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General Assembly

Learn Ruby Resources | CoderDojo Mentors and Champions from Dojos all around the world are generating fantastic resources that can help others get started or run your dojo sessions. We would like to include them all in this section as a one stop shop for all you needs. Kata - Knowledge Base This is a knowledge base of coursework that has been developed by mentors from around the world. They are always looking for more so please contact us if you want to submit course or suggest changes to existing content. Go to Kata >> Administrative Resources There are some administrative resources available on Kata as well which we will be moving back here in due time. Go to Kata >> Community Calls Our new monthly community calls with other Dojo organizers to answer and ask questions about managing, running and growing your Dojo. View Calls >> Google Groups Join the group >>

Cultural Policy Advocacy A New Paradigm, or Beyond the Tin Cup A new paradigm for arts advocacy is needed. Rattling our tin cup for more government funding is no longer enough. Yet economic impact studies paint an incomplete picture and can be dangerously misused. Fractured Atlas's approach is holistic and focused on infrastructure. Talking to Policymakers Fractured Atlas educates policymakers about the importance of infrastructure on local, state, and federal levels. Organizing the Community We also work to organize the arts community on a grassroots level. Educating artists and arts organizations about the public policy issues that affect them Coordinating political communication strategies Building strategic cross-sector alliances Providing information and other resources that empower artists and arts groups to advocate on their own behalf

Learn Code The Hard Way A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through Ruby (with Cartoon Foxes) :: Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby Yeah, these are the two. My asthma’s kickin’ in so I’ve got to go take a puff of medicated air just now. Be with you in a moment. I’m told that this chapter is best accompanied by a rag. Indeed, we’ll be racing through the whole language. 1. My conscience won’t let me call Ruby a computer language. But what do you call the language when your brain begins to think in that language? We can no longer truthfully call it a computer language. Read the following aloud to yourself. 5.times { print "Odelay!" In English sentences, punctuation (such as periods, exclamations, parentheses) are silent. Which is exactly what this small Ruby program does. exit unless "restaurant".include? Here we’re doing a basic reality check. Ever seen a programming language use question marks so effectively? ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'].each { |food| print food.capitalize } While this bit of code is less readable and sentence-like than the previous examples, I’d still encourage you to read it aloud. 2. Variables Numbers

On Learning to Code, pt. 3: Resources to Teach You Rails in a Month Since I find the process of memorizing by looking at the same material over and over again extremely tedious, I’ve developed my own method, which involves finding a handful of introductory classes online and speeding through them really quickly. When I was in college, I used to download podcasts of the same courses I was taking but at different universities, like Berkeley or Stanford. Then I’d listen to the podcasts while I was on the subway or walking around. It turned out that my approach eliminated hours of studying I would have had to do otherwise, and teachers love it when you’re able to bring in a unique perspective that wasn’t covered in class. If you were in a room full of smart people, would you ask the same person to explain something to you over and over again, or would you ask a bunch of people? What happens is that sometimes the way a concept is taught really resonates with you, and sometimes it doesn’t. Step 1: Ruby on Rails 3 Essential Training by Kevin Skoglund

Course Catalog Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby Read This Paragraph At my local Barnes and Noble, there is a huge wall of Java books just waiting to tip over and crush me one day. And one day it will. At the rate things are going, one day that bookcase will be tall enough to crush us all. And This Paragraph Too This is just a small Ruby book. But Don’t Read This One! Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby is released under the Attribution-ShareAlike License. Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Paragraph I’ll try not to feel utterly rejected if this book doesn’t capture your fancy. Learning to Program A very basic, ground-level tutorial for the beginner to Ruby. Now, if you can’t seem to find the contents link on the left-hand side of the page, then here’s a link to the first page of the (Poignant) Guide. Welcome to the pirate radio of technical manuals.

Fractured Atlas MIT Courses Games Learning Society About Games Research People Courses Conference Contact Jobs Current Courses C&I 277 Videogames & Learning Professor: Constance Steinkuehler View "You Play" papers written by previous C&I277 students Videogames have captured much national attention as a powerful learning technology. The goals of this course are: To engage students in thinking deeply and critically about their everyday videogame play, To strengthen students' critical thinking about research & media reports on games, and To foster students' reflection on the ways in which learning is a vital part of everyday life, relevant not only to formal educational contexts but also to everyday work, socialization, and play. This course meets Comm B requirements, so it is writing intensive. C&I 975 Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis is a method of closely examining language in order to connect the micro-dynamics of language-in-use with the macro-dynamics of culture and society. Video Games and Learning Professor: Richard Halverson

General Assembly использует другой подход, предлагая платные livestream-сессии на темы вроде «Быстрое прототипирование: от Каркаса до HTML» – вы покупаете электронный билет, получаете пароль и подключаетесь livestream-у, когда он проходит. by viktory12345 Feb 10
