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Maker culture

Maker culture
The maker culture is a contemporary culture or subculture representing a technology-based extension of DIY culture. Typical interests enjoyed by the maker culture include engineering-oriented pursuits such as electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, and the use of CNC tools, as well as more traditional activities such as metalworking, woodworking, and traditional arts and crafts. The subculture stresses new and unique applications of technologies, and encourages invention and prototyping.[1] There is a strong focus on using and learning practical skills and applying them creatively. Philosophical emphasis[edit] 'Maker culture' emphasizes learning-through-doing (constructivism) in a social environment. Hackerspaces and Fab Labs[edit] Media[edit] Maker Faire[edit] Criticisms[edit] A number of criticisms have been levelled against the claim that maker culture offers an innovative model of learning. Everything old is new again[edit] Hobbyists have made custom things for a long time. See also[edit]

Makers France | HackerSpaces et TechShop en France Creature with Interlocking Gears on Legs Discovered Gears are ubiquitous in the man-made world, found in items ranging from wristwatches to car engines, but it seems that nature invented them first. A species of plant-hopping insect, Issus coleoptratus, is the first living creature known to possess functional gears, a new study finds. The two interlocking gears on the insect's hind legs help synchronize the legs when the animal jumps. "To the best of my knowledge, it's the first demonstration of functioning gears in any animal," said study researcher Malcolm Burrows, an emeritus professor of neurobiology at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Burrows and a colleague captured the gears' motion using high-speed video. As the young bug prepares to leap, it meshes the gear teeth of one leg with those of the other, like cocking a gun. Hopping in sync Each leg sports a curved strip of 10 to 12 gear teeth that attach to the trochantera on the insect's legs. A baby planthopper in the genus Issus. Gears are for kids

This web show you what's the Fab Lab IED Madrid Fab Lab IED Madrid was born with the compromise of joining both design theory and fabrication. The space has all the usual infrastructure for digital fabrication, but also focuses on traditional crafts with infrastructure that is not easy to find available together in one place, as painting booth, welding facilities, woodworking stations, vacuformer, photographic processing, screen printing, etc. Fab Lab IED facilities have more than 300 square meters dedicated to these tasks and we encourage experimentation and discovery. - Actual and former students of IED Madrid. - Entrepreneurs and partner enterprises, that will have the possibility to develop their projects both in the business and prototyping areas. - Maker community and people involved in embracing both education, design and open minded fabrication. Employees I work here

MAKERS this big technology company contributes to the development of the Maker Movement La Maker Faire, le rendez-vous des créateurs de l'extrême | Makers | Tracks | Culture #Psychovinyle #Trackshare #Replay this is a website where they explain what's the maker faire Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement. Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and to share what they have learned. The launch of Maker Faire in the Bay Area in 2006 demonstrated the popularity of making and interest among legions of aspiring makers to participate in hands-on activities and learn new skills at the event. Maker Faire is primarily designed to be forward-looking, showcasing makers who are exploring new forms and new technologies. Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do.

Serialmakers | L’univers des Fab Labs, de l’électronique, du DIY et de l’impression 3D In this web appears the 10 Best Sites to Download Free STL Files for 3D Printing Jan 25, 2016 | By Kira As 3D printing goes mainstream in 2016, more and more users will be looking for new and fun projects they can 3D print at home. To 3D point them in the right direction, we’ve rounded up some of the best websites to download free STL files for 3D printing. In a way, STL files, and the 3D model repositories that hold them, are what make the 3D printing world go round—you can’t start 3D printing without a workable 3D model (preferably in STL, the most widely used format for 3D printing), and no matter what it is you are looking for, chances are you will find it on one of these top-rated 3D content websites. With hundreds to thousands of free 3D printable STL files to choose from, these 3D model repositories are the perfect place to start on your next at-home 3D printing project. In no particular order, here are the best websites to download free STL files for 3D printing so far in 2016: 1. Featured STL file: 3D printed ‘Mouth Operated Mouse’. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Les makers seront-ils les prochains maîtres du monde ? Après la Longue traîne (2006) et Free ! Entrez dans l’économie du gratuit (2009), Chris Anderson revient nous narrer les tendances du futur dans Makers, La nouvelle révolution industrielle. Si ces précédents ouvrages restaient cantonnés au domaine des écrans, celui-ci explore le vaste champ du numérique et des objets « autofabriqués­​ ». Super geek dad Makers est un livre agaçant et passionnant. Changer le monde rien qu’avec une idée n’était pas facile. L’introduction nous plonge dans l’intimité du grand-père de l’auteur, qui bricolait des systèmes d’automatisation pour arroseurs de pelouses pavillonnaires. Chris Anderson nous raconte ses après-midis passés à bricoler avec ses enfants. La fibre entrepreneuriale le rattrape, puisque ce projet donnera naissance à sa start-up. Géographies industrielles La fabrication numérique devient ainsi l’élément clé d’une relance de l’industrie, solution au retrait des grandes usines. Les pays sérieux fabriquent des choses (6) Fables labs Notes

Etre créatif, c’est ajouter de la vie à la vie : AVIS : Denis Marquet - Philosophe et thérapeute : “L’acte de création est dangereux” La répétition, c’est lorsque le présent est conforme au passé. Ce qui est, a déjà été. C’est connu, bien connu. Familier. Je sais comment faire avec, cela m’est facile. La répétition a ses avantages, c’est pourquoi elle est si présente dans nos vies. Au contraire, il y a création lorsqu’apparaît quelque chose qui n’a encore jamais été. En effet, il n’y a de savoir que du passé ou de ce qui se répète. Il y a dans l’acte de création quelque chose de dangereux, et c’est sans doute pourquoi les vrais moments de création sont si rares dans nos vies. Quand les hommes veulent décrire ce qu’ils vivent en créant, ils ne peuvent que recourir au mythe : la visite des Muses, une inspiration divine. " Je est un autre ", disait Rimbaud. La connaissance de soi, c’est ne plus rien savoir de soi, pour se laisser surprendre par soi-même. SYMPOSIUM :Altitude création - Elle n’est pas régulière. " Qu’est-ce que je fais si je n’ai pas d’inspiration ? - Elle n’empêche pas les erreurs. mars 2000
