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Premier Automne (2013)

Premier Automne (2013)
Related:  Watching

Yoga - with dogs It started in the US, when a growing band of health-conscious dog owners wanted a way of combining their favourite exercise with spending quality time with their pets. Now 'Doga' - yoga with dogs - is growing in popularity in the UK, mainly thanks to the efforts of Swiss-born yoga teacher Mahny Djahanguiri. She runs classes in London for people and their pets, and while the dogs do not really get a yoga workout themselves, they certainly play a part in some of the poses. A spokesperson from the Dogs Trust said: "It is important to remember that dogs can't tell us when they have had enough. BBC News went along to find out more about about the activity. Stop/Start is a series of video features for the BBC News website which follows both new trends that are beginning and old traditions that are coming to an end. Video journalist: Tom Beal

The Deep - PES TOP COURTS METRAGES. Parce que j'envisage de faire la plus longue liste de courts métrages, divers et en tout genre, sur senscritique. Esthétique du Carton Ces films avec décors en bois et en carton assumés et non-cachés, où les matériaux, de bric et de broc, sont volontairement laissés à nu, bruts, les... Florilège de courts métrages d'animation internationaux ( XXIè s.) Avec : L'Ondée, The Little Girl Who Was Forgotten, La Maison en petits cubes, Le Silence Sous l'écorce, Wings and Oars, The Girl and the Fox Court-metrages d'animation Avec : Fresh Guacamole, The Longest Daycare, Adam and Dog, Head Over Heels, Paperman, Balance Mes courts Avec : Kus me zachtjes, Dit is Ronald, 5 mètres 80, L'homme la femme et le majordome, Babel, Premier Voyage Courts métrages Avec : Fresh Guacamole, Le Café, La Révolution des crabes, Le Joueur d'échecs, Western Spaghetti, The Deep

Handpicked with Love: Vimeo’s Top 12 Videos of 2012 The Story of Bottled Water - The Story of Stuff Project The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day), employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows virtually free from the tap. Over five minutes, the film explores the bottled water industry’s attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call for viewers to make a personal commitment to avoid bottled water and support public investment in clean, available tap water for all. Credits The Story of Bottled Water was co-created and released by The Story of Stuff Project and a coalition of partners, including Corporate Accountability International, Food & Water Watch, Polaris Institute, Pacific Institute and Environmental Working Group. The movie was produced by Free Range Studios. Show full list of credits

Le Royaume TOP COURTS METRAGES. Parce que j'envisage de faire la plus longue liste de courts métrages, divers et en tout genre, sur senscritique. Court métrage d'Animation Avec le lien pour visionner. si possible :) ps: prévenez moi dans les coms s'il y a des liens morts ;) court métrage pas répertorié sur... Gobelins, l'Ecole de l'image 2007 - 2013 Films de fin d'études 2011 : Films de fin d'études 2012 : Films de... Test Yourself: Stroop Effect The Cat Piano - Eddie White et Ari Gibson Top Court-métrage d'Animation Beaucoup sont trouvable sur internet. Bon voyage ! Mon top animateurs qui excellent sur le format court : - David O'Railly :... Les meilleures animations selon SC, type courts-métrages Afin d'y dénicher le meilleur du genre, je partirai sur ces critères : 8/10 selon 5 notes minimum (bon parfois je triche...) Bien sûr, si j'en... Les tantes qui me courent A moins que ce soit les courts qui me tente...

Shakespeare Solos: watch the first six films | Stage Adrian Lester, Hamlet ‘To be or not to be’ Adrian Lester performs Hamlet’s soliloquy from act III, scene 1, in which the prince reflects on mortality and considers taking his own life. Joanna Vanderham, Romeo and Juliet ‘The mask of night is on my face’ Joanna Vanderham speaks Juliet’s monologue from the balcony scene in which she insists that her devotion to Romeo is true even if it has been a whirlwind romance. Roger Allam, King Lear ‘Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks’ Roger Allam plays Lear in act III, scene 2 of the tragedy. Eileen Atkins, Othello ‘I do think it is their husbands’ faults’ Eileen Atkins speaks Emilia’s lines from Othello, act IV scene 3. David Morrissey, Richard III ‘Now is the winter of our discontent’ David Morrissey speaks the play’s opening lines in which the scheming Richard lays out his plan to turn his brothers, the Duke of Clarence and King Edward IV, against each other. Ayesha Dharker, A Midsummer Night’s Dream ‘These are the forgeries of jealousy’
