establish a brand, and see what sort of tools educators are demanding in their classroom. 7 Ways To Use Your iPad In The Classroom To iPad or not to iPad is a hefty question these days. A lot of people feel strongly in one direction about the use of iPads as “the” classroom device of today’s classroom. But like it or not, many schools and classrooms have adopted the iPad as their classroom technology friend, so its worth taking some time to look at great ways to use it. Show (on the big screen) Manage (the classroom) Assess (student work) Interact (with students) Access (your files) Make (instructional media) Learn (new things)
Luokanopettaja ja tietotekniikka | Jakamisen sietämätön keveys | Purot.net Miten käytän tietotekniikkaa opetuksessani? Kirjoittelen tänne ajoittain esimerkkejä siitä, miten olen ihan tavallisessa työssäni käyttänyt tietotekniikkaa. Olen tänä lukuvuonna kolmosten opettaja, mutta opetan myös jotain tunteja ykkösiä, kakkosia, nelosia sekä kuutosia. Järjestän myös erilaisia kansainvälisiä eTwinning- projekteja kaikille luokka-asteille koulussamme. Sari Auramo, Ohkolan koulu, Mäntsälä etunimi.sukunimi@mantsala.fi No jopas, juuri äsken Twitterissä sain kovasti kiitosta tämän blogin pitämisestä. Kirjoittelen tässä nyt muutamista tilanteista, jotka ovat tapahtuneet jo joskus aiemmin, mutta en ole niistä ennen maininnut täällä: Taannoin alettiin opiskella Suomen maisema-alueita. Ennen hiihtolomaa (olenkohan jo kertonut tästä?) Meillä ei ole mitään älykkäitä valkotauluja koulussa, mutta näilläkin välineillä pääsee pitkälle! Viikonloppua vietetään aurinkoisissa, mutta vielä melkoisen kylmissä olosuhteissa. Katsohan mokomaa, siinä se esitys pyörii! Hienoja tuli. - lihavoidaan
The 55 Best Free Education Apps For iPad Finding apps isn’t difficult. Finding education apps is only a bit more challenging. Finding free education apps is also possible. Finding free education apps worth downloading is a different story entirely. The following is our list of the 55 best apps for learning we can find. A few notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 55 Best Free Education Apps For iPad 1. 2. 3. This app is a fun way for parents, teachers, librarians, and readers to get more information about top rated books at the fifth and sixth grade level. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. SkyORB features many functions as a 3D real-time representation of the planets position around the sun, the ability to hold your device and point toward a visible star and planet and reveal the name by tracking the GPS position, compass orientation, the elevation from the gyroscope, warn the user when a phenomenon is occurs as a full moon, a planet really visible, which is worth the observation. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25.
Using the Apple iPad in the classroom Q: Where do I find educational apps for use in my class? A: Visit Apple's Education Store for a full aray of apps for learning. Here is a list of some other great sites. Q: How do I display my iPad or iPad 2 in my technology classroom? A: In order to connect your iPad to the classroom projector, you will need the Apple Dock Connector to VGA adapter. These can be purchased at the Cal Student Store in the Martin Luther King Jr. If using Keynote, check out this MacWorld article - Presenting with the iPad: Tips and tricks for taking Keynote for iPad on the road Q: When I connect my iPad (1st generation) to the projector, nothing displays! A: The 1st generation iPad’s support for VGA output is app dependent, meaning that developers had to specifically write their programs to utilize the VGA output. Q: What apps support VGA output on the 1st generation iPad? A: These apps have been tested by ETS and support the VGA output directly. Q: How can I display a PDF document? A: No.
Taas yksi blogimerkintä pellillisyydestä. - Pelipeda Tarmo Toikkanen kirjoitti blogissaan 4.4.2013, että olisiko tarkennettava sitä, miten kouluissa ymmärretään pelillistäminen ja keskityttävä siihen, miten koulun omaa osaamista tiivistetään ja jo olemassa olevaa systeemiä kehitetään niin, että erilaiset työtavat toimisivat sen ydinosaamisen hyväksi, jota kouluissa jo on. Tarmo viittaa siihen, että koulu luo jo eräänlaisen pelillisen systeemin, joka ei kuitenkaan tällä hetkellä täydenny uusilla työtavoilla, vaan erilaisten oppimisympäristöjen kenttä hajautuu ja hämmentää koulussa työtään tekeviä. Minusta on selvää, että tällä hetkellä keskustelussa pelillisyydesta puuttuu punainen lanka. Pedagogiikka on hakusassa. Lähtökohtana oppimisessa on aina halu oppia. Pelillisyyden harha liittyy siihen, että sen sitouttava, informaali ominaisuus houkuttaa pelaamaan. Tämän päivän pedagogiikan uusi ulottuvuus liittyy siihen, että voimme nopeasti olla yhteydessä oikeaan maailmaan, oikeisiin toimijoihin. Miksi näin? Lässyn lässyn. Pelillisyyttä tai ei.
4 Incredible Apps For Children With Autism Today, April 2, 2013, is World Autism Awareness Day , as designated by the United Nations. Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events, and these events lead into Autism Awareness Month . The US recognizes April as a special opportunity for everyone to educate the public about autism and issues within the autism community. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now estimates that a staggering 1 in 88 children , including 1 in 54 boys, in the US has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. While the tools technology offers students can be useful for anyone, they can be particularly useful for those with limited abilities in some areas. AutisMate AutisMate is an app for iOS and Android devices that focuses on improving both communication and behavioral skills in both verbal and non-verbal individuals. Proloquo2Go TouchChat Autism Tracker Pro
17 Pros and Cons of Using iPads in the Classroom Post by Ashley Wainwright in SecurEdge 17 Pros and Cons of Using iPads in the Classroom - For many schools this year, the dream of having iPads in the classroom turned into a reality. Some schools have brought them in through 1:1 initiatives and other seen them start to flood in after implementing BYOD policies. As with anything else, teachers have seen some pros and cons with this cool, new classroom technology. Here’s a list of some things to expect with iPads in the classroom. Students love them- this one’s pretty obvious, but they really do. iPads in the classroom will get even the most stubborn students excited and engaged.Good battery life- this is one of my favorite things about it! Communication tool- Have any shy students not willing to speak out in class? Cons Doesn’t support flash- one of the biggest criticisms of the iPad is its lack of ability to work with Adobe Flash and JavaScript. Lack of multi-tasking- multiple windows and files can’t be kept open side by side.
Yksilöllinen oppiminen on mahdollista myös alakoulussa! Käyttöopas opetusjärjestelyistä Olen käyttänyt yksilöllistä oppimista huomioivaa menetelmää jo vuodesta 1997. Päätöstäni ryhtyä tämmöiseen rohkaisi silloinen esimieheni. Suuret ja lämpimät kiitokset hänelle, sillä olen yhä samalla tiellä – uteliaana, rohkeana ja kokeilevana opettajana. TEKSTI: Jutun on kirjoittanut eräs alakoulun opettaja, joka ei halua nimeään julki. Tilaa kirjasarja, missä lisä- ja kotitehtävät ovat opetettavan asian perässä. Jos sinulla on esimies, joka omaa laajoja näkemyksiä opetuksesta ja oppimisesta, voit olla varma, että hän seisoo tukenasi. Voisivatko tällaista opetusta järjestävät opettajat kokoontua ja jakaa kokemuksia? - Nimim. ”Matematiikan opetuksesta nauttiva ei matemaatikko” (Tekstin kirjoittaja ei halua nimeään julki.
6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec of EdTechTeacher . Join EdTechTeacher at the iPad Summit in Atlanta on April 10-12. The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. However, collaboration between students is often a critical component of any classroom activity or project and increasingly there are options available that allow for collaborative efforts across iPads. Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation. Explain Everything ($2.99) A flexible and powerful screen casting option, students and teachers can collaborate on screencasts by exporting Explain Everything project files from an iPad. Google Drive (Free) BookCreator ($4.99) Subtext (free) Diigo
Teaching and Learning: Using iPads in the Classroom Updated 01/2014 If I had thirty iPads in my class, what would I do with them? How would I use them to help my students learn better and help me teach better? Perhaps a better question is what would I do with them that I could not do with other tools that are available and cheaper? Speaking of computers, they were supposed to be the transformation of teaching and learning as we know it. Kinesthetic Learners The iPad has a number of unique features that provide for interesting possibilities in teaching and learning. As a completely portable learning tool, the iPad camera allows documentation to be taken to a whole different level. Students can also attach videos, and voice recordings to their field notes. In math class the GPS of the iPad establishes locale in ways that are profound. Connecting Beyond the Classroom Of course, the mobility provided by the iPad's wireless telephone connection capability allows the unprecedented access to the Internet anywhere students are.