Missional Challenge: Coaching: Setting Goals and Making Plans There are a lot of great quotes regarding goal setting and planning. One of my favorite is: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." (Through the Looking-Glass, Lewis Carroll) As I walked into Golds Gym the other day to work out, this one caught my eye: "A goal without a plan is just a wish." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French writer) When I coach church planters, one of the benefits that they mention more than anything else is the focus they gain in goal setting and action steps. If you've never worked with a coach, you may be wondering how this happens. I've seen this happen over and over again when I've been coached. Most people are not struggling to identify their dreams. This is one of the things that I love about my coaching relationships. Stop wishing that you will attain your dreams. If you'd like to work with one of our Missional Challenge Coaches, let us know!
Wiki Live Edit 6 Ways to Reach God's World | OMF 6 Ways to Reach God’s World Video Series OMF International and the Perspectives Study Program have a vision to see an ever-growing number of believers get involved in seeing the gospel of Jesus preached to every people group on earth. But what practical ways are there for the average Christian to be involved? 6 Ways to Reach God’s World is a series of brief videos that help you discover how you can be involved through learning with intention, prayer, going cross-culturally as messengers of the gospel, sending (which includes giving), welcoming internationals around you and even mobilizing others for all of these strategic roles. (For best viewing: After video begins to play, press pause to allow the entire video to buffer. Series of Seven Videos The five-minute videos are ideal discussion starters for small-group or large-class settings, and can easily be shown in six sessions. God has given OMF International a heart for Asia and the desire to bring his hope to billions. DOWNLOAD videos.
Collaborate.org launches new platform to map the world LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. -- Collaborate.org wants to bring geospatial data to the masses, beyond where Google Earth has gone. The company, which launched Wednesday at the Future in Review conference here, is built around a geospatial visualizer, with more than 2 million data layers that can be overlaid on maps, and a broad set of collaboration tools. "We want to harness the collective knowledge of the online global community, sharing expertise and enthusiasm," said company CEO Kevin Montgomery. "We are providing worldwide geospatial infrastructure to empower people." Collaborate.org grew out of Intelesense, a company headed by Montgomery that provides monitoring products for wireless sensor networks and a spatial data exchange. Collaborate.org is built around World Wind, an open-source, spatial visualization platform developed by NASA. "World Wind is Google Earth, but you can do what you want with it," said Patrick Hogan, NASA World Wind project manager.
Finding Your Role in World Evangelization The Traveling Team by Todd Ahrend Ingrained in the minds of many Christians is the idea that to be involved in mission work means one thing only: living overseas long-term. This is an unhealthy way to approach missions because it excludes most people. Even those that go long-term will eventually come home and need to appropriate their vision in another way. If it is an attribute of God to desire the redemption of all nations, then it must be cultivated into every one of His followers as an attribute. The main habits are: Going Praying Sending Welcoming Mobilizing Going: This habit is most commonly associated with missions. As you begin to consider going on a short-term trip, it will be natural for you to look at your abilities (or inabilities) and become discouraged. Praying: If you could ask Jesus to teach you anything what would it be? Sending: Paul the Apostle has an interesting observation, "And how can they preach unless they are sent?" The role of a sender is not only integral, but diverse as well.
U. Presses: Mapping Our Influence Mapping Our Influence AAUP member presses have tremendous and positive impacts on the world around them—from regional publishing programs to world-reknowned disciplinary lists and translation projects. We often talk of this value of university presses, and our Mapping project now gives us the tools to visually demonstrate its truth. The pins below illustrate AAUP membership across the US and worldwide. have created an Influence Map for University Press Week 2012. View AAUP Influence Maps in a larger map Influence Map by Press University of Alberta PressRegional and Global Footprint Baylor University PressGlobal Footprint University of British Columbia PressGlobal Footprint Brookings Institution Press2012 Publications and Partner Presses University of Chicago PressGlobal Footprint University Press of Colorado& the Utah State University Press Regional and Global Affiliations Columbia University PressGlobal Footprint Duquesne University Press2010-2013 Fordham University Press2012 Publications
Handmade Diorama Maps Created Using Thousands of Printed Photos What you see above is a “map” of Paris created by collaging thousands of photographs shot in the city. It’s just one of the amazing pieces in Japanese photographer Sohei Nishino‘s Diorama Map project. The series contains maps of many of the world’s most famous cities, and all of them are photographed and collaged by hand. To create each diorama map, Nishino visits a city and shoots thousands of photographs while walking around within them. Hundreds of rolls of black-and-white film and tens of thousands of photographs later, he develops and prints the film himself in a personal darkroom, brings everything into his studio, and then begins to edit them. Using a sketch of the city’s layout on a giant white canvas, he spends months cutting photographs and gluing them onto the map in the locations they belong. The process is tedious, but Nishino still manages to produce them at a rate of about three per year. Here are some of the diorama maps he has created so far: Berlin, Germany Tokyo, Japan
MapYourAncestors.com - Bringing Genealogy to Life Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer: Peter Turchi: 9781595340412: Amazon.com You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination: Katharine Harmon: 9781568984308: Amazon.com