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MindMup with Google Drive

MindMup with Google Drive
Google Drive is a cloud storage from Google that you can use to store and manage private maps, or collaborate with colleagues and friends in a controlled environment. This page outlines the most important information about working with Google Drive in MindMup. For more information on Google Drive in general, and associated products, see the Google Drive support page. Prerequisites You will need a Google account to store files to Drive. Private Google accounts have access to Drive without any special requirements. MindMup does not need to know any particular details about your Google account and when working with Drive, the data passes from your browser to Drive directly, without going to our servers. Getting started The first time you try to save a map to Google Drive, or to open a map stored on Google Drive by someone else, MindMup will ask you to authorise access to your Drive. If you are not currently logged in to your Google account, Google might pop up a dialog asking you to log in.

Bienvenue sur le site ! The Best Mind Mapping Tools and Apps for Teachers and Students March 4 , 2014 Creating and using mind maps is a great way to get students brainstorming ideas about a given topic, organize their thought processes and turn these ideas into a neatly written pieces. I have been using several web tools with my students over the past few years. From teaching vocabulary to getting students engaged in the prewriting process, I found the functionalities and ease of use of these web tools a great way to enhance students productivity. Over last weekend, I have been working on a list that features the most important mind mapping tools and apps that teachers can use with their students. Check them out below. 1- Popplet Popplet is a free online tool that allows you to create mind mapping and brainstorming diagrams. 2- MindMeister The leading online mind mapping application, MindMeister allows your team to be more innovative by providing a shared collaboration and brainstorming environment on the web. 3- SpiderScribe 4- Bubblus 8- LucidChart c iPad mind mapping apps:

11 (Almost) Free Mind Mapping Apps for the iPad | TEL@Tees Mind mapping is a method that works for quite a lot of people. Brain storming, idea mapping, thought generation, think tanks – call it what you will. Traditionally done on large pieces of paper, why not use your iPad to create mind maps? Edit (October 2013) After some chats with Tim Foster, the developer of Cell Storm I feel it appropriate to draw your attention to some interesting and relevant points he had made. Summary of apps reviewed Click the icon to go to the website, or click the title to go to a more detailed review. Inspiration Maps Lite This is a nice straightforward tool, with the added benefit of being able to create your maps either visually or via text. Mindomo Probably my favourite app reviewed, Mindomp is an all round performer with lots of nice visual touches. Cell Storming Free Whilst I admire this rather off the wall app, I felt it didn’t really work. DropMind® Lite A pretty simple looking app that crashed extensively on my iPad. Grafio Lite MindMeister Idea Sketch MindGenius

How to use illustration on websites - 5 creative examples Illustration can add character, warmth and personality into your web design. However, there is a danger of muddying the waters of interaction and communication if it isn't done well. It's important to make sure there is a clear distinction between interactive elements and illustrative content. This will ensure that the site is not only beautiful to look at but is also easy for users to navigate through and take any action, such as signing up for a newsletter. Different styles Differentiating between interaction and illustration can be approached in several different ways. For example, if the illustration is heavily textured and rough, perhaps everything the user interacts with should have sharp edges and drop shadows. Clearing the way The point is that making these elements visually distinct from the illustration helps reduce confusion by making sure that users can easily spot what they want to do or where they want to go. Five examples to check out 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

Five Best Mind Mapping Tools MindMaple: mindmapping multiplateforme, collaboratif et gratuit ! Mindmaple frappe fort ! Le logiciel de mindmapping se conjugue aujourd’hui sur Windows, iPhone, et iPad. Et permet le travail collaboratif en temps réel en utilisant Google Drive. Et tout cela, gratuitement pendant toute l’année 2013 ! Il y a quelques mois, je vous avais déjà dit tout le bien que je pensais de MindMaple, un logiciel de mindmapping dont l’évolution me paraissait étonnante. Aujourd’hui, ses développeurs frappent de nouveau un grand coup ! Un logiciel réellement multiplateforme J’ai voulu en savoir plus et vérifier que la solution trouvée par MindMaple tient toutes ses promesses. J’ai donc téléchargé MindMaple sur mon iPhone pour tester cette version entièrement gratuite. Cette version iPhone n’est pas une version bridée, limitée à quelques fonctions basiques, mais un réel logiciel de mindmapping avec les fonctions intégration d’image, de notes, de liens et de tâches pour la gestion de projets ! De l’iPhone au PC J’ai résumé mes premières impressions sur la mindmap suivante.

Popplet: Utilsation pédagogique Popplet est un outil en ligne qui permet de créer des présentations multimédias de manière très simple. Les enseignants de langue et de discipline en langue étrangère y trouveront matière à concevoir des activités pour et avec leurs classes. Créer des galeries multimédias On désigne par le terme de "pop-up" la fenêtre qui s'ouvre en marge d'un écran de navigation sur Internet. Est-ce pour cette raison que Popplet, application en ligne qui permet de créer pléthore de pop-up, a été ainsi nommée ? De fait, cet outil numérique (en anglais) invite l'utilisateur, une fois gratuitement inscrit sur le site, à créer des galeries d'images fixes ou animées (dessins, cartes, photographies, vidéos, etc, que l'utilisateur peut directement télécharger depuis son ordinateur ou depuis le site Flickr), des cartes heuristiques et toute sorte de diagrammes multimédias à partir de petites fenêtres qu'il est possible de multiplier à l'envie puis de relier entre elles - pour faire un exposé par exemple.
