ANCIENT EGYPT : The Ten Keys of Hermes Trismegistos
I, King Pepi, am THOTH, the mightiest of the gods ... Pyramid Texts, § 1237. I, said he, am POIMANDRES, the Mind of the Sovereignty.
Things Writers Forget When Writing Fight Scenes
Recently, I attended VCON, a science fiction and fantasy conference in Surrey (part of Metro Vancouver) and attended a session called “Writing About Fighting.” The panel consisted of writers and experts who were disciplined in multiple martial arts, including authors Lorna Suzuki and T.G. Shepherd, and Devon Boorman, the swordmaster of Academie Duello in Vancouver. (I lost my program, so if you remember who else was there, please leave it in the comments, below) For me, this talk was so fascinating, it was worth the cost of admission to VCON. In fact, I spent days thinking about the topics discussed and tried to incorporate them into The Watcher Saga.
Creating fictional characters requires adversity, There are few happy stories in the world. There are happy endings. There are happy characters. Few stories revolve around the good things that happen to people. If they do, there is a downside to the “good things” that happen to them. Stories are about adversity and conflict.
Story Values
If there is anything in that stands out as the most useful bit of technique you can learn, this is it. Story Values. Everything else in this book is important or useful.
Fictional Culture
The way I build worlds is by collecting cool stuff from the history, myth and people around me. I blend these details with my own imagination, and create my own cultures. Culture is a vital part to realistic worldbuilding.
Creative Writing Ideas
If you are a writer, don't sit there hoping for ideas. There are techniques you can use right now to produce as many ideas as you will need. Here are some of the best and some of the easiest. Combining Stories "Concept combination" is a great problem solving technique used especially for creating new products to sell. It can be used a good way to create new stories, and is usually good for a few laughs.
Creating an Original Character
By Maisha Foster-O'Neal You've heard the old maxim before... 'a character can make or break your story.' Okay, okay, so you want to write an interesting character. You've got some plot ideas, you know a little bit about your world, but now you need your characters.
Ten Creative Writing Activities
During the Fall, a couple teachers asked me to tackle a list of creative writing assignments. It's taken me a while, but here they are. While they are all phrased for creative writing assignments here, many of them could be revised to work for other kinds of essays. The Show & Tell assignment and the Scavenger Hunt assignment, for example, could easily become descriptive essays.
Trade in Ancient Egypt
Trade has always been a vital aspect of any civilization whether at the local or international level. However many goods one has, whether as an individual, a community, or a country, there will always be something one lacks and will need to purchase through trade with another. Ancient Egypt was a country rich in many natural resources but still was not self-sufficient and so had to rely on trade for necessary goods and luxuries. Trade began in the Predynastic Period in Egypt (c. 6000 - c. 3150 BCE) and continued through Roman Egypt (30 BCE-646 CE). For most of its history, ancient Egypt's economy operated on a barter system without cash.
100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing
it’s not only students at online colleges for creative writing who need good writing skills. Solid writing skills open up career-boosting opportunities for professional writers and for those with aspirations beyond their basic job description. Journalists, fiction writers, scientists, teachers, business professionals, law students, and other professionals can all get ahead by inspiring and influencing others with their writing.
Creative Writing 101
RJ Great article. Morning is definitely the time where I am most creative. I think it’s because my mind is the freshest and the least cluttered at this time of day. Doug Rosbury When I write, it is with an emphasis on the sharing of wisdom arising from my life experience.
Ancient Egypt Military
Egypt’s defensive advantages were not enough to stop the conquering Hyskos, who invaded at the end of the Middle Kingdom. The Egyptians learned from their defeat and reinvented their army, ushering in a new age of military glory. The Egyptian lands of the Archaic Period, Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom were not devoid of armies or enemies, however. Nomads raided from the desert; Libyans attacked the Nile delta; and the Nubians threatened the southern border. The Pharaohs responded with force.
Downloadable Books Catalogs (More than 1500 pdf books)...
These catalogs give me the opportunity to present collections or groups of related books in a more detailed and sympathetic context than the normal website allows, and will also enable me to give people first choice at some of the more interesting new arrivals. As usual I have a variety of other catalogs in preparation. Future catalogs will be devoted to Hermetica, Witchcraft, Astrology, Kabbalah, Grimoires, Theosophy and also Aleister Crowley, H.P.Blavatsky, George Robert Stowe Mead, Gerald Gardner, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Hermes Trismegistus, Eliphas Levi, Austin Osman Spare, Ea Wallis Budge, Arthur Edward Waite, Leonardo Da Vinci, Louis Claude De Saint Martin. All of the materials here are presented in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, as it is accessible to users of most computer platforms. The Adobe Acrobat Reader also allows one to view the graphics in high resolution, and to print them out on laser printers with high quality.
Our Authors: Traci Gardner
Grades 3 – 5 | Lesson Plan | Recurring Lesson A Daily DEAR Program: Drop Everything, and Read! The teacher shouts, "Drop Everything and Read!" and students settle into their seats to read books they've selected. This independent reading program helps students build a lifelong reading habit. Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson