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Writing Contests Here's how you can contribute to Open Places. Weekly Writing and Photography ContestsWe host weekly contests that are designed to be thought-provoking and creative. We have selected 274 contest winners, awarding more than $360,000 in freelance writing and photography contracts and prizes.Contribute to an Existing PlaceYou can submit on the pool of places our editors recommend just by browsing around the site and clicking "Submit."Suggest a New Place Know of a new place we should add? WritingFuel I founded eReleases more than 11 years ago after seeing PR firms reject small businesses who didn't want a long-term contract or a $1,500 bill for distributing a single press release. Today, eReleases is the leader in affordable press release distribution. I am proud to say not a single competitor comes close to offering as much value as eReleases provides for the price. We have generated tens of millions of dollars in publicity for our clients — just a few hundred dollars at a time.

23 Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. ~Ernest Hemingway How strong is your writing? No matter how good you think it is, there’s always room for improvement. In most cases, plenty of room. Creative Writing Classes in NYC and Online with Professional Writing Instructors A novel is the ultimate literary adventure—a journey into the lives and trials of characters a reader comes to know in a deeply personal way. With a multitude of personalities and situations, a great novel offers endless fascination for the reader. For many, a favorite novel—Anna Karenina, The Great Gatsby, Beloved—stands as a peak experience in a life.

University of Victoria - Counselling Services Skills in organizing and integrating information are an important component of thinking critically and of applying the abstract material that you learn at university, and are a prerequisite to independent thinking and problem solving in your discipline. Your education will take on a new dimension when you begin to organize what you learn in your own way, and connect what you learn in your discipline with how you interpret your world. Guidelines and Tips You can begin to think independently simply by working from memory. Reorganize the material you have learned from your lectures and readings in ways that make sense to you; then asking challenging questions about the concepts, and trying to answer them. Try to figure out what kinds of questions are appropriate to ask, and what sorts of answers are required.

Writing Psychology Papers – Tips and Advice for Writing Psychology Papers The ability to write well is one of the most important skills you can gain as a psychology major. Most psychology courses require a significant amount of writing, including essays, case studies, research reports, and other papers. Learning effective communication skills will help you succeed in high school, university, graduate school and the work force.

Tips for Writing Research Paper Home :: academic tips :: tips for writing research paper Tips for Writing Research Paper Getting Started How to write a novel In this article I will discuss how to write a novel. (Articles Index) I'm currently putting together a how-to book containing updated and revised editions of all my articles on writing and publishing, plus a lot of new material. If you'd like to know more, follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter Creative Writing 101 RJ Great article. Morning is definitely the time where I am most creative. I think it’s because my mind is the freshest and the least cluttered at this time of day. Doug Rosbury When I write, it is with an emphasis on the sharing of wisdom arising from my life experience.

Articles Creating fictional characters requires adversity, There are few happy stories in the world. There are happy endings. There are happy characters. Few stories revolve around the good things that happen to people. If they do, there is a downside to the “good things” that happen to them. Stories are about adversity and conflict. Open content Creative work that others can freely copy or modify without asking permission The logo on the screen in the subject's left hand is a Creative Commons license, while the paper in his right hand explains, in Khmer, that the image is open content. History[edit] The concept of applying free software licenses to content was introduced by Michael Stutz, who in 1994 wrote the paper "Applying Copyleft to Non-Software Information" for the GNU Project. The term "open content" was coined by David A. Wiley in 1998 and evangelized via the Open Content Project, describing works licensed under the Open Content License (a non-free share-alike license, see 'Free content' below) and other works licensed under similar terms.[1]

Writing Tips - General On other pages of this site, you can read many of my best writing tips. But this page is for you! Your tip can be about a grammar or spelling rule, the writing process, or how to get published. Anything you think another writer will appreciate belongs here. Creative Writing Ideas If you are a writer, don't sit there hoping for ideas. There are techniques you can use right now to produce as many ideas as you will need. Here are some of the best and some of the easiest. Combining Stories "Concept combination" is a great problem solving technique used especially for creating new products to sell. It can be used a good way to create new stories, and is usually good for a few laughs.

Ten Creative Writing Activities During the Fall, a couple teachers asked me to tackle a list of creative writing assignments. It's taken me a while, but here they are. While they are all phrased for creative writing assignments here, many of them could be revised to work for other kinds of essays. The Show & Tell assignment and the Scavenger Hunt assignment, for example, could easily become descriptive essays.
