moopy & me As those of you who have read my blog a few times may know ... I love picture books and include them in so much of what we do with the children in the studio. Children can relate to the artworks within and being familiar with the stories & illustrations makes introducing new art concepts super easy. They are also just plain old fun & relaxing! These photos are almost a year old ... from Term 3 last year when we focused on illustration.. You can see that the children have used a soft dark pencil to sketch from life first (onto quality watercolour paper), spending time to really look into my little plant still life. Then finally we whip out the melty dazzling watercolours to paint any way we fancy... making sure to explore new colours. How amazing are Leo Leonni's illustrations! PS Did you know I blog over here about the art classes for children...
30+ High Quality Metallic Texture, Pattern, Brushes and Photoshop Tutorials Most textures and patterns don’t look attractive in raw or when they are standalone, and these metallic ones are certainly no exceptional. However, with the right mixtures (and some creativity), these raw materials could output you some of the nicest metallic-themed design. If you are looking to create some realistic metallic design, here’s a collection of Metallic Textures, Pattern, Brushes and Photoshop Tutorial that could come in handy. Here are some related articles you might be interested: Full list after jump. Brushes and Patterns Arc’s Rivets + Metal Brushesby Arcy-is-distracted138 Custom Photoshop Brushes, includes Rivets, Screw-heads, Bolt-heads, Metal seams, Metal seams w/ rivets, Complete Panels, Vents, Holes and more. Barbed Wire brushby Cat-in-the-StockTwo barbed wire brushes. Bullet Holes Brushesby redheadstockA set of brushes made up of various types of bullet holes. Spiderman Patternby s0nkite Metal Setby for-certain9 metal texture brush set. Idyllic’s -Metal- Brushesby Chalob
Résidus L’Encyclopédie de la parole est un projet collectif qui cherche à appréhender transversalement la diversité des formes orales. Depuis septembre 2007, l'Encyclopédie de la parole collecte toutes sortes d'enregistrements et les répertorie en fonction de phénomènes particuliers de la parole : cadences, choralités, compressions, emphases, espacements, mélodies, répétitions, résidus, saturations, timbres, etc. Chacune de ces notions constitue une entrée de l'Encyclopédie, dotée d'un corpus sonore et d'une notice explicative. À partir de ces enregistrements, l'Encyclopédie de la parole produit des pièces sonores, des spectacles, des performances, des conférences, des installations, un jeu, qui sont présentés lors d'ouvertures publiques. L’Encyclopédie de la parole est animée par un collectif de poètes, d'acteurs, d'artistes plasticiens, d'ethnographes, de musiciens, de curateurs, de metteurs en scène, de dramaturges, de chorégraphes, de réalisateurs de radio. 51 High Quality Free Texture Packs To Download | You the Designer Resources June 23, 2011 Use of texture in web design is extremely common. So every designer is loking for textures but they do not get all at one place so in this collection we have collected different types of textures like grunge, rust, watercolor, bokeh, leather, fabric, metal, natural, paper, graffiti and more. In this round-up we’ve collected 51 awesome free texture packs to freshen up your designs. Apple iOS Linen Texture Download Source 18 essential grunge textures Download Source 6 high quality seamless paper textures Download Source 10 High Resolution Cloud Textures Download Source 12 psychedelic stained paper textures Download Source Nine vignetted vintage paper textures Download Source 5 High Resolution Brick & Tile Textures Download Source Colorful grunge textures vol-2 Download Source 10 free high res watercolor textures Download Source 10 High Resolution Grungy Surface Textures Download Source 5 High Resolution Grungy Paper Textures Download Source Wallpaper Textures – 27 Free Images TexturePack
L'augmentation selon Perec On sait que les membres de l’Oulipo (OUvroir de LIttérature POtentielle) se définissaient comme des « rats qui construisent eux-mêmes le labyrinthe dont ils se proposent de sortir ». Cette métaphore pourrait également illustrer L’Art et la manière d’aborder son chef de service pour lui demander une augmentation, joyau de Georges Perec écrit en 1968 pour la revue L’Enseignement programmé, longtemps inédit et enfin disponible chez Hachette Littératures. Ecrire sous la contrainte, produire des structures et organigrammes pour stimuler la créativité, tel est aussi le propos de ce texte. Tout part d’un organigramme, logique et parodique, reproduit en incipit du livre, sur une double page : Tout se déroule ensuite, sur 88 pages, denses, sans ponctuation sinon l’ultime point, sans majuscule. Perec joue du double sens de l’hypothèse, littéraire et scientifique. Perec s’amuse de cette spécularité, des effets de mise en abyme. Perec joue et se joue de nous.
EcoInspired Handprinted Fabrics, Hemp Fabrics, Eco Friendly Fabrics, Eco Fabrics Texture Packs Jun 02 2010 By By Janos Racz Every designer knows the importance of using the right textures in designs. And while there are many stock image sites all over the Web, we’re fortunate enough to have a generous community that shares these kind of resources openly. Aqueous Sun Texture Pack – Volume I Source: Aqueous Sun Texture Pack – Volume II Aqueous Sun Texture Pack Rust v.01 Massive Grunge Texture Pack Source: Textures 8 Source: Soft Glow Bokeh Pack Source: Folds: Texture Pack Source: Designer Texture Pack #1 Source: Pack 04 Source: Texture Pack 4 – Watercolours Source: Metal Texture Pack – 47 Free Images Brick & Stone: Texture Pack Source: Grungy Cement: Texture Pack Texture set 12 Source: Lava Rock: Texture Pack Elemental Grunge Texture Pack Source: The Hungry Saw
Fiber and Material Studies The School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s (SAIC) Department of Fiber and Material Studies provides you with an interdisciplinary study of fiber, materials, and processes that incorporate art-making approaches including: textile construction, sculpture, installation, action, and craft. Studio Practice Courses emphasize the production of textiles and fiber arts within a contemporary art context and supported by current theoretical discourse. Students learn a vast range of textile construction, surface techniques, and processes, including: weaving, print, dye, stitch, soft sculpture, felting, knitting, crochet, spinning, collage, and embellishment. History and Theory Studio practice is supported and contextualized through teaching that emphasizes the histories that are deeply interwoven into this discipline. In addition to studio and classroom experiences, Chicago offers you a wealth of opportunities for studying Fiber and Material Studies within an art or cultural context.
Christy Matson Lined & Unlined Above, from top: MacPaint tool palettes, designed by Susan Kare, 1983–84; George J. Sowden, interior designs, 1983. Plastic laminates had been around for awhile. Above, left to right, top to bottom: Michele De Lucchi, “Fantastic,” 1981; Ettore Sottsass, “Rete 2,” 1983; Michele De Lucchi, “Traumatic,” 1983; Michele De Lucchi, “Micidial,” 1981; Ettore Sottsass, “Serpente,” 1979; Ettore Sottsass, “Lamiera,” 1983; Christoph Radl, “Isole,” 1982; Michael Podgorschek, “Argilla,” 1982. The strong graphic patterns Memphis developed hardly helped people feel more at ease. Above, from top: Patterns from Decorattivo design manual, 1975–77; Denis Santachiara, decorations devised on a computer, 1983; Memphis Logo designed by Valentina Grego, 1983. MacPaint was the centerpiece of Mac aesthetics, where users could create their own graphics using tools designed by Susan Kare and her team. Above: Ettore Sottsass, Elea 9003/2 computer for Olivetti, 1982.
3D knitted upholstery fabric by Bouroullec brothers for Kvadrat | more with less Canal, Moraine and Gravel are three collections of 3D knitted and stretch upholstery fabric launched by the Bouroullec brothers for Kvadrat, the danish textile manufacturer. Canal, Moraine y Gravel son tres colecciones de tapicería elástica confeccionada en 3D, presentada por los hermanos Bouroullec para Kvadrat, la fabricante textil danesa. Constructed using a double jersey knit, the collections reveal new surfaces of slightly quilted fabric. Realizados con punto doble de jersey, las colecciones revelan nuevas superficies de tela ligeramente acolchadas. “At the very beginning of our research there was a fascination for the structural traits of textiles that, observed under a magnifying glass, can be interpreted like a lattice of threads – building marvellous architectures,” said the designers. The fabrics combine the flexibility and firmness necessary to upholster a wide variety of shapes with the possibility of less points of stitching. Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
Bacteria Gram negativa Comparación de las envolturas celulares bacterianas. Arriba: Bacteria Gram-positiva. 1-membrana citoplasmática, 2-peptidoglicano, 3-fosfolípidos, 4-proteínas, 5-ácido lipoteicoico.Abajo: Bacteria Gram-negativa. 1-membrana citoplasmática (membrana interna), 2-espacio periplasmático, 3-membrana externa, 4-fosfolípidos, 5-peptidoglicano, 6-lipoproteína, 7-proteínas, 8-lipopolisacáridos, 9-porinas. Las bacterias Gram-negativas presentan dos membranas lipídicas entre las que se localiza una fina pared celular de peptidoglicano, mientras que las bacterias Gram-positivas presentan sólo una membrana lipídica y la pared de peptidoglicano es mucho más gruesa. Al ser la pared fina, no retiene el colorante durante la tinción de Gram.[3] Estructura[editar] La membrana externa contiene diversas proteínas, siendo una de ellas las porinas o canales proteícos que permiten el paso de ciertas sustancias. Patogenia y tratamiento[editar] Muchas especies de bacterias Gram-negativas causan enfermedades.
Eco-friendly / Environmentally-friendly Fashion (Clothing and Textiles)- Natural Fabrics | Care of Materials | Definitions | Resources When moving to an environmentally-friendly lifestyle, one of the key elements to consider is fashion. Did you know that growing cotton uses 22.5 percent of all the insecticides used globally? Growing enough cotton for one t-shirt requires 257 gallons of water. On top of that, bleaching and then dyeing the resulting fabric creates toxins that flow into our ecosystem. The use of rayon for clothing is contributing to the rapid depletion of the world's forests. Fabrics There are a variety of materials considered "environmentally-friendly" for a variety of reasons. The second factor is the ecological footprint of the resource - how much land (usually measured in acres) it takes to bring one of the individuals (plants or animals) to full growth and support it. The third thing to consider in determining the eco-friendliness of a particular product is how many chemicals it requires to grow/process it to make it ready for market. FORTREL EcoSpun™