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The Story of Mathematics - A History of Mathematical Thought from Ancient Times to the Modern Day

The Story of Mathematics - A History of Mathematical Thought from Ancient Times to the Modern Day
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Lesson Plans at FREE --Federal Resources for Educational Excellence FREE Features These features originally appeared on the features blog. The features highlight resources and ideas related to holidays, awareness months, anniversaries and seasonal topics. January February March April May June July August Back to School: 7 Ways to Help Kids Transition Back to the Classroom September October November December About FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) offered a way to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations. FREE was conceived in 1997 by a federal working group in response to a memo from the President. Technology has made it increasingly easier to find information from government agencies or with custom search tools, like FREE Disclaimer The U.S.

What Is Math: A Brief History of Mathematics First of all what is mathematics? Practically math is numbers, forms and relationships among these. Surely there’s a better definition. Names such as Pythagoras, Euclid, Thales used to send tingling feelings all over my body. They are without question synonymous with the study of math. However, for many, they are just hard-to-pronounce names discussed in class. A good example is the Lebombo bone found in Swaziland. Another artifact worthy of mention is the Ishango bone found along the borders of Uganda and Zaire close to the Nile River. With these basic mathematical tools, early humans were able to go about their daily lives. Now let’s fast forward several thousands of years to the time of the Sumerians.

Dimensions Home A film for a wide audience! Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed! Background information on every chapter: see "Details". Click on the image on the left to watch the trailer ! Free download and you can watch the films online! The film can also be ordered as a DVD. This film is being distributed under a Creative Commons license. Now with even more languages for the commentary and subtitles: Commentary in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. Film produced by: Jos Leys (Graphics and animations) Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics) Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production)

Math Video - Math Help Study Your Way Easy Help. Fun Teachers. Expert teachers who know their stuff bring personality & fun to every video. All Concepts Explained. Most textbook topics are clearly explained in concise videos. Sample Problems Solved. Watch expert teachers solve sample problems to develop your skills. Phi 1.618 ø PHI: The Golden Ratio or Golden Section (In Nature, Art, Science and Religion) The Golden Section is a unique Ratio (or relationship between parts) that seems to be preferred by Nature as the best geometry for growth, energy conservation, elegance and has some fundamental relationships to the platonic solids and the Mandelbrot set. It was formally discovered by the Greeks and incorporated into their art and architecture, but it has been shown to occur even in prehistoric art, possibly as a function of Man's natural affinity for it's beauty. The rectangle at left has a vertical edge length of 1 the horizontal or width of the rectangle is 1.618 If we make a line inside and form a square (far left) it creates another 'golden rectangle' (at right) this subdivision continues inward in a spiral fashion tracing the form of a perfect PHI spiral seen in galaxies, seashells .... Even your hand, arm, ear, teeth, etc are in PHI Proportions!

Almanach Mathématique Free fraction videos online Enjoy free online math videos on these fraction topics: (Fraction videos, part 2, are on this page.) The videos are recorded in high-density (HD) and are viewable both here as well as at my Youtube channel. These videos are usable for students, teachers, and parents. You can use them... To learn these topics yourself (if you're a student for example, or an adult needing a refresher)As lesson plans for teaching these topics. The videos match the lessons in my book Math Mammoth Fractions 1 (Blue Series book), or the lessons in chapter 5 of Grade 5-B (Light Blue series). Mixed numbers to fractions and vice versa I explain both the visual models and the shortcuts for converting mixed numbers to fractions or fractions to mixed numbers. To convert a mixed number to a fraction, divide the whole "pies" into pieces (the same kind of pieces as what the fractional part indicates), then figure out how many pieces you have. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions Equivalent fractions - split the pieces!

MathFiction Homepage a list compiled by Alex Kasman (College of Charleston) The Mathematical Fiction Homepage is my attempt to collect information about all significant references to mathematics in fiction. You can see the entire list (sorted by author, title or publication date). You can browse through the database to find your favorite genre, topic, motif or medium. If you've got more specific criteria in mind, try our search page. For more information about this site, click here. (Maintained by Alex Kasman, College of Charleston)
