English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com I strongly encourage you to post any feedback, corrections or suggestions you may have about the guide in this forum, or talk to me directly via IRC (#Ammy@Rizon.irc) or MSN/WLM (j-pop_addict[at]hotmail.com) if you have any other questions about Japanese. Contents The idea here is to list a few categories of vocabulary which are absolutely essential to understanding Japanese. Japanese NumbersCounting WordsGrammatical VocabularyPronouns and Closely Related Words Interrogative Pronouns Personal Pronouns Semi-Personal Pronouns Impersonal Pronouns, Demonstratives and More MiscellaneousLess Simple Example Sentences Japanese Numbers Counting Words Now that you've seen basic numbers, we can move on to what makes Japanese number usage very different from English number usage: counting words. This is one of the few categories of vocabulary that not only should but must be explained before you can just look stuff up on your own. ・The prefix 何 (なん): 何人 means "how many people? Grammatical Vocabulary
Onomatopees japonaises La langue japonaise utilise de nombreuses onomatopées 擬音語 (GiOnGo) ou 擬声語 (GiSeiGo). Une phrase comme “Il frappa sur la table” se dira 「彼が机をドンと叩いた」(Il frappa la table d'un 'Don' retentissant). Il est intéressant de noter que le sens de certains mimétismes peut-être renforcé en utilisant ゛(DakuTen) ou ゜ (HanDakuTen). Exemples : ころころ et ごろごろ 。 Un peu de distraction avec les cris des animaux en japonais . Prononciation : ACha- Sens : exclamation que l'on pousse lorsque l'on a commis une erreur irréparable. Exemple : あちゃー。 ACha-. Ah la la ! Prononciation : UDaUDa Sens : dire (ou faire) des choses complétement inutiles, sans intêret. うだうだと話していた UDaUDa To HanaShiTeITa Il parlait pour ne rien dire. Prononciation : ENEN Sens : pleurer de manière sonore comme un bébé. 「駄目!」 DaMe! Cet enfant, à qui on a dit “Non !” Prononciation : OIOI pleurer à pleine gorge, souvent utilisé pour les adultes. pour appeler quelqu'un lorsque l'on veut répliquer par rapport à ce qui vient d'être dit. 子育てに悩まれて、おいおいとないている母。 Example :
Japanese Reading Practice For Beginners Of course, there are plenty of resource out there to help intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese to practice their reading. They can use any Japanese book, manga, blog, or website and study away to their heart’s content. For beginners, though, finding Japanese things to read that are at or around your level is a pain. Either you study what’s in your textbook (limited and often times boring) or you don’t get to study reading it much at all. You essentially have to wait until you reach a higher level in order to have something for reading practice which will slow down your reading ability in the long run. There’s good reason that beginners don’t have as much to study with, though. Since it’s normally pretty hard for beginners to find reading resources (and because I get this email like every day, it seems), I thought it would be good to put together a list of resources for beginners to study with. Have fun! Japanese Children’s Newspapers Kodomo Asahi Visit: Kodomo Asahi Kodomo Times
online dictionaries Bienvenue sur la version en ligne des dictionnaires Freelang. Cette version en ligne permet à tous les utilisateurs, quel que soit leur système d'exploitation (Windows, Linux, Mac...) de consulter nos dictionnaires. Les utilisateurs de Windows peuvent également évaluer les listes de mots avant de les télécharger. Comme pour notre version à télécharger, toutes les listes de mots proposées sur cette page sont bilingues et utilisent le français comme langue pivot. Pour d'autres combinaisons, Freelang existe en d'autres langues (voir par exemple notre version anglaise ou notre version espagnole). Certains de nos dictionnaires sont de petite taille et la recherche d'un mot peut y être difficile. Vous êtes webmaster ou blogger ?
Japanese Kana Quizzes (Hiragana & Katakana) [Flash 6] See the <a href="/menuj.html">Quick Menu</a> to find other pages on this site.<P> Flash Quizzes & Flashcards Katakana Reading Practice After loading the quiz, go to "Start Flashcards," then choose "Start カタカナ." Easy Katakana Game Listen & Spell: Animals That Live in WaterListen to the lady's voice, then click the katakana in the correct order. Memory/Concentration Game Not only do you have to match them, you have answer "Is is a pair?" Satoru Shinagawa's Quiz Data - Charles Kelly's JavaScript These quizzes are part of the Internet TESL Journal's English-Japanese Vocabulary Quizzes. Mutliple-Choice, Matching or Flashcards 4,207 Katakana Nouns Marked as Commonly-Used in EDICT 2006-07-14If the matching and multiple-choice seem to be too easy, try the flashcard function. Matching Quiz Matching Quiz: English-to-Japanese in KatakanaNot just "loan words" (外来語), but many animals. Words Appearing in Newspapers That Do Not Use Kanji These are words that normally appear only in kana.
Ressources pour étudiants en Japonais [ Acceuil ] → [ Années d'études :: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ IL Marie Haps ] [ Ressources | Pointeurs | Logiciels ] Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon site web consacré à l'apprentissage du japonais. J'ai crée ce site en particulier pour les étudiants qui suivent des cours de japonais à l'Institut Libre Marie Haps. J'essaye ici de rassembler des documents, liens et fichiers utiles pour complementer, faciliter, etc les cours de japonais. → Aides de cours pour la 1ére Année → Aides de cours pour la 2ème Année → Aides de cours pour la 3ème Année → Aides de cours pour la 4ème Année → Aides de cours pour la 5ème Année → Aides de cours pour la 6ème Année Dernières Nouvelles Le forum n'est plus, snif. Remarques: N'hésitez pas à proposer des ajouts (liens, documents, résumés, …) ou des changements, corrections, etc…
Genki – Self-study Room Self-study Room offers a variety of online materials to support your learning with Genki textbooks. *external links (Notice)If your computer is experiencing difficulties reading the scripts on this site, change the text code to “Japanese (Shift_JIS)” or “Automatic”. Culture Note Video Clips for Culture Note Video clips related to “Culture Note” columns in the Dialogue & Grammar section of Genki. Hiragana & Katakana Basic Charts By clicking each hiragana or katakana in the charts, you can see its stroke order and hear how it is pronounced. Hiragana Chart Katakana Chart Flash Cards In each set of exercises, 15 hiragana/katakana are shown one by one. Hiragana 1(a-so) Katakana 1(a-so) Hiragana 2(ta-ho) Katakana 2(ta-ho) Hiragana 3(ma-n) Katakana 3(ma-n) Listening Quiz Choose the character from the three options that represents the sound of hiragana/katakana you listen to. Hiragana Listening Quiz Katakana Listening Quiz Concentration Game Usagi-Chan’s Genki Resource Page Kanji Kanji Reading Practice KanjiAlive
Língua oquinauana/Vocabulário/Animais - Wikilivros Origem: Wikilivros, livros abertos por um mundo aberto. Animais[editar | editar código-fonte] Animais domésticos[editar | editar código-fonte] Artrópodes e anelídeos[editar | editar código-fonte] Mamíferos terrestres[editar | editar código-fonte] Pássaros e outros animais voadores[editar | editar código-fonte] Peixes, moluscos e cetáceos marinhos[editar | editar código-fonte] Répteis e anfíbios[editar | editar código-fonte] Okinawan Language Chart Compiled by Rich Boyden and Ricky Rose Edited by Rich Boyden & Frank Cantrell EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a very crude list of words collected from others' compilations and from informal conversations with speakers of the Okinawan language. It is not intended to be exhaustive or authoritative. The editor reserves the right to make sweeping changes (especially to the very weak introductory section below), and he welcomes contributions from others and invites volunteers to send e‑mail to Rich: kawatteru@yahoo.com or Ricky: Suiken000@suikenbugeikai.com Introduction Linguistically, the Okinawan language is related to Japanese, thought by scholars to have diverged between 800‑1400 years ago. Phonologically, the sound written in Japanese romaji as "e" is pronounced in Tokyo similarly to the "ay" sound in the English word "say" as in Naha, the sound is more like the "ee" in the English word "see." Grammar is also different. Categorized List of Grammar and Words Pronouns and People Descriptives Anatomy
Learn Japanese Language Free and Easy 12 Tips to use your Japanese IME better If you’re serious about learning Japanese, I’m sure you will eventually either want to or need to be able to type in Japanese on your computer. Typing in Japanese is done with software called an IME (Input Method Editor), which allows you to type Japanese phonetically (romaji) and have the your typing automatically converted to Japanese characters. You may have already set up your IME and have some experience using it (if not, please check out Greggman.com’s excellent guide to installing/setting up your IME). However, it’s common for foreigners to overlook some of the finer points of its usage. For this article I’ll presume that: You have your IME installed, set up and ready to useYou have a basic understanding of how to use it (how to make hiragana appear when you type, how to convert a word to kanji)You have a basic understanding of hiragana/katakana and Japanese phoneticsYou are a Windows user (sorry Mac and Linux folks) Tip 1: Easy IME on/off toggle English Keyboards: ALT + Tilde.
Learn Japanese with YouTube: 8 Channels You Don't Wanna Miss | FluentU Japanese Well, I guess it’s time to end this blog. There’s nothing left to write about. We’ve already given you our best tips. Like how you can make the most of language exchange. And what blogs, podcasts, anime, dramas, and TV series you should check out to learn Japanese. Actually – there is one more thing. YouTube. Yes, YouTube’s great for turning your brain off. But there are also tons of channels dedicated to helping you learn Japanese. Want me to prove it? Here are 8 awesome YouTube video channels that will set you on a course to Japanese success. Tofugu If you like to walk on the wackier side of life, then Tofugu is definitely for you. Situated among these slices of Japanese life are some Japanese language learning lessons. Bobby Judo Bobby Judo has a popular YouTube channel and it’s easy to see why. Some of the videos may not be suitable for absolute beginners, but for intermediates and advanced speakers, they provide some challenging opportunities as well as a way of checking progress. GenkiJapan
9 Awesome Japanese Podcasts for Accelerating Your Learning | FluentU Japanese Looking for great Japanese podcasts? Why waste any more time wading through low-quality, amateur work? We’ve already tracked down the best and brightest Japanese language learning podcasts available today! The Benefits of Listening to Japanese Podcasts They are created by people who are passionate about language learning and committed to giving you the resources and imaginative lessons you need.Hands down, spending time with podcasts is one of the best ways of improving your listening skills – this is something that books and flashcards cannot deliver.You can listen to them any time, any place and anywhere – on the long commute home, while you’re jogging around the park or soaping up in the shower. They can even be playing in your ears as you go to sleep at night! In this post, we’re going to go through some of the best Japanese podcasts for language learners out there. Spoiler alert: it has to do with FluentU’s great collection of authentic Japanese content. News in Slow Japanese NHK World