UFO Casebook, UFO Sightings, UFO Case files, UFO Photos, UFO Pictures, UFO Video, Aliens, UFO News, Magazine WhatDoesItMean Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i… 140411 Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa Mission Collected VIDEOS (playlist) . Click the arrow to play all the videos taken on this day (videos play automatically, in consecutive order). These are all HI DEF videos. To view in Hi Def, please be sure to click the “sprocket” at lower right, and select 720 (or 1080). Like this: Like Loading... 140409 Kaloli Point, Waikaumalo Stream, Pa’auilo Mission Collected VIDEOS (playlist) 140407 Place of Refuge, South Point, Hilina Pali Mission Collected VIDEOS (playlist) [Kp OOPS update: ... the first video is actually LO def. 140405 Niuli’i, Kekaha Kai, Kona Mission Collected VIDEOS (playlist) Note from David Wilcock 4-11-14… This was posted at the top of DivineCosmos.com today. “Friday 4/11: PLEASE NOTE: Not surprisingly, the US again refused to sign the deal to give BRICS their fair share of control of the world financial system in meetings on April 10th and 11th in Washington DC. Mauna Kea as viewed from Mauna Loa… I’ve NEVER seen this view before!!!
THE UFO CHRONICLES | UFO News • Reports • Sightings • From Around The World Google Scholar DRUDGE REPORT 2012® strangemag.com - Investigating Strange Phenomena Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms The Anomalies Channel UFO files | Newly released files from The National Archives Skip to Main Content Home > UFOs UFOs Newly released UFO files from the UK government Files released in June 2013 The final tranche of UFO files released by The National Archives contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters, and photos and parliamentary questions covering the final two years of the Ministry of Defence's UFO Desk (from late 2007 until November 2009). Discover the reasons behind the closure of the UFO desk, the handling of the largest number of UFO sighting reports received in 30 years and the disclosure campaign for ‘the truth’, which was sparked by the closure of the UFO Desk. Start by reading our highlights guide (PDF, 363kb) to help navigate your way through the files. Previous file releases The National Archives holds other UFO files that have already been released by the Ministry of Defence. Videocast Could not load plugins: File not found Dr David Clarke, an expert in UFO history, guides us through the highlights of the newly released UFO files. Bookshop