It Takes Leaders to Be a Community Yes, it takes a community to be a leader. There is another side to the equation, too. It takes leaders to be a community, to empower a community. A community is a group of people. When leadership is mixed in, the community begins to bloom. It enlivens people to show empathy, act for broader goodness, and build relationships that lift all up. To be a leader in a community carries a certain responsibility. Four Leadership Responsibilities #1: Encourage diversity. There is more than one way to solve problems or move initiatives forward. #2: Engage others. #3: Activate action. #4: Enhance the foundation. An Important Formula There are two sides of an equation for strong leaders and strong communities. While our call may be simple, our efforts require much. Encourage diversityEngage othersActivate actionEnhance the foundation We need to connect with our communities to advance society forward purposefully. What would you add to the responsibilities required to empower and lead a community?
Digital Leaders – Why you need them in your school? (Plus a few tips on how to get started) | syded Students are curious. Without this curiosity, I don’t believe a Digital Leader programme would be so successful. Show them something they are interested in and they want to know more. A guide when using technology to support learningExponent of new and existing applicationsTrainer and supporter of school members including parental, teacher and student bodies The example below is taken from our 1:1 iPad initiative which serves to illustrate how crucial Digital Leaders will be to the success of the rollout. An iGenius in each class (responsible for communication with students and teachers alike)Four further Digital Leaders in each classGenius Bar run every lunchtime (in a very public space)Training every Friday lunchtime given to Digital Leaders to support their developmentEdmodo group for communication, sharing good practice and new ideas Students submit a 30 second presentation to a panel of interviewers. Train your Digital Leaders to be masters of workflow. Like this: Like Loading...
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age The Administrator's Role in Technology Integration Teachers often come under fire for their failure to fully integrate technology into their classrooms. Until recently, however, very little has been said about the role of school administrators in technology integration. This month, the Education World Tech Team discusses how they think principals and other administrators can optimize technology use in their schools. "The most effective way school administrators can promote technology use is to themselves be knowledgeable and effective users of technology," says Betty Kistler, computer technology coordinator at Tuckahoe School in Southampton, New York. "Principals play a big role in setting the climate of a building," agrees Cathy Chamberlain, a technology consultant in the Oswego (New York) City School District. "Teachers who are on the fence -- or think they don't have time to get involved with technology -- think twice when they sense a positive attitude on the part of the administration. What do they need to know? What they need to do?
Leading Curriculum Change | Learning Centre Skip to main content Leading Curriculum Change Registration is free for Australian school education professionals. Leading Curriculum Change features twelve online, structured learning modules which will give teachers the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead the implementation of a curriculum change project at their school. The learning follows four pathways, focussing on skills in: teacher leadership,leading community engagement,leading curriculum implementation, andmanaging innovation and change. Participants can study any or all of the pathways according to their interest and will be certified according to the modules and/or pathways they complete. Key features of the program include: study online, at your own paceaccess high-quality, evidence-based content developed by expertsdevelop a deep understanding of the context and design of the Australian Curriculumplan for the implementation of the Australian Curriculumlearn alongside colleagues from across Australia. Type: Program
Särbegåvade barn får ofta problem i skolan Rasmus Pedersen hade ofta problem när han var mindre. Han lärde sig läsa snabbt men var inte glad på dagis. – När han var 5 år så sa han att han inte ville leva längre. Han hade inga kompisar och inte kul på dagis, säger Rasmus mamma Jessica Pedersen. Det startades en utredning vid elevhälsan - och där föll bitarna på plats - det var inte adhd eller någon annan diagnos. Vid elevhälsan i Rättvik har psykologen Anita Kullander specialiserat sig på barn med särbegåvning. Några regelrätta intelligenstest görs inte, men däremot genomförs andra tester och intervjuer med barnen. Svårt med upprepningar Det är till exempel ganska vanligt att barnen inte gör läxor eftersom de redan tycker att de kan det som efterfrågas. Anita Kullander berättar att det är ganska vanligt i yngre åldrar att barn agerar lärare, och vill hjälpa sina kamrater. Psykolog: Många mobbas Ofta vill barnet inte skylta med sig begåvning. Får extrauppgifter För Rasmus Pedersen har det blivit bättre.
MindShift | How we will learn MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions. We examine how learning is being impacted by technology, discoveries about how the brain works, poverty and inequities, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking and music, among many other topics. We look at how learning is evolving in the classroom and beyond.We also revisit old ideas that have come full circle in the era of the over scheduled child, such as unschooling, tinkering, playing in the woods, mindfulness, inquiry-based learning and student motivation. We report on shifts in how educators practice their craft as they apply innovative ideas to help students learn, while meeting the rigorous demands of their standards and curriculum. Contact the us by email.
What Does Leadership on a Professional Learning Team Look Like? Posted by Bill Ferriter on Thursday, 07/04/2013 As a full-time teacher and part-time consultant on Professional Learning Community implementation, I'm always asked questions like, "What kinds of things can teachers do to move their learning teams forward?" or "What kinds of people make the best leaders for learning teams?" Answering those questions starts by understanding that "moving learning teams forward" depends on three core behaviors: Nurturing Strong Relationships: The most successful learning teams care about each other, y'all. They see one another as competent, capable practitioners. Defining a Clear Vision of What "Forward" Looks Like: Strong relationships aren't enough to move learning teams forward, however. #nuffsaid Moving forward, then, depends on a team's ability to define what "forward" actually looks like. Simple stuff, right? Relationship builders aren't driven by setting vision. Does any of this make sense? Related Radical Reads:
Vad är en bra lektion? Ett vanligt och djupt rotad sätt att se på undervisning är att den som vet något ska berätta och visa för den som ska lära sig. Undervisning betraktas då som något som ska överföras till andra. Forskning visar dock att elevers skolframgång avgörs av i vilken mån lärarna lyckas försätta sig i elevens position. På så sätt kan pedagogerna utforma undervisningen så att den bygger på de attityder, färdigheter, kunskaper, intressen och behov som just de aktuella eleverna har. Elever kommer till klassrummet med föreställningar om hur världen fungerar. Variation av arbetsformerForskning har visat att en variation av arbetsformer är fördelaktigt för elevers måluppfyllelse och engagemang i sitt eget lärande. Undervisning kan också ske genom utomhusaktiviteter utanför klassrummet. Kamrater kan hjälpa varandra"Peer learning" är ett område som uppmärksammats i internationell forskning för att förbättra elevers lärande i klassrummet.
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John Hattie on School Leadership Show me your effect size! Last week I transcribed a short video of a speech by Dylan Wiliam that celebrated the magnificently complex vocation that is teaching and how every teacher can improve – see here. At a similar time to watching the Dylan Wiliam video, and finding it struck a resonant chord, I read transcript of a speech given by John Hattie to school leaders in Auckland, New Zealand in 2002. John Hattie is now widely known for his seminal research undertaken for his data rich tome ‘Visible Learning‘, but this speech wasn’t known to me. When I read it, immediately key messages about leadership in schools, and the questions we should be asking about improving schools, emerged that I thought were worth sharing. In a week when the Labour Shadow Secretary of Education, Tristam Hunt, has managed to alienate large swathes of his voting core with proposed legislation, you have to wonder about what solutions do have a chance to improve our schools. 1.
Skolutveckling | Framtidens skola Umeå universitet Centrum för skolledarutveckling Rektorsprogrammet, Kurs 3 Resan mot den omdefinierade skolan – Pedagogiken i fokus i en digital miljö Strategier för verksamhetsutveckling och utveckling av lärandet på Magnarps skola, Ängelholms kommun 2011-2014 Fredrik Andersson RP 09:4 Innehållsförteckning Introduktion……………………………………………………………………………………………2 Teoretisk modell……………..………………………………………………………………………2 Verksamhetens uppdrag, mål och styrdokument……….………………………….…..5 Forskning och litteratur…………………………………………………………………………..7 Nulägesanalys av verksamheten ur ett organisationsperspektiv………………….10 Mål och vision………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Strategier……………………………………………………………………………………………….13 Analys och slutsatser……………………………………………………………………….……..18 Referenslista……………………………………………………………………………………………….19 Introduktion Magnarps skola är en kommunal F-9 skola belägen i det nordvästra hörnet av Ängelholms kommun. Teoretisk modell Verksamhetens uppdrag, mål och styrdokument