Capitaine Commerce : blog e-commerce, ergonomie, usabilité, web marketing 7 enseignements pratiques tirés du eye-tracking : les internautes vont-ils sous la ligne de flottaison ? Un des mystères les plus épais du web a été résolu depuis bien longtemps, mais le eye-tracking a permis de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des internautes lorsqu’il s’agit de plonger profondément dans la page et de s’enfoncer sous la ligne de flottaison. Pour rappel, la ligne de flottaison, c’est cette ligne de démarcation qui sépare ce qui est visible immédiatement à l’affichage d’une page web de ce qui n’est visible que lorsqu’on déroule la page à l’aide de sa molette de souris ou de la scrollbar (barre d’ascenseur). Sous la ligne de flottaison, pensait-on, point de salut, les internautes n’y vont pas. Ce n’est pas que faux, mais pas que vrai, non plus La réalité, c’est que les internautes plongent dessous s’ils en ressentent le besoin. Schéma du temps d'attention par tranche de page en hauteur. Exemple sur la page d’accueil : Rien n’empêche d’y mettre tous les contenus que vous souhaitez, mais vous devez respecter certaines règles simples :
Indeterminate Radio Buttons There is a pseudo class selector, :indeterminate, whose job it can be to select radio button inputs which are neither selected (have attribute "checked") or unselected (don't have that). This is a CSS3 selector, which may be in response to the HTML5 spec, which explicitly allows radio buttons to be in this state: If none of the radio buttons in a radio button group are checked when they are inserted into the document, then they will all be initially unchecked in the interface, until such time as one of them is checked (either by the user or by script). What's the point of all this? Well... why explicitly allow such bad UI? Neither choice selected In a comment here last week, Lee Kowalkowski summed it up nicely: It's poor UI in my opinion. It's worth repeating: the user cannot easily revert the group to its indeterminate state. The HTML4 spec made more sense: At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked. Share On
Où les utilisateurs regardent-ils en premier ? Bon, ne vous attendez pas à une grande surprise, si l’on en croit la dernière AlertBox de Mr Nielsen, c’est bien, et sans aucun étonnement, la partie gauche des pages webs qui reçoit le plus d’attention de la part des utilisateurs. Ainsi, d’après une étude de eye-tracking effectuée récemment, apprend-t-on que celle-ci reçoit 69% du temps d’attention contre 30% environ pour la droite, le reste allant à ce qui « dépasse » lorsque l’on a un scrolling horizontal (ce qui est très mal d’après Jacob Nielsen, mais que l’on rencontre pourtant parfois sur les sites de luxe qui affectionnent les formats horizontaux. cf Quid des grands écrans ? Toujours d’après Nielsen, pour des écrans allant au delà des traditionnels 1024×768, le schéma ne change pas beaucoup, mais est seulement étiré vers la droite. Par ailleurs, la concentration du regard n’est pas homogène dans la partie gauche de la page. Par conséquent, quels enseignements peut-on en tirer ?
Design et ergonomie de site : A combien de pixels placer la ligne de flottaison ? 550 ! « : Autour de la relation directe au client et parfois ailleurs… Une AlertBox de Jakob Nielsen a récemment réenfoncé le clou : 80% du temps de consultation est passé au-dessus de la ligne de flottaison. Nous devons demander à nos interlocuteurs (DA, développeurs) de parfaitement zoner cet espace. Les éléments clefs de ma page web doivent donc être idéalement disposés dans cette zone. Surtout, ils ne doivent pas être « découpés » par la ligne de flottaison ou alors nous devons en avoir conscience. Un passage par Google. Quelle définition écran retenir ? Suivant les publics, la définition écran varie. Quel navigateur prendre comme référence ? Le tableau ci-dessus compare la hauteur de chaque composant affiché par les deux principaux navigateurs (dans leur dernière version). Entre Internet Explorer et Firefox, je constate peu de différences. La question suivante est donc celle du nombre de barres outils affichées. Quid de la barre des tâches Windows ? En environnement Windows, la dernière question est celle de la barre des tâches. Et le Mac ?
Good Usability » Preventing issues on web forms Posted March 9th, 2010 by David Hamill This post is a follow-up to to my previous post on validating web forms. In that post I gave you tips on helping users recover from validation problems. Avoid internal/technical language Think carefully about the language you’re using on your form. When asking for your payment details, FreeAgent asks for your Card Verification Value. In this instance there are a couple of things that FreeAgent does to remedy the situation. We’ll talk about the other remedy a little later. Intelligent reformatting Your internal systems may insist on the strict formatting of some data, but this shouldn’t impact the customer. I’ll use an example to demonstrate. Like many other people, I type in my card number as it appears on the card. This is lazy programming. Also, see my post on validating web forms and read why JavaScript alerts are a poor mechanism for form validation. Only ask for the information you need Optional and required fields. Good examples Bad example
Ergonomie web et logiciel, architecture de l'information, utilisabilit? sites Internet ? Ergolab 25 Excellent Examples of Forms in Web Design A form can be a very important part of a website. From really simple and direct ones, to fancy, colorful and creative, there is a form style for each site. When thinking about the interface design of your site, this is certainly an element you should focus on. From Login/SignUp forms, to contact forms and other types of forms, we need to keep in mind that the point of those forms is to get the user’s attention and make them want to fill in the info. So here are some excellent examples of forms in web design. Awesome Foundation Six Wanken Visual Republic Andrew McClintock Chris Woods bio-bak Vincent Mazza Ed Peixoto Christian Sparrow olga designs Krista Ganelon Forever Heavy Cornerd Justdot sikbox Justalab Buffalo Sprocket House Gardener & Marks Pentagon Gams All Creative Creditable Gowalla Source: Pattern TapMinimal SitesThe Best Designs About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 480 shares Read More 1333 shares
The Future of Wireframes - Articles - MIX Online As we move into the next decade of web design, it's time for us to reevaluate our understanding of wireframes—a tried and tested user experience staple Riddle me this: How do you piss of a UX professional? The answer: Call him a “designer”. These days, user experience professionals look down on the word “designer” because it implies that their primary role is to paint pretty pixels. UX is more than that, they clarify. Much more! Just how much? Holy guacamole, Batman! But wait! It’s time we end this madness! Convergence in the Simulacrum IA, content strategy and visual design are quickly converging on the Web. In 1999, Jakob Nielsen wrote an article that was undeniably ahead of its time: Differences between Print Design & Web Design. Print design is 2-dimensional while web design is 1-dimensional and n-dimensional simultaneously. Fast-forward to 2010 and it’s pretty easy to see how these differences have diminished drastically—or even disappeared. The Problem with Wireframes Today p.s.
40 Free Web and Mobile UI, Wireframe Kits and Resources In this post, we are presenting an overwhelming collection of Free wireframing and UI design kits that come handy for the designers when they want to mock-up a user-interface. In order to create a mock-up, designer needs some basic user interface elements and what could be the best than having such basic element available in ready-to-use format. So, here we are presenting a good collection of Free Web and Mobile UI, Wireframe Kits and Resources for your use. We hope that this assortment will help you get going in the initial phases of your UI designing project. Android 2.2 GUI This set contains GUI for android 2.2 (FROYO) Big Block UI Big Block UI is a fresh take on common user interface elements. Stencil kit Controls stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Flex 3 Stencil This stencil set Includes all Flex components from Flex 3 Style Guide: panels, data grid, buttons, fields, links, toggle, data picker, tool tip, errors, menu, scrolls, accordion, tabs, list. Browser Form Elements PSD
Pagination: Best Practices for SEO & User Experience We've been getting a lot of questions in Q+A and on the road at events like last week's Miva Merchant conference, Online Marketing Summit and the YCombinator conference about how to properly paginate results for search engines. In this post, we'll cover the dangers, opportunities and optimization tactics that can best ensure success. The best part? These practices aren't just good for SEO, they're great for usability and user experience too! Why is Pagination an SEO Issue? Pagination, the practice of segmenting links to content on multiple pages, affects two critical elements of search engine accessibility. Crawl Depth: Best practices demand that the search engine spiders reach content-rich pages in as few "clicks" as possible (turns out, users like this, too). When is Pagination Necessary? Clearly, I need to log into Facebook more often... But, usability isn't the only reason pagination exists. Numbers of Links & Pages Do: Don't: Titles & Meta Descriptions for Paginated Results Nofollows.
40 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils | Freebies Web designers spent lots of time in making mock ups of web pages, in which they have to use Web UI elements again and again. They can really save time if this Web UI element kits and stencils are already available to them. In this article we have listed 40 completely free Web UI kits and stencils, which can be used in initial mockup or wireframing. 1. If you want to optimize applications found on the web UI element, which contains some tools that will help you to achieve more optimal results. 2. If you see, the button set of elements that we display are several applications and functions of each button, especially for those who want to simplify the user interface itself. 3. For Apple computer users with the Mac operating system will definitely get more menus and features during the setting of some of these functions. 4. If we look from the display image below, the existing user interface will help you to make arrangements for some applications that will be used. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.