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For Nonprofits

For Nonprofits

Google Announces New Service for Nonprofits Google has announced a new program for nonprofits, which they say will include a grant for adwords, exclusive tools, and collaboration forums. "Instead of applying to each Google product individually," nonprofits can apply for a suite of tools here, according to Google's blog post. The user-friendly site,, looks like it aims to simplify and educate how nonprofits can use the wide array of google products for their organization (like this video below). For now, it wasn't immediately obvious what new or "exclusive" tools will be offered to nonprofits, how google would determine the grant size for adwords, or who is (and is not) qualified. *update: Google has responded to our inquires. "-a marketplace of Certified Google Partners (in Adwords, Apps, Analytics, Website Optimizer, Geo and more) that have offered to help nonprofits optimize Google tools at a special discounted rate or pro-bono -up to $10,000 a month in advertising on Google AdWords to reach more donors

Online Giving, One Person at a Time “This cracks the code for how you get regular people, not the superwealthy, to give money,” Mr. Green said. “It works because your birthday is a time when it’s acceptable to ask for something, and your friends want to give you something.” Each friend might give a small donation—$10 or $20 or so—but together, each wish might generate hundreds or thousands of dollars. Causes is just one method for nonprofits to press for more action from their audiences. Some people may not be ready to donate money immediately, but what if you can coerce them to do something else on behalf of your organization? The jury may still be out on which campaigns will work to get this kind of response and which won’t. So far, some of them may not have done anything other than express tepid support. Giving Published: November 10, 2010 Go to Complete List » Go to Complete List » Go to Complete List » Inside More in Giving (1 of 15 articles) Precious Eyes

Shows The Ultimate 8-Week HIIT-For-Fat-Burning Program Vital Stats Name: Jim Stoppani, PhD Occupation: Creator of JYM Supplement Science, fitness coach and consultant Website: As far as cardio training goes, high-intensity interval training, aka HIIT, has been exactly that among serious fitness enthusiasts—a big "hit." HIIT has nothing to do with becoming a Mafia assassin, although your body fat may feel like you finally have it in the crosshairs. This form of cardio intersperses intervals of high-intensity exercise (such as sprinting) with intervals of either low-intensity exercise (such as walking at a slow pace) or complete rest. With HIIT, you'll be running (or cycling or whatever) like a bat out of hell for brief stretches, but the net effect when all's said and done is better results in less time. HIIT was developed decades ago by track coaches to better prepare runners. "HIIT training has nothing to do with becoming a mafia assassin" Growing Body of Evidence The research has continued along the same lines: Dr. Go Now!

Analysis Exchange Benefits for Organizations and Causes | Web Analytics Consulting from Web Analytics Demystified Ideo: Good Stories Make Good Brands. Here's 4 Tips and 7 Examples | Co.Design This is the latest piece in our PATTERNS series by IDEO. Read more about the series here. Every product needs a story, as does every brand. The product's origin. The creators' ideals. Or a unique experience. Consumers are looking to share narratives as a way to express their knowledge, identity, status, and connections. TAKE ACTION: Designing for Life's Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. THE EVIDENCE: Stories from Around the Globe Shoes Make the Man A self-proclaimed sneaker geek, Carl has over 500 pairs in his collection. Bragging Rights on a Global Scale A lot of people travel to Costa Rica to take surf lessons. Lee, a 36-year-old investment banker from Manhattan, works hard to attract opportunities like this. Working in a typically male-dominated industry, she may not always get invited to go bear hunting with the guys in Alaska. Discerning Chickens Cause a Stir In Andhra Pradesh, India, a region where clean water is scarce, one humble local farmer's chickens are better off than most people. Red Cross

Herramientas Erre mais rápido, mais alto, mais forte O lema olímpico é fantástico em todos os sentidos, até mesmo na gestão de um negócio. Lembram dele? Citius, Altius, Fortius (O mais rápido, o mais alto, o mais forte) No entanto, não quero falar aqui da analogia óbvia de competitividade de mercado, mas da necessidade de uma empresa errar para conseguir vencer. Assine nossa newsletter Receba ferramentas de gestão gratuitas toda semana! Em muitos casos vemos a mentalidade escolar de acreditar na resposta certa para acertar na prova imperar. A verdade? Portanto, trate de errar olimpicamente, mais rápido, mais alto e mais forte. A frase acima mostra novamente que o conceito de falhar praticamente não existe em uma atividade empreendedora. [youtube 5jLZFwen5Q8] O Coyote é um exemplo perfeito do que um empreendedor não deve fazer. É isso ai galera! Desejo à todos um feliz natal! Google+

Talent competitions The Migros Culture Percentage grants financial support to cultural and social projects. General terms The Migros Culture Percentage awards contributions to domestic projects, with a focus on quality and professionalism. Merely fulfilling formal criteria is not enough to receive financial support. As a rule, a partial amount of the overall financing is granted. No contributions are made to capital accumulations, and no interest-free loans are granted. Applications accepted only by e-mail Please note: Applications can only be submitted via e-mail. Competence Institutions, projects and events of trans-regional significance or that are clearly of a pilot-project nature are within the competence of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives.
